So my computer is really screwed up?

2016-02-14 10:54 pm
My computer randomly froze while I was watching YouTube, so then I shut the thing down. now, when I try to reboot it, it shows me a blue screen with a sad emoticon, and says 'later, search for Bad_System_config_info.
Some other info:
The computer is a dell latitude e6410
I'm running Windows 10
Tell me if you need anything else

回答 (5)

2016-02-14 11:09 pm

The BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO bug check occurs if the SYSTEM hive is corrupt. However, this corruption is unlikely, because the boot loader, known as NT Loader (NTLDR) in versions of Windows prior to Vista, checks a hive for corruption when it loads the hive.
This bug check can also occur if some critical registry keys and values are missing. Thee keys and values might be missing if a user manually edited the registry.


Try restarting the computer by selecting "last known good configuration" in the boot options.
If the restart does not fix the problem, the registry damage is too extensive. You must reinstall the OS or use the Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) that you previously created by using the Windows Backup tool.
2016-02-20 2:35 am
Roll it back to to the operating system that it came with - Windows 7 or 8. Run Windows Update and ignore Windows 10 because it sounds like your laptop's not completely ready for Windows 10 - or Windows 10 isn't ready for your laptop. Did you check the Dell website to make sure that that make & model are considered by Dell to be compatible with Windows 10? I have an older D-series Dell Latitude - it is not on the Windows 10 list - the one time I tried running Windows 10, it took two days to have me rolling back to Windows 7.

Try again with Windows 10 just before the "Free upgrade" dates end or switch to Linux instead of WIndows. It depends on whether or not you're tied to Windows to run "everything else" in your office (home or work). Students kind of get stuck with what the school uses, so - can you get by without Windows?
2016-02-15 12:28 am
Sounds like you have a virus...
2016-02-15 12:26 am
I have 37yrs of computer experience There is nothing wrong with your Dell computer, your problem is W10 I had the very same problems in 2002 with Xp and Vista crashing on me, so I dumped windows and moved to Linux since then I have never had a systems crash. Dell support and install Linux operating systems, To prove my point visit the Dell engineering website below Linux is a Free Operating system with over 74,400 Free Professional application software packages,
2016-02-14 11:04 pm
Did you recently upgrade to Win 10 or always had Win 10?
Has it ever run correctly on Win 10 or did this just start? If it just started, did anything specific happen that you did just prior to this?

It sounds like some hardware is having issues on Win 10 that needs a Win 10 driver. This is just a guess without more information. But if you upgraded to Win 10, did you verify ALL hardware was compatible with Win 10 before you upgraded?

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