Would you marry a man who watches porn?

2016-02-14 8:07 pm
I absolutely would not and don't understand why women marry and stay in relationships with such men.

They're bad influences and probably will become even more addicted as time goes by, which would likely expose any future children to porn accidentally or on purpose.

Plus, they're likely to be losers (studies show men who watch porn are likely to be losers) and so they're probably going to start seeing their own daughters in a sexual light sooner or later. Since they cant get other women other than their wives who are probably unattractive due to having lower IQs.

回答 (311)

2016-02-15 7:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No, I would not. Men who watch porn are usually unattractive and suck in bed. they are also mentally unstable.
2016-02-16 2:45 am
Do you not realize that the majority of men now days (and in the future) will have watched porn at some point in their lives? I literally just finished watching some porn. Lesbians no less! My GF is away for a week and if I cant try to instigate sex with my gf then I have find an alternative method! I've had times when I haven't watched porn for years, and then for some reason I'll go back to it for a while. It's not affecting my life in anyway so why should I be made to feel ashamed about it? I don't advocate porn as being a good thing but its not evil either, its just sex! Masturbating without visual stimulation is pretty hard for a guy, especially as we get a bit older. And to be quite honest, if men didn't see masturbation as a way of finding relief, then there would be a whole lot more broken hearts in this world let me tell you!!

Yes, there are some bad people out there who take porno's too literally, and yes, it has had a negative affect on some young men's attitudes towards sex with women. But that is up to those men in particular and you cannot be assuming that its going to be the same for everybody and thinking that every man who has watched porn suddenly becomes a horrible, sex obsessed pervert because you will end up hating all men all together forever!!

Seriously, lighten up. I actually think you may be the real loser here. If you think you are going to find one man to marry, who hasn't or doesn't still watch porn you are in for a shock. Or you'll miss out on marriage all together. Good luck!
2016-02-15 7:04 pm
Pfff you are talking about bullshits.
Watching porn is normal, I'm a woman and I watch porn too. Maybe not as often as a few men but I watch it and I don't know where is the problem with that, it's natural to be curious and watch porn. My boyfriend and I even watch porn together just to play and have excitation.. And that doesn't make you a loser or a future perverse or a pedophile. You are mixing everything which isn't good and insulting.
2016-02-15 4:27 am
I think it's important to understand that watching porn doesn't mean a person is unhappy or going to stray...it may just be a temporary diversion from life, which everyone engages in in some manner or another.

If he watches porn once in awhile, it's probably not a big deal.

If he watches it every day, or watches sadistic porn, child porn or something else disturbing, that's a problem.
2016-02-15 10:45 pm
A Canadian university recently tried to do a study of how porn affected men. They were going to compare men that watched porn regularly with men that never watched porn. They couldn't do the study becuse they couldn't find any men that never watched porn.
Men work differently yo women. They're stimulated by visual things. So where a woman will enjoy reading a romantic novel, a man will watch porn. It's no biggie.
If you don't want to marry a man that watches porn, you're going to be a long time single.
2016-02-15 12:08 am
OP, you are frankly an ignorant prude. Basically all men watch porn. the problem isn't watching porn, it's becoming OBSESSED with porn which most men do not. believe it or not, 95% of men prefer a real vagina than their hand so if YOU'RE giving him the goods like you should (and not being the bitter little prude you are) then he won't have time or energy to be watching much porn. and it's way better he watch porn than actually physically cheat on you. get over your insecurities ... loser.
2016-02-15 10:09 am
Looks like there are still women out there that think their man would never cheat or even more dumb..watch porn. I have had 1000 friends over the years and they all had one thing in common. They all watched porn (it dont make you a sex crazed pervert by the way) and every one of them had a wife or GF who never would dream their man would cheat. I have bad news ladies. YES your man would cheat or even worse HAS cheated. A man is only as faithful as his options no matter what he feeds you. Look at the statistics if you dont believe me. How many presidents alone been caught? Not trying to make you feel bad Im just being 100% honest. Look at it this way, if men didnt have such a drive, most of us wouldnt even exist. well, maybe YOUR man is the exception. Keep thinking that. Just do this. Say "Hunny, can I see your Phone for a few?" His reaction will tell you right then and there. Try and see if you dare!
2016-02-14 10:09 pm
Not now, seeing as I'm only 18; but in the near future, yes, I would marry a guy who watches porn. I do so myself occasionally, so why be a hypocrite? I'd rather he get off on that when I'm not around than cheat on me. I fail to see how it's dangerous unless it's sadistic, illegal or controlling his life. Also, he would have been with enough women to know not have unreasonable expectations. Lastly, NOBODY (unless there was something seriously wrong with them) would discuss such things with a child. If I can keep a secret, so can he.
2016-02-15 10:51 pm
I would marry a man who has watched porn in the past. I have watched porn in the past. My boyfriend used to watch porn. I'm sure he still watched porn before we brought sex into the relationship. Now we have sex quite frequently and make it interesting by trying new things. Believe it or not, my sex drive matches or exceeds his and i am a woman. If you take it upon yourself to be a good lover and satisfy both of your needs then he shouldn't need to watch porn. My relationship has a lot of sex and is not just about sex. I would not sleep with him if I wasn't sure that I loved him. But its still very good for the relationship. Sex is healthy for a relationship and for a marriage. You shouldn't be pressured into doing something you are scared to do and you shouldn't feel like you have to do everything he asks you to do, but you should try new things and be inventive.

I also believe that if you two are apart for a while, he shouldn't have to watch porn because I can take care of that as well. There's phone sex, you can send pictures and videos. Obviously you should not do this if you don't trust him 110%.

Anyway, past porn is no biggie. Just take care of each others needs and he will have no reason or time to watch it anymore.
2016-02-16 1:41 am
I feel conflicted on this topic. Part of me understands that it's in a mans nature to watch porn, but the other part of me finds it a tad disrespectful. If you have someone you're comitted to and can get sexual satisfaction from, why do you NEED to watch porn? Even when your partner isn't around, I think men can wait and just masturbate without porn. Honestly, if the man watched porn not that much and showed a lot of respect and love for me, then it'd be an exception. If he barely watched it, then I would be okay. But if it's all the time, then I wouldn't be okay with that. The majority of men can't really make porn an infrequent thing, so I guess finding someone that doesn't watch it or rarely is uncommon..
2016-02-16 3:53 pm
Well, a man who doesn't care about porn would be way more refreshing and appealing.

But sadly, people (especially guys) get so defensive when it comes to porn. They act like someone is dissing
a loved one. Porn actually has negative effects on men, in many ways that would surprise people. (And if
some guy is wondering how, he can easily look it up. There are so many articles and videos that explain why). Most guys don't seem to research it.
They assume that "Well, since all guys watch it, it must be healthy". Which isn't how things work. There are many habits that people used to assume were fine, and they later found out the effects. Men weren't meant to be constantly looking at porn for excitement. But then again, there are some guys who choose to quit watching it, because they've learned about the various effects, and they realize how much better they feel without it. It also changed how they interact with women. They begin to have a healthier outlook on
relationships too, and they feel more confident, cheerful, and even less anxious or depressed.
So it's quite interesting. People are just so weird about porn. Any time someone questions porn for even a
moment, people immediately rush to tell that person that porn is normal and cool, and everyone needs to
like it. Well no, people shouldn't have to like it. People are allowed to have doubts about it.
2016-02-16 5:36 pm
I'm pretty sure a man who has never watched Porn is probably a naive loser. Nobody needs to inflict such behaviour on their children or even expose their children to Porn. It's something that's done in private.

Yes some losers take Porn literally but some people just watch it when they have to. People won't get sexually attracted to their daughters after watching Porn that cannot possibly happen. It's a mindset which would've probably been there already.

I personally have been watching Porn for quite some time and if anything I'm getting bored of it and I'm watching lesser and lesser so no trouble of addiction with increase in time there. Probably you're a looser who cannot score a good guy. If you're going to reject men for such shallow reasons you'll end up alone. Try to look for nice qualities in a guy which you like irrespective of whether he watches Porn or not that way you might find happiness
2016-02-14 11:10 pm
Pretty much all men and women have either seen or watch porn regularly so I think I will most likely end up marrying a man who watches porn especially in this day and age where it is so easily accessible.
2016-02-14 10:35 pm
I'd marry a man who watched porn on occasion. I wouldn't marry a man who had any kind of addiction, though.

Chances are if you end up getting married, your husband will be watching it at some point. You just might not know about it, that's all.
2016-02-14 9:06 pm
There is a definition for your type of person. It's called "prude". Actually there are several words. Your types must be running all about for us to be so imaginative with new words for you.

Edit... I'll comment on the losers thing. It's usually the winners that are sexually promiscuous in real life and not in fantasy. Try that on for size. Your theory has just been flushed. K THX BYE.
2016-02-15 5:23 am
Wow, you're a real piece of work. You're gonna make a husband off himself someday. Studies have not shown that guys who watch porn are more likely to be losers What studies have shown is at a man who watches porn is more likely to be a husband.
2016-02-17 4:13 am
Am about to get married! I watch porn every day, blow a load here and there, everyday. I would never cheat on my girl. Woman are pain in the ***. But you know what they say, " can't live with em, can't live without em" she has no idea I watch it. Men who watch porn are actually better at sex! Can last longer, given the fact that their gun is always empty. I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, been doing it for yrs, it has slowed my sexdrive down. But I still watch. Am a hardcore addict. My girl is super cute. Believe me! That's way am marring her. And she's morally sound. Not all men watch porn. The one percent that don't are hard ore religious folks. They don't drink coke, or engage in profanity, etc... but women, and am not talking to the appalling looking broads, they'll Marry just about anyone who pays attention to em, listen up, most men love to watch porn. Freaking love it!
2016-02-14 8:14 pm
95% of men watch porn, the other 5% lie about it.
It's natural. It has nothing to do with how attractive they are.
If a man finds the perfect porn video, he will continue looking anyway.
2016-02-14 9:09 pm
"Plus, they're likely to be losers (studies show men who watch porn are likely to be losers) and so they're probably going to start seeing their own daughters in a sexual light sooner or later. Since they cant get other women other than their wives who are probably unattractive due to having lower IQs."

I love your posts! They are always so fact-filled!
2016-02-17 4:27 am
Seeing as I watch porn...I kinda couldn't fault him for it. So long as it's simply b/c I'm unavailable - yeah...why not. I'm not huge on him watching it since i have self-image issues & it would make me insecure...but reality is I watch it...so i can't really blame him.

There's nothing wrong with porn...there's something wrong with the people addicted to it (that's why it's called an addiction). But watching porn & being addicted to watching porn are different things. I'll take the real thing any day of the week over porn...but someitmes that's not an option. I like sex...I really like sex. I see nothing wrong with that - I'm thankfully in a monogamous relationship with a man who likes it about as much as I do (we could easily have sex 2-3x/day if there was enough time for that). So when we have to go 3-4 days without...I watch porn....cause it gets me off...
2016-02-14 11:38 pm
I thought all men watch porn. It's terrible that porn exists and is so easily accessible, but I would do my best to satisfy him myself.
2016-02-14 8:18 pm
Would you rather they be so sexually frustrated that they have anger issues? We are a frisky species. We are built to want to ****, and if we can't get any then porn is a better alternative to "something" feminists keep winging on about.
2016-02-15 7:25 pm
Porn is not good. Don't marry him obviously if it is currently an issue for him because that will mean that you will put up with it. I already married, don't leave him because then you are in the wrong. It is a big responsibility, but you may be able to lead him back if you exhibit a good life yourself. You will not win him back with a mediocre life though. You will have to go the extra mile, take your kids to church, show him the respect that you desire. It will require a selfless approach. This approach is not for the faint of heart.

1 PETER 3 v 1- 2 Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. NIV
1 PETER 3 v 1- 2 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. KJV
I understand
2016-02-15 2:17 am
No because I'm pretty sure before long, he won't really see me or be truly present, just trying to relive a fantasy in his head. It wouldn't be long before my presence to him is nothing more than a blow up sex doll.
I find it so unattractive to think of a man watching porn, and I do think its such a loser thing to do.
Its creepy, and not really any different than staring in his neighbours window watching them going at it.
I think it's a loser's hobby. Honestly that's how I feel about it.
2016-02-14 8:40 pm
No, I would not.

Everyone has their addictions, porn can be considered a positive addiction because it doesn't harm anyone.
Most people can be considered losers in some way, so of course if you take a random group of people based on something that doesn't have anything to do with success then the people in the group are likely to be losers.

And lastly, sexually frustrated people are more likely to find someone else other than their spouse sexually attractive. So watching porn regularly is a good sign that they won't. The problem is only that if they watch too much porn then they may be less likely to find their spouse attractive as well. So keep everything in moderation.
2016-02-18 5:31 am
I'm a WOMAN who watches porn..does the same go for me? I'm married to a wonderful man who loves me, thinks I'm beautiful, and can't keep his hands off me. Due to the fact he has a very demanding job and works long hours some nights (engineer), I like to have a little fun by myself.

I'm sorry, but you are delusional if you think porn can just turn someone into a child molester or make you unattractive. First of all,beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And second, child molestation is considered a form of mental illness by some, you don't just watch porn and decide your gonna try to sleep with your kids.
2016-02-16 9:56 pm
Like weed, porn is something almost everyone, Including women have watched. Saying if you've watched porn, that you won't marry or date them is just idiotic. Men and women watch porn for the same reasons and I'm tired of this double standard. If a man watches porn he's a "perv and has unrealistic depictions of women" whereas a woman "should be able to pleasure herself without being shamed for it". People who watch porn are not losers, because that would be saying that everyone is a loser. You clearly have a lower IQ.
2016-02-16 5:26 am
I agree it's best to marry a man who's not into porn.

I don't agree that the wife of a porn user must have a low IQ. It's much more complicated than that, and the accusation will just make people lash out.

I don't agree porn is highly likely to make a father eventually look at his own daughter sexually. But I would say it increases the chances. Once an addiction is in place, almost anything can happen. And I might add that incest is actually a porn niche. As is every other disgusting, life destroying thing that can be thought of.

I think it's very hard to live life without ever viewing porn, but it's definitely an attainable goal to those who aim to do so. But most people have had some exposure. There's a difference between one who still wants to use on a regular basis vs. one who doesn't believe in it, and aims to stay clear of it. I think the best husbands are those who've chosen purity, harmlessness and unselfishness as personal goals. Porn is selfish. There are those out there who've learned the value of avoiding porn as much as possible and even made commitments to avoiding it and waiting for marriage for sex. Most likely they learned this in a good church program. People do this all the time and it works. They dodge the whole thing. Or at least, got away with minimal contact.

Here's the key: It's not necessary. If anyone's sex drive is over the top, they don't need visuals to relieve themselves. If they can't relieve themselves without visuals.. their desire isn't strong enough to need to relieve themselves.

Here's another key: It's addictive. It's a highly addictive drug that will ruin some lives while others may get away without much issue.

It kills marriages. Kids find it and get hooked. It fuels sex trafficking. It fuels prostitution. People get addicted. People are forced to perform in porn against their will. Some agree due to drug addiction or otherwise being in debt to a pimp. And today, some of our youth are led to believe it's a legitimate job with no long lasting, life altering effects.

There are people lurking around the globe waiting to pounce even on children, because there's a porn niche for that somewhere. For every disgusting thing imaginable, there's a niche for it. And someone is out there looking to cast someone in a starring role.

There are those who pose as good hearted guys who enter into relationships with women only to control them and force them into doing porn.

LOTS of porn stars commit suicide. Lots of videos on youtube and elsewhere about the dark side of the porn industry. How so many wish they'd never entered. How they are haunted for life.

The 1970s aren't so long ago. It's just half one lifespan. But back then there were obscenity laws in place. Porn had a huge stigma. It was not socially acceptable at all. It was only in back alley theaters, usually in big liberal cities. Why? To protect the public from the damage that it can cause. There were huge court battles going on.

Sex is pleasure. We will keep going back for more and keep reducing our standards for how we get it... once we've tasted it. Some can buy a candy bar once a month and never go beyond. Others wind up eating 10 bars a day. Not everyone can manage all these sometimes harmful / sometimes harmless substances well.

Sex is a spiritual thing. Nothing could be better than experiencing it with someone you love and trust with your life. To actually let that love and happiness flow over into producing new life in children. Every other kind of sex without that kind of commitment has shortcomings, side effects, and disappointments. It's like having dessert without having a meal. It gets old and unfulfilling and what do we do? Try to fill that void with more and more of the same. Addiction type behavior.

Society has been brainwashed about it. There's so many myths we believe. Everyone has the right not to like it, want it, and even discourage others not to watch it. The 70s judges and censors were not the enemy, they were doing the right thing. If it feels good, that doesn't mean it is good. The body is beautiful and not dirty, but portrayed for sleazy and harmful reasons, it becomes dirty. Sex is natural. But sex is very regrettable if not done in just the right circumstances. It can really burn us badly. That's all anyone wants to protect us from, when warning us about it.

Porn sucks! We don't need it. It is a leech on society.

Porn is the new drug.

2016-02-15 9:34 pm
Me and my hubby watches it together. It helps strengthen our relationship and encourages him to do some weird sex activities I'm in to :)
2016-02-15 12:32 pm
be sure to let men you meet know how you feel right away. Tell us that you're looking for prince charming, so that we won't waste time on you.
2016-02-15 12:15 am
If you want a man with any kind of sex drive, there's a very high chance he watches porn.
2016-02-16 11:38 am
you are way too judgemental
2016-02-15 8:36 pm
First of all, "Loser" is quite an opinionated and derogatory term, hence I find it to be quite impossible that anyone would use the word "loser" to define a given group in a study. Hence, I don't believe your claim.
Secondly, women also view pornography, despite not being publicized or as discriminated against as men.
Lastly, this question kind of defeats the point of Yahoo Answers, in all honesty; It seems as though it was begun to start a fight. By asking a question about people's opinions of a man with given internet traits and then offering your opinion in the description, what's the point of asking the question in the first place? I understand that you're wondering how a woman could bring herself to marry a man who does such things that you yourself would never do, but here's the straight answer: Being in love with someone, truly in love with them, will make you do certain things that you might not have pictured yourself doing before. You might overlook things that you didn't think you ever could before because of the way that your lover looks into your eyes, or something they say that keeps them alive in your head despite all of the other noise floating around in there. And, although you might not be able to overlook something you seem to value so strongly as a viewership (or lackthereof) of men unto pornography, some women do, because they truly love their spouses. That being said, it'd be greatly appreciated (probably by the Yahoo! answers community as a whole) if you would kindly refrain from using derogatory terms toward any given person or persons, and ask questions if (and only if) you feel that they will personally benefit you or the Internet community as a whole. Thank you very much and have a lovely day.
2016-02-14 11:02 pm
No! The only woman I want him to see naked is me!
2016-02-16 12:18 am
I would not marry a man who watches porn
2016-02-16 10:12 am
I think it's funny you assume women don't watch porn. There are many women including myself who do watch and enjoy porn so marrying a guy who also watches porn isn't a big deal. We're equally morally depraved.
2016-02-16 3:02 am
Yep i would coz everyone i know has watched porn at some point or will one day... And then everyone im gona meet will more than likely have watched it too.. Its free and easily accessible. U should watch sometime... Its not too bad
2016-02-15 8:31 pm
As long as he does not watch it like all the time. Like, maybe before bed or in secluded places like the bathroom. And when/if you have children he can only watch it when they are asleep or at school. But then again he doesn't need to watch porn in marriage (if you do marry) if he has you.
2016-02-15 1:59 am
No, because I am a straight male.

2016-02-16 2:13 pm
2016-02-16 1:20 pm
I would love to see the 'study' that claims 'men who watch porn are losers'...Seriously how could they scientifically measure how much of a loser one is?? lol

ANYWAY...Both men and women watch, or have watched, porn at some stage in their lives. Watching porn isn't a problem, but a porn addiction is. If the man is rarely intimate with his partner, spends most of his free time watching porn, and/or prefers porn to most real forms of sexual activity then he has an addiction, in my opinion anyway. I wouldn't marry a man with a porn addiction unless he got himself out of the habit.

Otherwise, YES, I would marry a man who watches porn- it wouldn't even be something I would consider when committing to someone. In fact, I'd probably even watch it with him!
2016-02-16 12:46 pm
As a gay 16 year old I honestly don't see the problem in a man who watches porn. It does become a problem when they ignore you more. But still I am to young to marry but if I marry someone who watches porn I wouldn't mind at all.
2016-02-16 10:38 am
If his a porn addict then no for sure. But if his watching porn once in a while in today's society when men do it is not frowned upon much so then yes. But if it's guys are married/ have kids then no a guy should not be watching porn.
2016-02-16 6:41 am
Nah. Watching porn is very addictive for people, it's more than just a bad habit.
2016-02-16 3:50 am
I have an IQ of 173 (Mensa entrance exam) and I love porn. I wouldn't marry a woman who has such a low opinion of porn.
2016-02-16 3:15 am
2016-02-15 7:42 pm
????Really!? This is a closed/simple minded person to ask an question like that, what does that have to do with marrying someone you Love?. If have to ask a silly question like that, do you love that person? Are you willing to accept all their flaws? Are you willing to accept their interest? Are you willing to step out side the box and try new things in life and the bed room/relationship? Or are you going to stick with the the imaginary person you've created/made up in your head. Not saying it's okay for them to be addicted to anything like that or worse. Just saying no one is perfect and we all have our own opinions, but saying you wouldn't marry someone who watches porn, or do a certain thing is just closed minded and ignorant. But to each his own. Good day!
參考: Life
2016-02-15 3:36 pm
I'm a photographer . I've made $20 for 15 minutes of my time , and as much as $100 an hour . Nice guy too .
Porn has been around for a very long time . There's even stone carvings of people having sex .
As long as it's not an addiction , it shouldn't be a problem .
What's a " loser " ?
2016-02-14 9:33 pm
With your porn obsession it's almost a certainty you will marry someone that looks at porn once you are married.
2016-02-16 8:54 am
No way
2016-02-16 4:32 am
Never. Porn is slavery, nothing good comes out for these people when they come out of this industry, and if you love someone that is putting his penny, his hard work money, on people's misery, you have to worry for his mental health and reconsider your life, why are you with someone that is low key sexually frustrated, and see if you openly talk about it, what place sex have in your relationship, are you vibing the same, that you admit it or not, sex is VERY important in a relationship, if this essential part is missing/or are not the same at all about it. Leave him. Relationship is not just sex like it's nothing without sexual understanding.
2016-02-15 11:16 pm
Nearly all men watch porn including myself. Why? Because most women aren't willing to give me the pleasure.

If a woman is turned off because I watch porn, then it's her loss.
2016-02-15 2:15 pm
The term "watches porn" implies more than just sees porn sometimes or watches porn with his wife or girlfriend to get a little freaky. If someone goes out of their way, makes regular personal time just for watching porn, then that's a problem. Especially if he's old enough that he should be past that.
2016-02-16 5:13 am
Do you even understand mathematics?

95% of today's men watch porn.

If even half of women refused to marry men who watch porn, then about 47.5% of ALL women (and 95% of those women) are going to end up single.

It's simple math. 100% of women, can not marry the small 5% of men who don't watch porn.

Unless you're recommending adultery or multiple wives, over marrying a porn viewer?
2016-02-18 5:32 pm
No, I am a man who watches porn.
2016-02-18 4:44 pm
How do you think he found me? In a movie!
2016-02-16 8:54 pm
From a man: Most women don't know it until after the marriage.
2016-02-16 7:37 pm
Well, I wouldn't marry you because you sound like an absolute ****
2016-02-16 3:10 pm
Most of the population with access to the internet watch porn.... So finding a man who doesn't might be pretty difficult unless you get lucky.
2016-02-16 1:34 pm
"Since they cant get other women other than their wives who are probably unattractive due to having lower IQs.". Since when did having a low IQ make a person unattractive physically? I have met plenty of people who were physically attractive yet dumb as door knobs. In fact in most cases on average I have found the more attractive a person, the less they have going on upstairs.
2016-02-16 11:42 am
The issue should only be if he has an addiction to pornography not whether he has watched it.
2016-02-16 9:59 am
See, that's funny OP, because I absolutely WOULD and don't see why it bothers most women so much. A few points:

-TV can't truly compete with 3D
-he's married, but he ain't DEAD
-I consider it natural for men to look at porn
2016-02-16 9:02 am
Not too addicted to it is not serious.
2016-02-16 7:48 am
I would but I wouldn't want to know about it. Such as "hey babe I just watched this girl or guy get **** **** ****. Not interested in knowing anything. However I do not feel the way about cheating, you cheat and I promise I will physically hurt you.
2016-02-16 4:52 am
I would because I myself watch porn. It's entertainment. I'm a woman btw.
2016-02-16 4:11 am
Show me a man that doesn't watch porn and I'll show you a man that doesn't have a computer !
2016-02-16 4:01 am
i don't think you have much of a say in the matter anymore.

studies i've seen clearly demonstrate that men these days just aren't into the idea of getting married at all.
2016-02-16 12:40 am
If a man tells you he doesn't watch porn he is lying to you.
2016-02-15 11:39 pm
It depends on how often he watches it/how seriously he takes it. If he watches it so often that it's interfering with our sex life, then no. If he applies what he sees in the porn to real life and tries to turn me into a pornstar, then no. If he just discreetly watches it now and then and it isn't interfering with anything in our relationship, I don't really see a problem with it.
2016-02-15 11:01 pm
2016-02-15 8:18 pm
Lmao have fun being either alone or lied to forever...
2016-02-15 9:42 am
I believe you need to realize that viewing porno does not imply one is unsatisfied or even likely to wayward... this might be the short-term diversion through existence, that everybody partcipates in for some reason or even an additional.

In the event that he or she wrist watches porno every so often, it is most likely not an issue.

In the event that he or she wrist watches this every single day, or even wrist watches sadistic porno, kid porno or even another thing troubling, this is a issue.
2016-02-19 12:21 am
I'd like to disagree with the (for some odd reason) "best answer". Watching porn makes you better in bed if it would be your first time having sex compared to someone who didn't and was having sex for the first time. But everyone has seen or watches porn.
2016-02-16 10:32 pm
Saldly most men watch porn.
2016-02-16 8:04 pm
Men who watch porn or have a porn collection are disturbed. So women do a back ground check on your beau, and don't be afraid to drop him like a hot potato.
2016-02-16 7:53 pm
I feel like once you're married, porn should be unnecessary. I think porn is offensive to not only women but the meaning of sex. Sex shouldn't be a hardcore disgusting scene of fifty shades of grey.
2016-02-16 7:51 pm
No,I won't.I hate those people and those who watches have defective personalities according to my experience
2016-02-16 4:12 pm
There's nothing wrong with watching porn come on. As long as your not addicted. I also watch horror movies, but that doesn't mean I'm going to murder people. You cant define someone by what they do in there spare time, probably when there bored.
2016-02-16 4:10 pm
2016-02-16 12:19 pm
What is your problem with pornography exactly? If you would not marry a man who - essentially - masturbates over videos or images of nude women, then you would not marry a man at all, and not because of pornography, but because he wanted to see you naked and YOU had a problem with that.

As for men watching pornography being losers, if it weren't for pornography, there would be a lot more rapes, and lot more sexual abuse and ironically a lot less successful and long-lasting relationships and subsequently a lot less babies being born. Why you ask? Because a lot of times pornography, viewing it and allowing people (male AND female) to deal with stress and loneliness and feel connected - albeit via an image or video - to the world around them.

As for sexual deviants, the seeds of such things are born in childhood and have usually gone on for generations. It's sadly true that the 'Abused' often becomes the 'Abuser'. Even so, what becomes sexual abuse is not necessarily rooted in pornography or even originally in sexuality. Sexual acts are often used as weapons for control and to inflict suffering, and it becomes more about the emotional and psychological effect - both for abuser and victim - than the physical/sexual actions.

Some people view and enjoy pornography as a means of coping with previous bad/awful experiences. Still others view and enjoy pornography and have no interest in experiencing such things with an actual person. Lastly, not all porn is porn as you'd imagine it to be. A lot of people are sexually attracted to images that are neither nude nor sexual in nature, but it's what 'does it' for them, they don't need nudity or sexual acts in order to become aroused or 'get off' and in some cases, nudity and sexual acts would actually get in the way of the experience and lessen or cheapen the experience.

So, there you go, hopefully I've broadened your horizons a little more.
2016-02-16 11:04 am
My answer to ur dumb question would be a question in return : My question to men is :Would you marry a woman who watches porn ? I believe a lot of women also, just like men around the world, watch porn and still get married.....yes addiction to porn just like any other addiction is bad and undesirable. Unless its an addiction watching porn is pretty harmless and not bad at all, in my opinion.
2016-02-16 10:50 am
I can marry a man who watches porn.
2016-02-16 8:37 am
2016-02-16 8:28 am
Why watch porn if you can get it for free?
The man (or woman) needs to commute their needs to their partner.
2016-02-16 5:17 am
Yes, there are some bad people out there who take porno's too literally, and yes, it has had a negative affect on some young men's attitudes towards sex with women.
2016-02-16 5:15 am
If you refuse to marry any man who watches or has watched porn your doomed to be single.
參考: Manhood
2016-02-16 4:22 am
No...too creepy.
2016-02-16 1:39 am
My husband of 15 years watches porn occasionally. It's tapered off as he's rounded 40 recently. I watch porn. As far as I know he's always been faithful. I've always been faithful. Porn is a harmless, necessary fantasy-escapeland for a lot of people. I like to watch lesbian porn, I have one favorite star that I really like. I like some straight porn too, only with my favorite girl star. I think porn can save marriages from infidelity because it allows for that outlet that a lot of humans need.
2016-02-16 1:07 am
It says he's NOT satisfied with you...................
2016-02-15 10:50 pm
I don't think I'd care th.. because I'm a woman who watches prob sometimes YES... I do watch it occasionally.. people have worse things like addictions drug abuse and all this other stuff ...like everyone watches prob.. even kids watch it eventually... I had a boyfriend when I was in high school and he watched porn but only refused him to watch it but I'd notice his history would only last a few days... so looking back he probably watched it. He was the most faithful bf I will ever have .. like worry about ur own goals and don't put too much weight on what someone does when no one's looking.
2016-02-15 9:43 pm
There is nothing ok about pornography. Many well documented studies from respected universities have shown that it's both addictive and destructive. It alters minds and destroys individuals, relationships, marriages and families. It demeans and objectifies people. Anyone involved with it is playing with fire. Anyone who downplays it's significance is diluting themselves.
2016-02-15 7:37 pm
2016-02-15 6:31 pm
I have NO problem what so ever with MY Man watching porn! sometimes i surprise him with a "special outfit" and connect the PC to the huge TV so he can have a better view while i play with him and suck his DK...
2016-02-15 4:41 pm
Theres nothing wrong with watching porn its what men do. If you think it's a big deal you have serious issues.
2016-02-15 3:28 pm
" (studies show men who watch porn are likely to be losers)"

"loser" is a scientific concept? okaaay... lol
2016-02-15 7:04 am
You sound like such a loving creature.
2016-02-17 1:43 am
lower IQs, mentally unstable, to be losers, Blah Blah Blah
Studies show.....yeah yeah yeah What studies, who studied.
This is feminists at their worst and gross certifyable ignorance to boot on any one, male or female who thinks they are so ''above it all'' to be so judgemantal and self righteous to even consider not just asking the question, but giving an answer too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So why ask the question since you are so holy pious na ne na ne na na.
Are you the one that steals from your employer, does hit and run on the road, passes by someone in desperate need, is a totally lousy neighbour???? Well.
When you are so perfect then cast the first stone you religeous pervert and leave decent people trying to survive alone as best they can
2016-02-16 5:18 am
Watching porn is just a past time- for men as well as women. Too much addiction to porn may be made. But this is like any addiction. There is nothing wrong to marry someone who watches porn.
2016-02-16 2:03 am
The fact is that most men watch porn. I know that and accept that. However the test of if i would marry the man has to do with if he would stop watching it if i asked him too. I can't change what he did in the past, however if he is willing to completely stop watching it to make me happy, I would definitely marry him. If he refused to stop watching it then he obviously wouldn't be the right man for me anyways.
2016-02-16 12:22 am
Would you marry a man who watches porn?

I agree with your post.
2016-02-15 9:02 pm
Any proof of these studies that show that men who watch porn or losers. I mean I can only assume that you mean frequently watch porn since having watched it at all would make damn near every man in the US, possibly the world a loser. I mean besides that how much do you want to bet that any study done like that probably has about as much ground as the vacination study that was proven to be falsified. Just saying no reason to put that type of stipulation on a reason not to marry some one unless they are weird about it or it gets in the way of woopie
2016-02-15 6:04 pm
You've gotta realize that watching porn really isn't cheating as it may seem to you. When men masturbate there's always things you're thinking about and I'm sure women are the same so when men watch porn it's visual stimulation and puts those things in your head that help achieve orgasm. When you masturbate I'm sure you're not thinking about your possible future husband every single time and that's ok you're not cheating on him you're just using your imagination to help stimulate yourself. If you can't get past this with him see if you can make a compromise, you could make your own porn with him that'll be for his eyes only that way you don't feel betrayed and he has something to look at. My wife and I have a rule where we can watch whatever we want but we just don't tell eachother it's not cheating it's just out of sight out of mind everyone wins
2016-02-16 11:49 am
You need to grow up.
Watching porn is normal and healthy. Guys (and most girls) watch it, and if they say they don't they're usually lying. There is nothing wrong with it, it's a sexual release, a hormone balancer, stress reduction, my God there are so many benefits to getting off and porn is a visual aid to help with the action. Everyone does it, get over it.
Hell, I'm a woman, and I watch porn. I love how refreshed I feel after, the racing heart, the fantasy. It's normal.
You're either too young to understand human life, or middle aged and stuck up, thinking the world revolves around you.
2016-02-14 11:48 pm
Not everyone is "you", so stop acting like a arrogant prude Werbie. If you think about it none of those men who like watching porn would want to marry you either, if not solely be in a relationship with you. You prudes are not really fun and probably aren't interesting enough to keep a man happy in the bedroom. You feminists really get on my nerves with how you hate men-(or don't respect men at all), male sexuality, and masculinity. Can you like come out of the closet as a "lesbian" who is suspected of suffering from "male genitalia envy"? If you're not some male-hating lesbian-(not all lesbian women hate men) Werbie, chances are you'll end up marrying a man who will watch porn, whether he admits liking watching it or not. Not all men watch porn, but the majority of men do. Teenage boys will sneak watching porn if they have to. There are women who watch porn and wouldn't be surprised if teenage girls do too. It may not be near the same degree as men, but they're out there. Pornography has been around since ancient Egyptian times....even in the era of the ancient Greek and ancient Roman times too. It's just during that era...many men-(probably some women) masturbated to naked scrolls of nude art, statues, and watching voyeuristic activities....such as watching a couple having sex in secret or in public while sexually pleasuring themselves. Computers and Internet didn't exist back then....multi-thousands of years ago. People during those ancient times didn't shame male and female sexuality in the way feminists like you Werbie do on a daily basis. Instead, they "embraced and celebrated" human sexuality. Prostitution existed in those times....even in ancient Asia-(China & Japan). This behavior within human nature isn't new. As for me, well, I would marry a man who watches adult porn. I'm in a same-sex relationship with another man. Right now, we live apart within our short-term relationship-(2 months 2 weeks). I watch adult porn. I'm not going to punish myself to be sexually frustrated day in and day out when I am not with my boyfriend. I would never tell him that he should stop watching porn to masturbate or just to see it. He got to sexually relieve himself somehow and it is better than him actively going out to commit infidelity. I wouldn't tolerate him cheating on me and most certainly better not find out my significant other is interested in child pornography....since I don't agree nor approve of that. I will say that I hope he doesn't have a strong addiction to it to where he is watching porn for so many hours jacking off while allowing it to take over his life from doing other things. That includes not allowing the addiction to stop him from spending time with me or ignoring me to watch porn. I would be open to watching porn with him masturbating together and maybe give him a HJ or BJ while he looks at it. Maybe him and I can learn newer sex positions, fetishes, and fantasies to spice up our sex life from watching porn. In all honesty, I would rather him choose to have sex with me over watching porn and masturbating. If him and I are having a active and great sex life...there is no reason for my man to watch porn and jerk off unless he is apart from me for a long period of time for some various reason. I don't understand how there are some people who have a good and active sex life would choose to watch porn when they can get sex from their man/woman. It's pretty disrespectful to the people giving their significant others sex by making them feel like the good sex they're giving them isn't good enough. That's just my view.
2016-02-15 10:58 pm
I would not marry a man who continues to watch porn while in a sexual relationship but a lot of men feel very lonely. I don't think you can blame them for watching porn. If a man cannot have sex then porn is a harmless alternative. If a man is in a sexual relationship then it is dishonourable for him to be touching himself to other women. What's worse though, watching other people have sex or trying to knock up random girls? We all have desires and porn is a mostly harmless way to treat these desires, at least until we are able to have real sex with someone who is special.
2016-02-15 9:25 pm
Wow, you're a real piece of work. You're gonna make a husband off himself someday. Studies have not shown that guys who watch porn are more likely to be losers What studies have shown is at a man who watches porn is more likely to be a husband.
2016-02-19 1:25 pm
Don't know
2016-02-19 12:05 pm
Yes I would because I rather take part in his fantasies with him then be cheated on and lied to later. Porn is healthy, jealously and judging your significant other is not. Women watch porn to don't be ashamed of it!
2016-02-19 3:23 am
I mean I don't think it's a big deal. Would you rather him watch porn when he's horny and your away or f*** another b****. The loyal husband will choose porn any day
2016-02-18 8:51 pm
You ladies are retarded. There is nothing wrong with watching porn, in fact it's great if your lady is in to it too. The problem is when certain "PEOPLE" (MEN AND WOMEN) can't separate fantasy from reality.
2016-02-18 1:46 pm
I will not ridicule you for believing they suck in bed and mentally unstable... But most likely every man in his life has watched porn at least once
2016-02-18 2:21 am
If we're watching it together ;)
2016-02-18 1:08 am
Moderately. I don't care. He better learn some tricks from it.
2016-02-17 10:06 pm
Majority People's learn sex from watching porno
2016-02-17 9:51 pm
U guess it boils down to why he watch's it. Some watch just to get off.like most and some watch cuz there addicted. women always feels a jealouly towards anything and anyone. But i dont think guys do that becuase there unsatisfied
2016-02-17 9:19 pm
2016-02-17 9:18 pm
ummm every guy does it weather you know it or not
2016-02-17 7:07 pm
Everyone watches porn let's be real. I mean c'mon
2016-02-17 6:37 pm
Yes I would because there is nothing wrong with that
2016-02-17 1:41 pm
It is normal.
2016-02-17 1:28 pm
If I was a woman then yes.
2016-02-17 1:03 pm
You're a ******* idiot. Every guy watches porn you fuckstick.
2016-02-17 12:18 pm
No. My Hubby hates porn as much as I do and that was one of the things that attracted me to him.
參考: My Life
2016-02-17 11:37 am
and the best answer award goes to the one with maximum thumbs down ..haha lolox
2016-02-17 9:28 am
what a question, porn make guys more sexier and hotter in bed
2016-02-17 9:20 am
you have some serious problems...please dont breed
2016-02-17 9:20 am
watching the porn is not bad thing
2016-02-17 7:57 am
Yes, my boyfriend watches porn and so do I, we sometimes watch together, it doesn't make our sex lives any different, se people just enjoy porn, doesn't make us bad people
2016-02-17 7:39 am
You're a female, how would you even begin to understand a mans reasons for watching pornography?
2016-02-17 7:27 am
Nope. you know why. porn is addicting just like tobacco and marijuana. I was a porn addict but now I'm recovered
2016-02-17 5:54 am
My wife did lol.
2016-02-17 5:36 am
it's harmless
2016-02-17 5:01 am
Probably. Your stereotypes are wrong. I know a wealthy, extremely handsome man who watches porn.
2016-02-17 3:32 am
Then you probably won't ever get married because most of not all men watch porn.
2016-02-17 2:34 am
just because someone watches porn doesnt mean you shouldnt marry them! thats like not marrying someone just because they enjoy watching superhero movies. or in that case, ANYTHING!
2016-02-17 1:54 am
Yeah If I was a women, nothing really wrong with a bit of porn. But like everything it should be done in moderation.
2016-02-17 12:59 am
I would rather not, but I need a man who has the same interest, is true, honest and has about the same opinions as me. If he and I were of the same level of spiritual life, that's fine according to His will for as long as we are not addicted.
2016-02-17 12:51 am
***** don't get married to any men then, cos i'm betting u any guy u marry would of DEFINITELY watched porn once in their life
2016-02-17 12:13 am
Well if you are a woman that wouldn't marry a man like this I guess you'll just be a loner for your whole life...
2016-02-16 11:49 pm
Who cares. As long as he isn't cheating or going out all night.
2016-02-16 11:20 pm
All men watch porn, most women do as well , aka 50 shades of grey
2016-02-16 11:18 pm
2016-02-16 10:57 pm
if i loved him yes
2016-02-16 10:05 pm
if u marry a guy who doesn't watch porn, u're gonna have a lot deeper issues to deal with than internet use.
2016-02-16 9:38 pm
It's no secret that most men watch it and I've been with a couple girls who enjoy it as well. It's perfectly normal and healthy to explore it together
2016-02-16 8:13 pm
You are a liar.
2016-02-16 8:08 pm
Yeah, just because they do doesn't mean their a monster
2016-02-16 7:18 pm
All men have some sort of inappropriate sexual outlet that doesn't include their partner. I'm talking pornos, pictures, magazines, hotlines, chat rooms, dating site log-ins, subscriptions, erotic novels, etc etc etc the list goes on. Any woman (or man for that matter) who chooses to believe for a second that their man does not do any of these things ever in her absence is completely naive and will likely end up alone and/or divorced for sticking to their guns about how this "should not be." It is the case in 2016, and it will continue to be the case.
2016-02-16 7:00 pm
I'm a male so
2016-02-16 6:36 pm
well id rather marry a dude that watches porn then a dude watch random people in REAL LIFE he sex. just think about that for a second think real hard
2016-02-16 6:00 pm
Watching porn is normal. I do it with my with GF every night!
2016-02-16 2:36 pm
LOL what kinda question is this
2016-02-16 2:35 pm
What are you saying???? Every man and even woman watches porn sometimes without anyone else ever knowing.
2016-02-16 1:32 pm
Well damn near every guy likes porn so you'll have to adjust to that
2016-02-16 1:23 pm
If he didn't look sometimes something is wrong with him. We all do it nobody admits it. ;)
2016-02-16 1:09 pm
I will let him do whatever he want to do except murder, thief and liar
2016-02-16 12:37 pm
If he does it a lot, it would make me feel like he's happy in the relationship/marriage
2016-02-16 11:13 am
I would be upset that I wasnt enough for him but it would never stop me from marrying him...
2016-02-16 11:09 am
2016-02-16 10:24 am
Just about everybody watches porn honestly at some point or another
2016-02-16 10:09 am
I think if this man/women being addicted then it is a problem. If he assure that he never do the same thing always then i will marry her.
2016-02-16 10:08 am
Sure. I watch porn too.
2016-02-16 9:39 am
i m a man
2016-02-16 9:19 am
2016-02-16 9:04 am
We have to do something when you're at work.
2016-02-16 8:46 am
You realize that damn near every man watches porn even if they got a girl, you masterbate don't you as don't you sometimes watch porn at least once
2016-02-16 7:04 am
as a man I try to watch it so that no wrong woman would want to marry me
2016-02-16 6:19 am
Why is porn viewed so bad in the 1st place its not like hes hurting anybody
2016-02-16 6:17 am
every1 watches porn
2016-02-16 6:07 am
Lastly, NOBODY (unless there was something seriously wrong with them) would discuss such things with a child. If I can keep a secret, so can he.
2016-02-16 6:03 am
Watching porn is normal. I don't even know why you scared this much...
2016-02-16 5:58 am
It depends
2016-02-16 5:44 am
We watch together, as a form of foreplay. It gets us both aroused.
2016-02-16 5:37 am
Yes, porn isn't a bad thing
2016-02-16 5:20 am
I have watched it with my guy, but I know he isn't serious about it. If he was, I wouldn't be happy with him.
2016-02-16 5:00 am
I resent your answering your own question, and your answer.....I am an older man who watches porn and frequently masturbates. Never mind, its just not worth it.
2016-02-16 4:42 am
I am utterly flabbergasted. Men who watch porn have wives because of their low IQs? Seriously...who hurt you?
2016-02-16 4:34 am
2016-02-16 4:06 am
2016-02-16 3:57 am
Wtf bro its normal im a women and i watch porn cuz i enjoy it so what?? Doesnt mean someone is a bad person just cuz they watch porn lol
2016-02-16 2:35 am
are you dumb?
2016-02-16 2:32 am
i dont know
2016-02-16 2:31 am
If he only watches it from time to time.
2016-02-16 12:42 am
Maybe you need to loosen up have some fun once in awhile stop being so boring. I can tell you right now your way of thinking will end up in divorce.
2016-02-16 12:35 am
Yes!! What man doesn't ...??
2016-02-16 12:20 am
You do know there are women who like to watch porn also, don't nn you
2016-02-15 11:58 pm
yeah. it doesn't really matter
2016-02-15 11:21 pm
Lmao what the ****
2016-02-15 10:24 pm
All men watch porn but, you can find a man with a high enough IQ to know better than admit to it.
2016-02-15 10:19 pm
Some men, and some women, have strong sexual needs. This guy could be a wonderful husband for many women. And many women share his interest.
2016-02-15 10:13 pm
THEN YOUR pool of men is very limited. Only if a guy or girl is addicted to porn watching, and masturbating is a problem. Are you able to satisfy him sexually everytime he wants it.
2016-02-15 9:17 pm
Many women do
2016-02-15 9:08 pm
Me and my husband occasionally watch it together to be honest...and no he is not a loser or a pervert...
2016-02-15 9:04 pm
belive it or not, some girls wach porn aswell. its not just men. TONS of peole wach porn! when you marry a person, it does not mean you imedetley stop finding all other people attractive, morraly speaking it just means you are only commited to having a RELATIONSHIP with the person ytou are married to. porn is something that is expirianced and enjoyed my individuals and even coupples of every race and background. all waching porn is is being attracted to people, which is what humans do!
2016-02-15 7:54 pm
You most likely did.
2016-02-15 7:11 pm
If you say no, you will die a maiden. Every single male watches porn whether they say they do or not.
2016-02-15 7:08 pm
i wouldnt trust a man who doesnt watch porn lady. it means everytime you decide to not sleep with him hes cheating on you. sex is the only thing that will get someone off and unlike woman men need to get off. any man that denies jerking it when youre not sleeping with him is a liar or weird and to do that in the 21st century we have porn. i love sex you love sex and your kids and my kids will love sex and when youre being unloving and not sleeping with your husband that doesnt watch porn hel be out with a prostitute faster than you can say it. so good luck lol youve got a long hurtful life ahead of you if thats how you judge your man
2016-02-15 7:02 pm
Yeah I would. All men watch porn and normally they don t get addicted unless their wife/gf sucks in bed. It s normal for guys to fap and porn helps. Not all men who watch porn are bad that s like saying all black people are stupid. Now it s different if he s watching something freaky like scat but ey if it s normal porn who cares?
2016-02-15 6:16 pm
Do you wear a burka? Sex is not religious , people get excited just looking at images do it enough and its time to act and that when people like you miss all natures hints
2016-02-15 6:02 pm
There is no problem in watching porn flim. If watching porn flim makes people bad than only by reading book people will be scientist.
2016-02-15 5:09 pm

1) good luck find a fella that doesn't

2) what does it bother you so much ? sounds like you are either a prude, boring in bed or insecure
2016-02-15 3:30 pm
Yes, If he is still innocent about sex.
2016-02-15 3:20 pm
good luck finding a man who doesn't watch, enjoy or secretly desire porn or porn stars.
2016-02-15 2:30 pm
Yes... Nothing serious. I also see.
2016-02-19 5:03 am
Hahaha, this is hilarious!

Men can be divided into two categories regarding pornography. Those that admit to watching it (at least once), and liars. I know which I am. That said, If a woman wishes to believe the best in men, what she doesn't know ain't hurting her... Personally, I believe honesty is the best policy. I'm far too absent minded to keep track of all the lies, if I began telling them. On that note, I am a masturbation connoisseur. My palms are so hairy, I need a pair of hedge clippers to trim them. I fire off so many knuckle children, I've probably filled 50 gallon drum loads.

Personally, I just find it's easier, (a lot) cheaper, more reliable and significantly less drama than having a live in girlfriend to just bash the bishop to some porn. The possibility of me finding a compatible wife are negligible at best, so I don't really have anything riding on the general consensus of women on this issue, regardless of how fascinating I find the differing views.

Although I will admit that unless they're naked and on a screen, women are a pain in the a.s.s. (just kidding ladies :D), the idea that an avid porn uses is eventually going to become attracted to their own daughters is just too insulting to bother occupying my intellect with. Perhaps I will update when I've gotten good and drunk, who knows.
2016-02-18 10:31 am
Absolutely! Porn is not the devil calm down. I mellowed out in my old age of 45. Looking back at the beginning of one of my relationships I sympathesize w/ you because I hated porn too. I destroyed a collection of dvd's all of my boyfriends guy friends hated me I was the psycho that smashed all of their xxx rated movies into little tiny shiny bits in a fit of anti porn rage.
Well I have learned alot since then and I will share it w/ you. I love real guys. Real guys touch their genitals alot, they like to look at the female body naked alot, it does not mean they are cheating or will cheat it just means....well thank heavens the man is 100 percent normal and acting just like a man and I love real men.
Porn is not the problem you are making it a problem. It has become huge because you made it huge. Relax you dont have to take part in it but you must at least accept it. When I finally respected my man enough to accept the fact that he likes porn and not feel threatened by this. our relationship took a turn for the better.the great sex we were having got even better. Just close your eyes and enjoy the ride.

BUT...when it comes to cell phone plans put a real man on an unlimited data plan right away or porn will cause a big problem!!!
2016-02-18 7:35 am
yeah, guys just do that it's not that big of a deal. It's just their nature.
2016-02-18 12:58 am
Yes because I watch porn too. Me and my man watch it together. Really porn ? I feel most women who say they don't and wouldn't be with a man are lying hypocrites and probably watched it themselves. Also very insecure. They're actors and women he wouldn't even respect in real life. I watch it cause it gets me hot not because I'm thinking of cheating. Some of you women are so immature
2016-02-17 10:49 pm
no, i would hope he would stop watching porn after we were married but if he was watching it before we were even dating i think that's just natural for a man to do without a significant other
2016-02-17 10:14 pm
Yes - nearly every man watches or has watches porn. If you're gonna judge every man you come across on if they watch porn then wow. Does this make this man a bad horrible person?
2016-02-17 5:56 pm
definitely NOT
2016-02-17 4:53 pm
Women over react to men watching porn. It doesn't mean they are not attracted to you. When you masterbate, you know how to get yourself of better sometimes. Watching porn just helps. For guys sex isn't always as emotional as it is for women. Don't get me wrong guys can be super in love with a girl and have the best sex ever, but they are still going to watch porn. Now if they choose porn over having sex with you then that is a problem.
2016-02-17 2:03 pm
All guys watch porn
2016-02-17 1:27 pm
I don t know if you are aware of this but women sexually react more to audio stimulus. Men react more to visual stimulus. That is a fact. If you like, a dirty story will turn on a woman far more than a man. Women all over the world, (you included) have read porn at some time. However, ask all the women in the world and they will say "Who me? never" Men will say "Of course I have, every male of age has." So what I am saying is "Stop being a hypocrite" If he starts to watch gay porn, then you may have a reason to complain as that will be the end of your relationship. Until then, give the guy a break. You are only showing your own insecurity by complaining. It s just a film, I m sure he prefers you to the slags in it.
2016-02-17 5:31 am
Considering the fact that 90% of men do, it's very likely that I will. I mean, who knows, I might end up marrying a female who watches porn. There are women out there who watch porn, too.

Also, any "Feminists" bitching about this can go f*ck themselves, no one else will. True feminists don't care a bit about this
參考: Female Feminist who is also Bisexual
2016-02-17 4:49 am
Who are all these freaks that that "all or most men watch porn"? If that's true it's a sick and sad world. Only disturbed people need porn and if "everyone" is doing it then it's much too easily accessible to the common person. Too many sick people...
2016-02-17 12:26 am
no because that would be weird.
2016-02-16 11:19 pm
I wouldn't if I were a woman. I could only imagine how uncomfortable that would make her. You feel like he might rape you at any moment.
2016-02-16 11:04 pm
People who have watched porn, do porn, or into porn at all. Are pathetic. Why watch what you can't have? Go out and get that one special someone and do your own porn with them if you have to. Sheesh.. Honestly, who ever does porn and watches it should go to prison. Lol freaking creeps..
2016-02-16 10:13 pm
this is a feminist no doubt
2016-02-16 9:34 pm
Honestly I think you have a narrow mind and are "generalizing" men. Although my husband doesn't watch porn, it wouldn't bother me if he did (so long as he still wanted to have sex with me). Women can watch porn too, I have, does that make me more likely to molest boys? No, it doesn't. I believe there are instances where people shouldn't watch porn, addition and so forth, but over all I think it's okay. Not everyone is "in the mood" at the exact same time.
2016-02-16 8:05 pm
A real man would not watch porn without trying to stop.
2016-02-16 6:46 pm
If women refused to star in these movies and behave like sluts in front of the camera then there would be no men watching them as porn would not exist.
2016-02-16 5:39 pm
Porn destroy your marriage and your Christian faith.
2016-02-16 5:05 pm
Of course i would. If I caught him watching porn I wouldn't be offended because i just see it as a boy thing. Something that they are naturally interested in. I know my boyfriend loves me and having sex with me so it doesn't make me feel insecure if he were to watch porn. Id probably just start watching it with him!
im 22 and female
2016-02-16 12:18 pm
About 90-95% of men has watched porn once in their lifetime
2016-02-16 11:27 am
Not it shouldn't matter and you're a shallow *****. Unless you are going to meet his sex drive which I don't think a ***** like you would its not your concern, you already fail him.

Im going to watch some porn and have a **** ;)
2016-02-16 7:35 am
Yes I would I watch porn too haha
2016-02-16 7:11 am
Ok first of all there's nothing wrong with a guy boyfriend/husband watching porn it exites them second he can't give u sex all the time it gets boring he needs a change some time and third wouldn't u rather him watch porn then have him go out and cheat on u because your boring ? Oh and I'm a girl I'm only 19 and I'm fine with my boyfriend watching it we have even watched it together
2016-02-16 6:43 am
Umm I've watched lesbian porn with my husband. There is a difference in addiction and casually viewing something. Good luck with those standards.
2016-02-16 4:28 am
tell him to stop watching porn and start watching you
2016-02-16 3:57 am
I woman would yes, just like a man would marry a woman that watches porn
2016-02-16 3:49 am
dude everyone watches porn. It's natural. I would definitely marry a man who watches porn, seeing that every man that i have met has watched it.
2016-02-16 2:52 am
I think it's okay to watch porn if you are a man as long as it doesn't affect your personal life or attitude towards women. I am a heterosexual man who watches porn on a regular basis but I can stop whenever I feel it necessary. Granted, that I don't like most of the disgusting images they have on the internet. I have never seen any child porn. Nor have I watched any gay porn except two lesbians doing it. I prefer not to watch small flat chested girls as they resemble young girls to me.
I like Latin and Italian women with big firm breasts. They are gorgeous.
I would marry a women who accepts me for what I am. But if she demanded that I don't watch porn then I would expect her to give up gossiping, shopping for useless products, and stop showing affection towards her friends.
2016-02-16 2:09 am
-_- no
2016-02-16 1:49 am
Why are you so upset with porn? You can't compete???
2016-02-16 1:23 am
That's an absurd reasoning. You can't control anyone's mind ever. How about you marrying someone who never watched porn but after marrying you, he feels frustrated and starts watching porn? And if you're worried about future children, I believe, if you have inculcated good habits then all world's negativity is not good enough to overcome nature of a good person. And don't be so worried in your thoughts about ifs and buts. You can do your best to keep a healthy environment for self and dear ones but you can't control it.
2016-02-16 12:18 am
Obviously. Nearly all men watch porn, even my boyfriend of 2 years. It's normal.
I wouldn't marry an addict or someone who forced me to do stuff I didn't want to. But my BF is very respectful :)
2016-02-15 11:46 pm
I'm a man, I can change, if I have to.

But I'll never stop watching porn with my wife of 57 years. We raised three kids of our own and one we adopted. None know we watch porn and we've never had sex with any of them. Many people say my wife is beautiful. Personally she is, both inside and out, unlike you.
I'm still a loser. I read this crap!
2016-02-15 11:17 pm
as long as he's not a fornicator and willing to stop watching
2016-02-15 9:52 pm
There are no studies that categorise certain people as losers. I personally would not like that. It would mean that he needs to get stimulated by porn and that somehow disgusts me. There are women who don't mind but I would not like that at all. So no...
2016-02-15 7:39 pm
Talk about being Full of yourself. I will watch occasional porn with my wife, and it as yet to turn me into a sexual predator
2016-02-15 6:36 pm
Yes. Porn is good for the soul. For too long this politically correct society has tried to suppress Mother Nature. Males have a constant urge to get laid and porn helps them cope with this feeling.
2016-02-15 5:43 pm
I think I would find it rather odd to meet a guy, who has never seen a porn video!! He would probably be extremely religious - and that would scare me off more thatn a man, who now and then has a harmless w a n k in front of his laptop... I wouldn't go out with anyone watching brutally violent stuff, though -
2016-02-15 3:46 pm
"The nakedness of woman is the work of God." - William Blake Get used to it.
2016-02-15 3:00 pm
Of course I would. If he comes out about it even better. He could be out cheating but no. There's nothing wrong with it. If I'm not in the mood then he can still be happy. If you're saying guys who watch porn are such losers they will eventually have sex with their daughters, then you must have had a bad experience with a guy like this and you're taking it out on porn.
2016-02-15 2:09 pm
If a girl wont marry a dude becuase he watches porn , then the girl is most likely not worth the time and effort regardless.
2016-02-19 12:10 pm
If you are waiting to marry a man who doesn't watch porn then you will either die a sad spinster or end up with some religious type who thinks sex is the work of the devil. Good luck
2016-02-16 2:23 am
Watching porn is no big deal and you sound like a heartless *****. Hope you're alone for a longgg time.
2016-02-15 9:35 pm
You women complain about men being boring in bed, I see porn as training videos.
As a side note, if you don't put out or let us watch porn then it could lead to an affair.

In your defense, you should be the cake and let porn be the frosting or whipped cream LOL!
2016-02-15 12:23 pm
I've never seen anything wrong with men or women watching porn! I love my man with all my heart yet I watch porn! There's nothing wrong with it, people who think it's wrong have a lower IQ! Loads of men who watch porn have daughters and women who watch porn also have sons it is absolutely stupid to suggest that they will sexually abuse their child! It's disgusting to think! My kids have NO access to any gadgets so therefore won't be exposed to porn!
2016-06-24 1:26 am
Live Sex Chat Website - http://CamGz.com/live/?DczS
2016-02-20 10:58 am
You're gonna limit you prospective spouses enormously. And BS about porn creates pedophilia. Lemme guess, you are very religious and uptight about your sexuality?
2016-02-19 10:26 pm
Hell yeah! I'd get comfy and watch it with him! Pretty sure most people watch porn, male or female.
2016-02-19 5:43 pm
Almost all men watched or have watched porn
2016-02-19 12:53 pm
U shoulf
2016-02-19 4:18 am
Best of luck finding a guy that doesn't watch porn. Hopefully you're cool with infidelity, because that's the alternative outlet.
2016-02-18 6:57 pm
There are so many articles and videos that explain why). Most guys don't seem to research it.
2016-02-18 6:17 pm
Not me. Everyone is entitled to their own personal view on it though. Its ok if some women don't mind it. I used to be okay with it in past relationships, but it was a big mistake for me personally. I don't want to go to far into detail, but for SOME men it has the potential to lead them to explore darker parts of porn and also exposes them to negative ideals on what sex is really about (Ex. spitting on/punching someone's face). One ex ended up watching teen porn and ended up actually flirting with some 17 year old, despite having an amazing love life with me and being in my early 20s looking good. Thats not all men though. I believe some men can handle porn and some cannot. But as for me, its a no-no. I wouldn't flip sh!t over it, but I would just tell a man up-front that I don't feel comfortable with it.
This is also because having a good friend who was a pornstar, I hear what goes on in that industry and I honestly want nothing to do with it. My friend was messed up in the head with the sh!t they wanted him to do, which is why he left. Its terrible.
There is no need for porn when you already have a sex life/drive and you switch it up for him. There are alternatives too, like making your own videos together, being kinky, sexting, etc. There is no benefit of porn in an adult relationship.
2016-02-18 3:29 pm
the best would be to find out what is the trigger and remove the trigger and replace it with positive activites like exercise and dance class or something creative.
2016-02-18 5:44 am
Yes why not.. Its just porn you can both can watch it to turn you on more before y'all even get it popping.
2016-02-18 1:45 am
Yeah I would. I'm a girl and I watch porn, so if he does its kinda hot... So I don't really care if he does, as long as it doesn't get in the way of our relationship. But honestly I have a "kink" that deals with masturbation so I guess my opinion is biased?
2016-02-18 1:01 am
it shouldn't bother you cause many men right now have watched porn at some point of their lives, either way would you rather have a guy who knows more about sex or someone who has no idea and won't be able to give you pleasure?...????
2016-02-17 11:31 pm
2016-02-17 10:32 pm
I get that if their single, go ahead but once ur in a realistic ship with somone I feel like they can help your "cravings" for say. I also think that it's kinda disrespectful for you to be watching porn while ur married
2016-02-17 9:17 pm
2016-02-17 7:59 pm
every single personi in thei rlife has atleast been to a porn site so shushh
2016-02-17 7:30 pm
watching porn isn't necessarily bad, but if people think they'll encounter the exact same reaction and body type from their partners just like in these videos, then the problem starts. this applies to either genders.
2016-02-17 6:25 pm
my boyfriend used to watch porn when he was single. but then we got together he has stopped watchin porn.
2016-02-17 5:28 pm
Is this a hypothetical question?? Because as the poser, you seem totally convinced in your beliefs, sorry to say & make no effort to understand this holistically…

It's unfair to say that only men watch porn which makes them insecure, incapable individuals because women also do so does that make them poor, negligent mothers??

… " why women marry and stay in relationships with such men…" >> No doubt this is an addiction but so also is the act of cheating on a spouse! Would any woman just pack her bags at the drop of a hot on just one instance?? The very union or institution of marriage would crumble & diminish if this were the case. A similar thing would be flirtatious texting…isn't this more serious than porn where there is pure objectivity as opposed to subjectivity??

"…bad influences and probably will become even more addicted as time goes by, which would likely expose any future children to porn…>> Agreed any addiction or habituation is a bad influence but there are several social evils of far greater magnitude which can be far easily replicated like smoking, substance abuse, alcoholism which can have far devastating consequences. Porn viewing or enjoyment by its very nature is a far complicated phenomenon as the props, equipment & location are likely to be secluded locations a difficult proposition & subject to overcoming various challenges

…"likely to be losers (studies show men who watch porn are likely to be losers) and so they're probably going to start seeing their own daughters in a sexual light" - This is a moral value judgement & is unfounded to start with…unsure which studies are you referring to, I don't know. To substantiate or explore further, Losers don't get none the worse with porn, smut or orgies to put it mildly…this is a thrill, an elixir or a boost, very similar to a drug kick unfortunately an drug overdose will kill you but a sex overdose may leave you with an emaciated libido if at all.

So, this is like saying, if you're addicted to say betting, gambling, slot machines, that kind of thing, even your progeny would go down that road?? With modern day technologies defining every inch of our space, our children are likely to move or advance to a different level & may find most of these passe or derelict. In a home with more women, males are more likely to cow down so even the thought of exercising their innermost fantasies will be elsewhere, something that isn't exactly easy…meaning you can ask a friend to come with you to smoke a joint but how likely is he to agree to watch porn with you? He may think you're one of the worst douche bags out there & that certainly won't pamper your ego now, would it?

…"cant get other women other than their wives who are probably unattractive due to having lower IQs"… Things like porn, smut are a victory for the virtuous, those with an enhanced libido, unrestricted passion etc not for those differently abled! By this logic, only those with access to wealth, technology, means & spare time can afford to spend a greater proportion of their time of such figments of their imagination anyway.

Historically, many courtesans found their way into the bedchambers of noblemen not because they were dumb, on the contrary, they were very shrewd at getting what they wanted in exchange for their services. So labeling men having a fascination for porn as those with low IQ, lecherous, promiscuous is very sexist as these tendencies manifest in normal individuals also

The final argument for Porn Viewing is that it's a vice none other than say doing drugs, alcoholism, sodomy or kleptomania. Would you say that a kleptomaniac has low self esteem or confidence, hence he pilfers??
I think the opposite would be true because this is a tendency or force of habit to show the world that he/she can get away with stealing, no bones about it. On the contrary, Porn is more like an in the closet or dark alleyway matter…inadmissible, in the closet, rarely spoken about or revealed…individuals who chase this are trying to satisfy their sexual cravings, lust & passion in an offbeat or abnormal way, that's all, they aren't sadists or debauchees
2016-02-17 5:15 pm
Nope, my ex used to watch porn all the time and have a favourite porn star. I didn't really like this but he made out like it was ok because he knew that he wouldn't have a chance with her. But just knowing that he had sexual fantasies with another female irked my nerves.
2016-02-17 5:07 pm
It's more like "would I marry an overly-judgmental self-righteous *****?" To which the response would be, ".... only if she go dabooty".
2016-02-17 3:23 pm
2016-02-17 12:28 pm
almost everybody watches this. actually it depends on that particular person if he/she (or he in this case) decides to be influenced by porn.
2016-02-17 9:57 am
You're really deluded if you think any guys outside of the hyper-religious aren't watching porn.
2016-02-17 7:43 am
A study showed that 90% of men watch porn. Even the most handsome and rich guys do.
2016-02-17 6:16 am
Well I mean my boyfriend watches porn so yeah pretty much everyone does at some point.
2016-02-16 4:47 pm
2016-02-16 1:01 pm
If not , Just keep distance with japanese guy ~ , That's a huge industry in Japan
2016-02-18 7:38 pm
Depend, but mostly I want a man who doesn't do it
2016-02-18 4:13 pm
2016-02-18 7:19 am
No I would leave in the middle of the night
2016-02-18 4:23 am
No because trolls aren't attracted to men
2016-02-18 12:15 am
2016-02-17 9:49 pm
no just no
2016-02-17 8:38 pm
I AM A man, so no!
2016-02-17 8:26 pm
No, I would not.
2016-02-17 5:28 pm
2016-02-17 3:30 pm
All men are horrible. Feminists ftw
2016-02-17 1:15 pm
If anyone says that porn is fine part of being human I will find and kill u
2016-02-17 10:29 am
Um...no, I'm a guy
2016-02-17 9:41 am
If I were to ever marry a man, I'd hope he loved all of of me - my personality, my looks and my body. I know a lot of people say "personality is the only thing that matters" but I want every part of me to be loved and adored by the man I'm marrying. If he doesn't love my body and get aroused by it, then I don't want to marry him. What I'm saying is that my body should be enough to arouse him... I would never want him getting off on another woman's body.
2016-02-17 8:57 am
Lol! Perverts have rights!!
2016-02-17 8:21 am
Nope I would only marry a women
2016-02-17 7:47 am
No it's desqusting
2016-02-17 5:47 am
nope ..men who do dont really love their woman
2016-02-17 4:05 am
A guy who thinks sex is his private secret thing and he uses my less than perfect body to assist his photoshopped fantasy?
2016-02-17 3:17 am
2016-02-16 11:31 pm
Some outrageous views here, knocking what is a valuable resource, the ignorance shown in the "Best Answer" is staggering! "Unattractive, Suck (poor verb choice, given the topic) in Bed, Mentally Unstable". There's a lot on show in this answer, all of it thoroughly negative + unpleasant with a conceited arrogance only exceeded by what is clearly evident, which is a really quite limited mind, exemplified by the ridiculous generalizations it offers concerning looks + mental foundation, which were based on a logic I'm sure would stretch any accepted definition of the word to a place far beyond, we'll call it nonsense, a harsher term could justifiably apply but I made my choice. I take issue with the cheap, trashy reference to performance, too, "...suck in bed..." suggests being not very good, low quality, lacking ability, all more suitable + sound to me as though the subject is a person's tennis game, or golf, any sport played in competition where a rating, or rank is achieved. The proud "Best Answer" author, beautiful, mind as solid as a rock + in that mind, I suspect the self image of a world class performer in bed + I'd not be surprised if a league table hung on the wall documenting your evaluations, who won, who lost. As I said, cheap, trashy , + base level, the pits,........
2016-02-16 11:28 pm
2016-02-16 5:20 pm
Definitely seen as the majority of men watch porn ???????? doubt it means they suck in bed too that's a load of rubbish all that info u got, not sure where it came from and some women watch porn so... ????
2016-02-16 2:15 pm
2016-02-16 10:19 am
Crap shack
2016-02-16 9:13 am
2016-02-16 4:23 am
2016-02-16 3:29 am
swag puffs
2016-02-16 1:53 am
No because I'm a heterosexual guy!!!
2016-02-16 1:16 am
havent watched in bout 3 years.

Because i am completely anti womb.

Porn is nasty **** when you think about it to.

I am a loser though to be honest.
2016-02-16 1:05 am
No, but I would marry a woman who did.
2016-02-16 12:55 am
2016-02-15 9:12 pm
Certainly not, a disgusting habit!
2016-02-15 4:53 pm
dream their man would cheat. I have bad news ladies. YES your man would cheat or even worse HAS cheated. A man is only as faithful as his options no matter what he feeds you. Look at the statistics if you dont believe me. How many presidents alone been caught? Not trying to make you feel bad Im just being 100% honest. Look at it this way, if men didnt have such a drive,
2016-02-16 10:42 pm
2016-02-16 10:32 am
So , a man that watches a even a bit of porn , will automatically rape his daughter if he has one ?? The reason porn is widespread , is because men generally have way higher sex drives than women ( that's if the woman even has one ! ) , any fool knows that , most men in marriages / relationships use porn as an outlet , because their GFs / wives always withhold sex. Most men HATE their strong sex drives , it's a curse we do not choose to have , glad mine has faded greatly !!
2016-02-16 5:43 am
If the woman did their part of staying sexy(doesn't mean 36-24-36) it wouldn't be a problem. When they are not attractive any more its a turn off. They need to bring some light the relation ship or should I say heat some sexiness or something because when women get older they not only loose their figure but their fortitude also.
2016-02-16 8:34 am
I'm conflicted with this matter. Section of myself understands that it really is in the mans dynamics to look at adult, nevertheless the some other section of myself locates that any little disrespectful. When you have an individual you might be comitted to be able to and will acquire sex pleasure coming from, exactly why should you observe adult? Even though your spouse just isn't about, I do believe guys can easily hold out and just masturbate with out adult. Actually, in the event the person observed adult not necessarily very much and also confirmed plenty of value and also really like for me personally, next it'd become a great different. When this individual scarcely observed that, however could be ok. Yet whether or not it's on a regular basis, however probably would not become ok your. Many guys can not actually help make adult a great occasional factor, therefore i imagine obtaining an individual it doesn't observe that or perhaps seldom will be unheard of..

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