Do you agree pet adoption places should do a criminal background check on future adopters?

2016-02-14 7:53 pm
Im so sick of seeing animals being abused and neglected

回答 (5)

2016-02-14 8:53 pm
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It's not the pet adoption places that need to tighten up it is the freakin' BYB's who sell to just about anybody who has the money. THEY are the problem and the private online sales when they wish to get rid of their dog.
2016-02-14 8:01 pm
You do know that not everybody that applies to adopt is accepted right? Lots of people get turned down. One time I applied online to 2 different humane societies to adopt dogs and they claimed "you will be contacted by phone in about a week" yeah right, next joke. All those claims ended up being were a lies. I applied time and again, and never once did a single person show the the common courtesy of calling me like their application claimed. I do think in some cases they do but they are very selective in who they do adopt to. Maybe the people you should be bytching about is the bybs that sell poorly bred pups or people that "sell" their pets online and are too stupid to ask the proper questions.
2016-02-15 5:33 am
Yes and I'd love for someone to crack down on the online sales of animals!!
2016-02-14 11:29 pm
Here is what we do: We check the address, and if it's a rental, we make sure pets are ok there in the first place. Then we contact the veterinarian who saw their last pet. If they were not current on vaccines, heartworm, flea, and spay/neuter, the answer is NO. We do a home visit to make sure the home has a fenced yard and is appropriate for a pet. We take notice of the family members and how they act when we interview them. We find that if someone who wants to adopt a dog has taken care of one in the past it is likely to work out well. In the event they have never had a pet, we ask them questions like "where will the dog stay when you are away?" "how many hours would you be away from your pet per day?" "where will the pet sleep?" "What kind of heartworm prevention do you plan to use?" You can pretty much tell by asking all the questions and checking like we do whether the pet will go to a person. OR not.
2016-02-14 8:54 pm
Yes I do.

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