Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton?

2016-02-14 6:03 pm

回答 (14)

2016-02-14 6:04 pm
Sanders. Not fond of either one.
2016-02-14 6:04 pm
A douche or a turd sandwich?
2016-02-14 6:04 pm
Neither should win.
2016-02-14 6:41 pm
kinda hard to pass up a hottie like Hilly.....
2016-02-14 6:13 pm
Bernie Sanders, I will not vote for any brought and paid for politicians. GOP or Democrats.
2016-02-14 6:08 pm
I would vote for either one over the clowns running in the GOP.
2016-02-14 11:06 pm
2016-02-14 10:43 pm
2016-02-14 9:33 pm
For what, dog catcher
2016-02-14 7:34 pm
Bernie, there is no question. He is principled, honorable, and a representative of the people for real. And he has spelled out his plans which he can get thru Congress with his many years of experience in Congress in both houses.
2016-02-14 6:20 pm
2016-02-14 6:59 pm
Bernie, but if she is the candidate, we must still go vote.
2016-02-14 6:14 pm
Tho Commie or the Corrupt, not much of a choice.
2016-02-14 6:08 pm
Hillary Clinton

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