Is five too young to let my kid watch the walking dead?

2016-02-14 4:28 pm

回答 (432)

2016-02-14 4:59 pm
Yes, five is too young for The Walking Dead.
2016-02-15 6:51 pm
Yes, 5 is too young to watch The Walking Dead.
2016-02-15 5:52 am
What's the point of asking the question if you're only going to thumbs down anyone who say yes. You already know 5 years old is too young to watch anything that involves killing so why ask such a dumb f**king question which is common sense as to what the answer is going to be. You're going to let them watch anyway you dumb a** terrible parent. When your kid grows up to see killing as a norm and he or she is coming at your stupid a** with a weapon after you give out a punishment for something, you'll know why. Hopefully your kid don't turn out to be an idiot like you with asking retarded uncommon sense questions.
2016-02-15 5:19 am
Lol No,

Back when I was around that age I was playing Mortal Kombat, Area 51, steel harbinger etc

My point is that kids with every generation become more and more descencitized to violence

Maybe back in the 70s that would have been inappropriate

But I wouldnt be surprised if your boy was playing violent games like Call of Duty now

He may or may not have nightmares, but that is the whole part of being a kid

if he does he will sleep in your room for a couple nights then get over it.

And Zombies will be 1 less thing he is scared of once he inevitably gets over it

its not a big deal

besides walking dead is a good show
a little gorey but nothing he wont eventually see as a young minor
2016-02-15 11:48 pm
Yes - a 5 year old child should not be watching The Walking Dead. I am actually surprised that a person would even need to ask this question and am really hoping its not a child's parent asking. I feel like anyone who is saying it is fine for a 5 year old has either never seen the show or is a teenager/pre teen who isn't even close to having children.
2016-02-16 2:54 am
Yes! Age 5 is much too young to watch "The Walking Dead" !!! Kids that young don't know the difference between real and fantasy.
2016-02-15 11:05 am
Absolutely not!. A 5 year old can't separate real from fantasy no matter what they tell you. Let alone all the other stuff in there that's FAR from appropriate for a 5yo. Scary that a parent can even ask this. I used to let my kid watch family guy with me because he was young and only saw a cartoon, now that he's older and can understand what he listens too that's out!
2016-02-15 7:12 pm
Yes. The Walking Dead is a very violent, very gory, very adult show centered around a group of people trying to survive a zombie infested post apocalyptic world. It's good heavy themes of survival and death and it's not appropriate for a five year old child who shouldn't be watching anything above a G rating.
2016-02-15 6:40 am
Honestly from my opinion I think it is too young to let your child watch that due to a lot of violence. There must be an age limit for watching that but I'm pretty sure other kids have watched the walking dead at a young age, although it can have a lot of violence and action (which may leave side effects). I mean he is your son so it's mostly your choice but I wouldn't recommend letting him watch it.
參考: Me
2016-02-16 1:48 pm
After experience with my own cousin, I would say that 5 is too young. Once, I showed a clip to my 6 year old cousin on the internet. I thought it was absolutely hilarious, but my cousin started crying and he didn't want to sleep alone that night. The video was of a man dressed as a headless chicken out in public asking where his head went and if anyone ate it. I must admit, the video was a little gruesome (as the outfit had blood onto of the headless neck). To show a 5 year old child the Walking Dead isn't a good idea (in my opinion, of course). If the child gets scared easily, I would suggest you don't even mention the title, for I have, again, had experience and learnt from my mistakes. Nevertheless, the Walking Dead is very graphic. I don't think a 5 year old would enjoy watching a bunch of zombies with blood everywhere and eating people alive. There are also a lot of jumpscares, and you don't want the 5 year old child to sh*t himself. <333
2016-02-16 2:07 am
Yes 5 is way to young to be watching the walking dead
2016-02-15 4:57 am
Yes. I really do hope this is a rhetorical question. Basic common sense would tell anyone that this show is inappropriate for any young child. I don't let me 8 y/o watch it either. Until a child can properly process harsh material, they should not be exposed to it.
2016-02-14 4:41 pm
Five is way too young to watch that kind of show. Wait until the child is much older, like in their late teens.
2016-02-15 10:39 pm
Yes. 5 is way to young. Especially if he gets scared easily. He might stay up at night thinking about the zombies. The walking dead is very graphic and it's not good to expose those types of things to kids of a young age.
2016-02-16 1:31 am
From experience I believe it's too young. My son (6) played Call of Duty and watched The Walking Dead (bc i do too) and although he isn't violent, he does seem to pull out his hand gun (a gun made with his fingers) out a lot more. He also talks about suicide and death a lot. It's something that unfortunately I messed up on and I am trying to recover from now. So no more violent games or shows until he's a little older and I have done my best to explain and teach him right from wrong concerning those things. So HOLD OFF, for everyone's sake.
2016-02-15 7:08 am
I would think it would be to young for a five year old to watch the walking dead, because they will learn violence, language, how a gun works, how to cut someone s head off. They might get the wrong impression and do something violent when they get older.
2016-02-15 5:08 am
The walking dead is a great show and as much I would like to say no yes maybe let him watch horror shows when he's a bit older
2016-02-15 5:34 am
idek why you're asking this question. I could hardly stomach the show. The makers say "Clearly, this is content appropriate to an adult-only audience, but AMC has rated every single episode of The Walking Dead as suitable for a 14-year-old child." so maybe wait 9 years.
2016-02-15 4:37 am
2016-02-15 10:12 am
You re right. Kids are being exposed earlier and earlier to violence, death, horror and sexuality (including sexual abuse.) More and more of them see terrible things much younger than we ever did.
And you know what else is rising? Mental illness. Domestic abuse. Sexual abuse. Emotional abuse. Drug and alcohol abuse. Gun violence. And that s US. Our generation. The one that was one of the first to be exposed to all these things at a young age via the internet or cable or games or whatever else.
So bloody well YES. It s too young. Sure, your kid will see these things eventually, but as your parent it s your job to protect them AND prepare them. There s a reason there s ratings and warnings. Any basic psychology would teach you that a five year old doesn t yet have the mental or emotional capacity to process or understand what they re seeing and it ll hurt them far more than it ll entertain them. You might not like whatever stupid kid show they want to watch with you... but you ll like it a lot more when you don t have to deal with a fifteen year old in ten years time who s angry, depressed, aggressive and needs therapy because his mental health is down the toilet.

Ask yourself- do you want them to watch it for their good or because you want to watch it but being a parent is so full on that you re struggling to find time to do so?

I get that it s tough. I get that you re a parent and it s not easy. You can t protect them from everything AND you need time to watch things you like... even with a five year old. But this isn t something I recommend. Not only for their sake but for your sanity as they get older. For their sake and your own future sanity don t even go down this road. You don t want to pay me the 150 an hour in ten years time because your kid s got mental health issues.
參考: Psych.
2016-02-15 5:48 am
Yes, too young
2016-02-15 4:53 am
What is your kid doing up that late. Most 5 year olds should be in bed.
2016-02-15 7:22 am
WAY Too young, they wont understand it and it will give them nightmares for years, when I was that age I'd have nightmares about csary looking animal puppets on kids shows, imagine what watching the Walking Dead would have done to me! I would have killed myself! Imagine a 5 year old killing themself! It's so not ok.
2016-02-15 4:34 am
Yeah, five is a bad idea... I would say 15 at the very least it's okay, not only because of gore, but there are some references here and there...
參考: I used to watch it, I'm 16
2016-02-15 12:40 pm
I'm 11 and I'm still not allowed. So yes, 5 is too early
2016-02-15 10:25 am
This question is proof that you should have to have a license to have kids. Birth control should be put in the water system so people like you don't procreate and do a crappy job raising their kids, dumping out a bunch of violent, angry, emotionally disturbed humans into the population.
2016-02-15 7:23 am
My sons 6 yrs old and even though he really wants to watch it I wont let him see someones face get chopped off with a sword and people get shot. I wont risk him thinking the guns I own are to randomly shoot people. Not gonna happen
2016-02-15 5:53 am
why are you asking someone else what to do with your child
2016-02-17 7:42 pm
Yes, five is too young for The Walking Dead
2016-02-15 6:23 am
Nooo, its not too young. While you are at it. Why don't the little bastard play with a chainsaw, fire, or acid. That sounds like such a good idea.
2016-02-14 9:36 pm
I'm 17 and the decapitation bothers me. But everyone is different. I would say he's too young.
2016-02-14 4:29 pm
Yes, they will most likely be extremely scared. I wouldn't recommend it.
2016-02-15 4:55 am
Yes much too young
2016-02-15 5:14 am
2016-02-16 2:53 am
2016-02-15 10:48 pm
Yes. The show contains bad language and sex references. If your son speaks of things like that in class, he could get into a lot of trouble and you as the parent could be held responsible. Don't risk it. Wait until he's old enough to know when and when not to use curse words. A 5 year old would just repeat whatever he/she hears because if grown ups say it, then it must be okay right?
2016-02-15 9:29 pm
Yes, its too violent for 5 year old. I wouldn't even recommend to adults with health or heart issues becuase everytime you watch a scary scenery the heart start beating faster and curdle the blood. Plus, your child will be prone to nightmares too.
2016-02-15 5:54 pm
I was afraid of The Walking Dead until I was 10 or 11, so if I would've watched it when I was 5 (even though it didn't exist back then) I would probably have been terrified.
2016-02-15 1:53 pm
Just like an hour ago I saw an epizode of The Simpsons, which was about Marge trying to ban Itchy and Scratchy for its violence. This is pretty much the same thing, only this time it's not a cartoon and I believe that these series are made for a little bit older audience. Your kid should watch fairy tales and play with toys and not watch tv series about zombies filled with violence.
2016-02-15 6:45 am
You should probably wait until they are at least a teenager :-)
2016-02-14 7:04 pm
Yes absolutely I would wait until they are about twelve at the youngest!
2016-02-15 5:08 pm
Well, some kids can some can't. When I was five, I watched X-Files, and wasn't scared nor did I have bad dreams. The only bad dreams I had, were from other things like remembering something or someone and he or it did something awful. Like, my friend bought a rifle, and it exploded and killed him (which is impossible), but even adults sometimes have this dreams. You need to estimate is your kid able to tell fiction from reality, and then try it. But if he never said he wants to watch it, then don't let him watch it.
2016-02-15 9:22 am
What is the idea associated with requesting the actual query if you are just likely to thumbs lower anybody that state indeed. You know 5 years of age is actually as well youthful to view something that entails eliminating why request this type of foolish f**king query that is good sense in regards to what the solution will probably be. You are going to allow all of them view anyhow a person foolish a** horrible mother or father. Whenever your child matures to determine eliminating like a tradition as well as they're arriving at the silly a** having a tool once you hand out the consequence with regard to some thing, you will understand the reason why. Ideally your own child do not grow to be a good simpleton as if you along with requesting retarded unusual feeling queries.
2016-02-15 9:18 am
Let me answer your question with a different question. Is 5 too young to survive the walking dead? The answer of course is sometimes, but often a child is not psychologically ready to handle tough truths or the idea and burden of loss and mortality. If you think your child is one of those whiny pieces of **** who gets himself and the rest of your family killed during the zombie apocalypse, then no, he's probably not ready, but if he would be right there in the trenches with you crushing some skull then yes he's probably ready for a bit more mature television.
2016-02-15 1:25 pm
I don't think so. The show is very popular in my school and it could be a good way for you're boy to make friends when he's older. There are somethings you have consider though and only you can answer these questions: Does he act, play or say violent things, does he get scared very easily, and will he take after the show or just simply enjoy it as entertainment. Answering these should help you decide for yourself and if you let him watch it and there are kinks in the road it doesn't mean you should take it away from him (unless that's what he wants), you should have a talk with him about whatever the problem may be.
2016-02-17 11:33 pm
5 is waaay too young for the walking dead, How will it affect them later on??? I'm 15 and I still consider myself too young to watch the walking dead. My sister watched it and it made her so paranoid she started carrying a pocket knife with her everywhere she was too scared to be anywhere by herself. I really don't think anyone should watch it, theres been 5 murders in the county i live in because of The walking dead.
2016-02-17 9:46 pm
Yes. Why not let him listen to the Grateful Dead instead?
2016-02-17 4:34 pm
2016-02-17 9:14 am
I have a nephew that 8 and a nephew that 10 and my little sister and brother in-law will NOT let them watch something like that at all. The both of them know they don't even have to ask can they watch it.

What they are allow to watch are Pokémon, Teen Titans Go!, Arthur, Odd Squad, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ninjago, Dexter's Laboratory, Wild Kratts, The Fairly OddParents and MasterChef Junior.
2016-02-17 3:05 am
Five is too young for a show as violent as The Walking Dead.

A child that age doesn't have the capacity to grasp that what's happening on screen isn't real. They are still learning to process their emotions and can't compartmentalize scary things.

Letting your child view a violent show is irresponsible and uncaring. You need to make INTELLIGENT, well- thought-out decisions when it comes to things like this. Children are not fully developed emotionally and any good parent knows this.

Allow your child to be a child and keep his or her innocence. There's going to be plenty of time in the future when you child will be exposed to negative, violent things. Let him or her be happy and feel safe as long as you can. Good luck.
2016-02-17 2:02 am
Let's see.
5 year old should be watching Sesame Street.
So, no.
2016-02-16 8:45 pm
No, he will be fine, if he dont like it he can go play with his toys, its simple!
2016-02-16 7:33 pm
Depends. Do you want to raise a sociopath? If so, have him watch that blood bath@5. In fact, why not tape his eyelids open and make him watch it? After that, submit your application for parent of the year. The mere asking of that question put you in a category of "should have never bred"
2016-02-16 7:25 pm
Yes, five is too young to watch the walking dead.
2016-02-16 11:13 am
I would say so, but hey you do you
2016-02-16 10:35 am
I saw Jaws at 5. Since I didn't really understand it back then, I wasn't scared, and it didn't haunt me for years.
2016-02-16 10:11 am
of course y not
2016-02-16 9:10 am
2016-02-16 5:33 am
Ya it is too young. I know I'm going to get a thumbs down from you if you read this but it is. What if your child takes things in a literal sense, like I do? What if they do not realize that this is immoral applicant to real life? Come on,it's way too young and you'll send him off with the am wrong impression.
2016-02-16 5:32 am
I don't think so. When I was around that age I loved horror films and the likes. I still love them now and have a respect for all types of art. There is a certain talent to acting genuinely horrified, the perfect makeup and blood spatter and getting a reaction from fans on such a huge level. It's a form of art. If you feel uncomfortable with your child watching it though, then don't.
2016-02-16 5:09 am
Yes, way too young.
2016-02-16 4:28 am
Yes! Age 5 is much too young to watch "The Walking Dead" !!!
2016-02-16 4:20 am
You'll probably scare him to death. Not a good idea.
2016-02-16 1:14 am

It has too much gore and violence for a young kid. They have curse words kids also won't understand
2016-02-16 12:17 am
Yes five is too young to watch the walking. Dead and I won't let my five year old watch it either
2016-02-15 11:41 pm
yeah it is
2016-02-15 11:31 pm
Of course. The Walking Dead is not even suitable for an adult.
2016-02-15 11:15 pm
Well there's a lot of gore and explicit content which actually affects us grown-ups when we watch too many elisodes in a short period of time..So I believe 5 is way too young in my humble opinion.
2016-02-15 10:23 pm
Yes it is. Which probably why they will watch it at this age.

It's as if everything we should do here we are the opposite of that.
2016-02-15 5:51 pm
Yes they are way to young to understand what they are watching, Also it can fill their minds with a whole bunch of false concepts ...........................
2016-02-15 3:49 pm
That depends on how far into the Walking Dead you are to realize people bashing each others heads in for food, women, or housing would scar a 5 year old for life.
2016-02-15 3:25 pm
I wanna ****
2016-02-15 3:09 pm
I would say yes. There are better shows she could be watching. Like, Breakingbad....Joking hahah! No way.

Seriously, get into some anime! Don't get her hooked on the poor quality cartoons being produced today.

Get her Hayao Miyazaki films, Spirited away, castle in the sky, arrietty , and introduce her to dragon ball, Dragon ball z and.

Anime is beautiful, the anime artists take special care unlike American artists in today's cartoons to make good stories and art!
2016-02-15 1:27 pm
This show will literally give them nightmares! People are getting ripped apart right in front of your kids and you are thinking "hmm... this seems good for my kids." Not a good call.
2016-02-15 1:19 pm
My five year old brother watches it and honestly I feel that it's a personal parents desicion. He loves the show and he loves the zombies and thinks they're awesome, but he also likes to pretend to shoot people and pretend they are zombies. He also gets night terrors every often and has dreams about people killing our family. It should be totally up to you if you're the parent, but if you let your child watch it just be prepared for the consequences that may come with it.
2016-02-15 11:50 am
Yes I think they are to young to watch The walking Dead.The show producers even have a warning at the beginning of the show because of the graphic violence , adult themes, adult language and content.
The adult themes and content , what the survivors do to one another, adult language, and yes graphic and bloody violence .
If you want to spend some quantity time with your son, read a book together (or separately) or do a puzzle together.
2016-02-15 10:38 am
Speaking 'common-sensibly' = Yes it is.
2016-02-15 10:21 am
I usually don t react to such a question. However, yours deserves an answer. Any one that is a parent or oversees a five year and feels the need to ask this sort of question needs to be immediately sentenced and locked away from all other humans on earth. To think that you would even expose a little child to such violence shows that you need spiritual deliverance and mental care. Its proven your heart is wicked and dark and you are serving your father of darkness.
2016-02-15 10:07 am
Such a blatantly obvious TROLL question. But you've succeeded in hooking a lot of gullible fish, even with bait *this* stale!
2016-02-15 9:06 am
Anytime anything
2016-02-15 8:54 am
That show has murder, gore, cussing, and scary zombies. Your kid will probably be scarred for life if you let them watch this show at that young age.
2016-02-15 8:40 am
I think most parents would say No but the few who wouldn't likely took their children to see Deadpool
2016-02-15 8:29 am
Yes, it's too young.
2016-02-15 7:53 am
Yes! very
2016-02-15 7:43 am
Yes,and you should always check the age ratings
2016-02-15 7:29 am
No! Not if you don't mind being up all night with the night terrors and night mares. Come on....!
2016-02-15 7:08 am
Yes, it will give them nightmares. Besides, they're too young to understand the plot anyway, so what's the point?
2016-02-15 6:50 am
5 is too young to watch a lot of shows, netflix specifically has a kid tab.
2016-02-15 10:56 pm
Yes, five is much too young for The Walking Dead. However, if you really want to, it s your choice. Just make sure to skip over the intense scenes. Stuff like that can affect kids later on in life.
2016-02-15 7:14 am
No not ok for a child to watch the walking dead ill give them nightmare
2016-02-15 6:43 am
You are a bad parent
2016-02-15 5:51 am
What kind of parent are you
2016-02-15 5:26 am
Every kid is different who knows maybe he'll get scared maybe he won't you know what your child can and can't handle at this age if you do allow him to then work him up to it maybe by watching more and more gory things up to it I mean so it doesn't come as much of a shock
2016-02-16 3:11 am
Depends on the child. I was in Olympic Tae Kwon Do as a child, I started at 3 to be exact, and my parents talked with my about violence and what is real and what is not. They let me watch Bruce Lee movies and kill bill and all the good gory stuff but only because I knew the difference and could distinguish right from wrong in the real world. I was never a violent person and still continue to be just as gentle at 20 years old. The main issue, as long as your child can comprehend reality and fantasy and know the difference from right and wrong behavior, is whether or not it will scare them. If you do allow them to try it once, see how they react to it, if they seem upset or scared, turn it off. If not, Talk to them afterwards and see what they think about it. If they say, "well zombies aren't real" or "it's just fake so it's not scary" maybe your child can handle it. I honestly believe it is good for a child to learn these lessons early on because of the physical discipline I had as a child. It taught me a lot.
2016-02-15 5:58 am
2016-02-15 5:19 am
2016-02-15 5:17 am
Hell yes! Are you nuts!
2016-02-15 5:15 am
My cousin watches it and he's 6 now. Doesn't scare him, depends on the kid.
2016-02-15 5:11 am
2016-02-15 4:53 am
2016-02-15 4:32 am
I think so. Yes.
2016-02-15 4:31 am
2016-02-15 3:54 am
You're asking that and you have children?

I weep for the future....
2016-02-14 11:49 pm
only if you hate sharing a bed with them
2016-02-14 5:35 pm
2016-02-14 4:31 pm
2016-02-15 7:56 am
In my opinion no...but that's what it is an opinion. Some people will say oh my god that is far too young or your child is going to grow up and kill themself or other people. Like people actually said on other answers. They are calling you a horrible parent, don't listen to them. If your kid has questions about death and killing on the show just make them understand that killing like that is something nobody should do or have to do. Kids need to know that death is real and killing and violence is too. If it gets too intense just mute it and cover their eyes. My dad showed me and my siblings how dangerous they can be if put in the wrong hands. You just need to teach your kids that and they should be fine. To be more clear I meant teach them about them you don't have to teach them how to ise them. Just make sure they now the dangers of guns and other weapons and that they are not toys in any way and shouldn't be treated as toys ever.
2016-02-15 6:18 am
It's rated M14+up for a reason.
2016-02-17 5:02 pm
The video was of a man dressed as a headless chicken out in public asking where his head went and if anyone ate it. I must admit, the video was a little gruesome (as the outfit had blood onto of the headless neck). To show a 5 year old child the Walking Dead isn't a good idea (in my opinion, of course). If the child gets scared easily, I would suggest you don't even mention the title, for I have, again, had experience and learnt from my mistakes. Nevertheless, the Walking Dead is very graphic. I don't think a 5 year old would enjoy watching a bunch of zombies with blood everywhere and eating people alive. Let alone all the other stuff in there that's FAR from appropriate for a 5yo. Scary that a parent can even ask this. I used to let my kid watch family guy with me because he was young and only saw a cartoon,
2016-02-15 8:25 pm
I work with kids and have for about five years now, and what I can definitely tell you from this is that there's no way to tell for sure without having met your child or without giving him/her a taste of the show. What I would do, though most parents would annihilate me for saying this, is to let him/her watch a snippet of an episode and keep an attentive eye on them while they watch it and for the following hours. If they react without seeming distressed, they're probably okay to watch it on occasion. If something worse than this happens... then you'll know.
However, this is kind of like when a child has an intolerance for a food- even if they can eat it, you know they probably shouldn't, and only allow it in moderation. In any case, five years old is quite young to be having an hour of screen time at all, and my belief is that it should only be in moderation in general. If you choose to let him/her watch TWD, I'd suggest only allowing it in moderation in addition to their other TV moderation.
Also, be sure not to let the child watch by themselves or in the dark. Children watching a show that is/could be considered upsetting for an adolescent or adult should not be allowed to experience it without an adult or prepared older sibling (Probably of a teenage age or older) to make sure that they are reacting alright to the program. Otherwise, children can have lasting emotional effects (including mild PTSD) that will last them far into their older years and inhibit them from doing certain things when they get older, which will set them so far back developmentally.
參考: I'm a babysitter and summer employee of five years at a preschool camp, working with kids ranging from newborns through early middle school.
2016-02-21 6:39 am
in my opinion any age, I find it corny/cheezy ( don't hate on me plz just me) and there's nothing really scare besides mini jump scares for younger kids but other than that you're child is fine ( dreams my get scary for him though so watch out foh that.
參考: .
2016-02-20 7:25 am
Too young they will have nightmares. Plus at that age children already get nightmares. You don't want your kid to be staring into the darkness at night and wonder if a shadowy man figure is a zombie trying to kill him. Plus in our minds when we cannot see clearly into the dark we automatically make human forms out of it therefore I would think that if your kid watched zombies those shadow human forms would turn into a threat. Believe me no one wants to sleep whale paranoid.
2016-02-20 6:54 am
Personally, i think it is. The Walking Dead has a lot of violence, blood, and other things that are too mature for a 5 year old to be watching.
2016-02-19 4:39 pm
You asked a question like that? I criticize you. You are a dumb person.
2016-02-19 2:53 pm
i was alowed to play gta at the age 5, watch the movie the grudge, it, chucky, 8 mile, etc.
sure i was allowed alot of freedom, but know it is just a t.v show (not like it is porn or anything like that)
it is educational in a way it is on sifi
siecnce fiction (key word science)
2016-02-19 2:41 am
2016-02-18 11:45 pm
Hell yeah! Choo CRAY
2016-02-18 10:37 pm
wrong section
2016-02-18 8:27 pm
From experience I believe it's too young. My son (6) played Call of Duty and watched The Walking Dead (bc i do too) and although he isn't violent, he does seem to pull out his hand gun (a gun made with his fingers) out a lot more. He also talks about suicide and death a lot. It's something that unfortunately I messed up on and I am trying to recover from now. So no more violent games or shows until he's a little older and I have done my best to explain and teach him right from wrong concerning those things. So HOLD OFF, for everyone's sake.
2016-02-18 7:17 pm
5 is way too young to be watching the walking dead! Unless you're trying to give your child nightmares. I don't even let my 8 year old watch it.
2016-02-18 6:57 pm
I have done my best to explain and teach him right from wrong concerning those things. So HOLD OFF, for everyone's sake.
2016-02-18 6:41 pm
I watched John Carpenters the thing when I was 5 and all it did was give me an appreciation for good horror movies. Besides, there's so much talking and character development in TWD I doubt a 5 year old would even be interested.
2016-02-18 6:28 pm
2016-02-18 5:48 pm
2016-02-18 5:43 pm
yeah! ... not for little kids.... too much violence! she will have nightmares. have you watched the show? when you watch it, you will see...
2016-02-18 5:36 pm
Yes. At his age he is too young to know what is real and what is not. He should be watching cartoons.
2016-02-18 5:18 pm
Yeah pretty much... My wife doesn't even let me watch the walking dead. But I do anyways ????????????
2016-02-18 4:55 pm
yes, you suck as a parent.
2016-02-18 3:02 pm
2016-02-18 2:42 pm
2016-02-18 12:01 pm
2016-02-18 12:00 pm
nah bro
2016-02-18 10:34 am
No. A movie/show is just a movie/show. It just needs to be explained that way to the child beforehand. There's a difference between real and fake and movies/shows like that are just for entertainment
2016-02-18 7:40 am
3 simple words... YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-02-18 7:10 am
I think so, the zombies will most definately scare your child.
2016-02-18 6:19 am
Just judge his reaction. If he seems scared, or has trouble sleeping turn it off
2016-02-18 3:17 am
Absolutely, positively he is to young. Viewer discretion is advised
2016-02-18 2:34 am
Way way to young. To graphic and it just gets more graphic as the seasons go on. There was almost a rape scene in one, and just recently young children got eaten. It's really not a show for anyone who isn't a teenage or above. Unless you want to do some unknown damage to them... then have it! j/k. Don't do this or encourage anyone else too! Bottom line: it just isn't appropriate.
2016-02-18 1:55 am
It kind of depends on your kid
Are they easily scared? Sensitive?
It's very gruesome and graphic, and your child may develop violent behaviors. I would wait until they're older in my own preference, but it is your child.
2016-02-18 1:17 am
2016-02-18 12:48 am
Yes. It could damage his/her little psyche, and I'm not being facetious.
2016-02-18 12:48 am
Yes. At five ? Try to really limit the tv time.
2016-02-17 11:26 pm
2016-02-17 9:49 pm
Yes, way too young there's blood, monsters, swearing, why would you let your kid watch something like that?! It'd terrify me as a kid and give me nightmares most likely.
2016-02-17 9:24 pm
No it's perfectly fine
2016-02-17 9:15 pm
I say let your child watch one or two episodes and if it doesn't effect his sleep or behavior (beating up kids to b like he characters) then let him watch it all he wants. I personally think it's nothing near what it could be gruesome wise. My 10 year old brother watched it since it came on T.V. and it never bothered him so it never bothered y parents.
2016-02-17 9:14 pm
Yes. That show gives some adults nightmares. It is far too violent for a young, impressionable mind.
2016-02-17 8:33 pm
Yes. I just looked on the internet and it said that it was 16+ which is a lot older than 5. 5 is way too young.
2016-02-17 8:30 pm
2016-02-17 8:13 pm
I think it would be unfair to the children to subject them to that. They aren't able to see that it's just people on a set. I'm sure at times it would be terrifying for them, especially at night or when they're alone. Please do not expose them to something like The Walking Dead this young.
2016-02-17 7:25 pm
Yes, it would probably be too graphic for a 5 year old.
2016-02-17 7:17 pm
YES that is way to young
2016-02-17 7:12 pm
Lol, you're joking right? I'm almost 20 and i have to watch this show during daylight
2016-02-17 6:52 pm
In my perspective yes
2016-02-17 6:39 pm
Ultimately, it is your decision as a parent, no one can tell you how to raise your child, but I would highly suggest you do not let your 5 year old watch The Walking Dead. It can leave your child with nightmares and mental problems when growing in their later years.
2016-02-17 6:32 pm
2016-02-17 6:25 pm
The fact that you even have to ask makes me wonder how old YOU are! Stick to cartoons and age appropriate shows..
2016-02-17 6:20 pm
I let my kids watch SAW to toughen them up for the future

Saw stands for Super Awesome Wombats, an Australian educational program.
2016-02-17 5:01 pm
Yes. Kids are like sponges when they are that young. Not saying they would think its okay to kill people lol. It just could possibly desensitize them
2016-02-17 4:57 pm
2016-02-17 4:30 pm
It all depends on if he can handle it or not. Would he have nightmares or would he think it's pretty heroic to kill zombies?
2016-02-17 3:15 pm
2016-02-17 3:11 pm
Yes, 5 is too young .
2016-02-17 3:07 pm 5 years old your child should only be watching Tree House
2016-02-17 2:15 pm
yes that can traumatise him. My 10 year old nephew has been watching video of nights at Freddie's while have he's younger sisters are there. It's called scary for a reason scar-y simply scars to people who don't understand people of 5 has no understanding.
2016-02-17 2:10 pm
if you have to question yourself, then I would have to say that it is a bit too mature for a 5 year old.
2016-02-17 1:54 pm
Way to young why do you have to ask that question have you not watched it?
2016-02-17 1:20 pm
參考: Life
2016-02-17 1:00 pm
Definitely. Seeing as the show revolves around people taking drastic measures to stay alive, and is really graphic (the make up artist used to work with Tarantino and George Romero), I'd say the minimum age is around 12 and older, but that mainly depends on maturity and what you're comfortable with your child viewing.
參考: I'm a Film student xD
2016-02-17 11:58 am
2016-02-17 11:32 am
depends how developed they are
2016-02-17 11:28 am
Depends what rating it is. If it is rated r
2016-02-17 11:28 am
Try 12 years
2016-02-17 11:05 am
No it's not. Very good education! They'll be prepared for when they're older. It'll be a good show to look back on when they're older. #bestchildhood
2016-02-17 9:52 am
Are you kidding me?! YES FIVE IS TOO YOUNG
2016-02-17 9:09 am
Nah, it'll toughen them up ;)
2016-02-17 8:58 am
Ya yes 5 is too young
2016-02-17 7:56 am
no. Kids watch that stuff all the time
2016-02-17 7:40 am
I'd say yes
2016-02-17 7:28 am

- too many violences
2016-02-17 5:41 am
yes way too yound
2016-02-17 5:41 am
This question is really funny. If you would even consider shwing yiur 5 year old the walking dead i don't really know what kind if oaremt you are.
2016-02-17 5:21 am
you really have to ask that. I feel bad for your kid and worry about his well being with you as his/her parent
2016-02-17 5:19 am
Uh, yeah unless you are prepared for the nightmares
2016-02-17 5:07 am
Im 13 and wasn't allowed to watch the walking dead until this year. It depends on how much violence your kid can handle without being grossed out or disturbed.
2016-02-17 4:42 am
As long as you can catch him up on the story cause you don't want him to get confused.
2016-02-17 4:41 am
its not. its REALLY not too young
2016-02-17 4:28 am
2016-02-17 4:19 am
2016-02-17 4:17 am
Yes, if I were a parent I would wait quite a bit more time.
2016-02-17 3:49 am
yes it is
2016-02-17 3:31 am
you should let him watch that when he becomes 30.
just kidding.
Yes it is too young because that is the critical stage of growing up
2016-02-17 3:29 am
2016-02-17 3:19 am
No I don't believe that is too young as it is all fictional
2016-02-17 2:32 am
Well i saw Terminator 2 when i was 3
2016-02-17 2:23 am
yes, the zombie's makeup/effects looks way to real and it's gonna scare the kid
2016-02-17 2:21 am
if he doesn't have any nightmares is ok
2016-02-17 1:59 am
yes because it might scare ur children out and have nightmare and cried to you every night. That would be your worst nightmare.
2016-02-17 1:37 am
In most cases yes
2016-02-17 1:30 am
It is called TV-14 for a damn reason! I think it is 14, right? or is it MA
2016-02-17 1:20 am
That show is pretty sexual, so 5 is too young. As for the nightmare stuff, it really depends on your child. I watched a lot of scary stuff when I was 5 (like LOTR) and I didn't have any nightmares and trust me, Gollum is pretty freaky to a child!
2016-02-17 1:09 am
As a parent you should decide that make the right decision and I think that you know the right decision if not then you shouldn't be a parent so would you let your kid see Dawn of the Dead the original one word captain roads is ripped apart by zombies and he's being ripped apart he says choke on it I hope not if you want to scar your kids for life feel free but I think that you need to think about it
2016-02-17 12:51 am
Yes, way too young. I watched scary stuff at that age sometimes and it gave me alot of trouble when it came to falling asleep.
2016-02-17 12:41 am
I mean it's totally up to you. It's your opinion, my opinion is yes. Just because there are zombies and violence. The child could have horrifying nightmares about the zombies. When i was three my parents let me watch horror movies like Freddy, and Micheal Myers. Of course, we had to close our eyes in the "bad" scenes. But anyways I would have terrible nightmares about Freddy or someone in a horror movie killing me. It scarred me until i was 10 and then i finally stopped dreaming creepy nightmares. I used to have to sleep with my parents because of how bad my nightmares were. Well I hope this helps,just remember you have your own opinion as well.????????❤️
2016-02-17 12:40 am
yes lol they dont know about the bad in the world
2016-02-17 12:39 am
You're too stupid to be a parent. Of course it's too young, you f*cking idiot.
2016-02-17 12:37 am
Very young for him to be watching those types of things on tv.
2016-02-16 11:55 pm
It's probably too young. It depends on the child though
2016-02-16 11:30 pm
Honestly no my little sister has been watching it since she was 3,she loved it.As she's gotten older it's had no negative effect on her.She's 5 now and that's her favorite show so go for it!
2016-02-16 11:09 pm
Yes. It will give him nightmares and corrupt his mind.
2016-02-16 10:40 pm
2016-02-16 10:14 pm
2016-02-16 10:13 pm
Yes, there are very graphic/explicit scenes that are not suitable for a five year old.
2016-02-16 9:58 pm
Not too young
It is actually too little
2016-02-16 9:35 pm
i was watching evil dead bootlegs and texas chainsaw massacre at that age
the joys of naive irish alcoholic parents
2016-02-16 9:05 pm
Yes of course it is also it can be scary at the same time
2016-02-16 9:03 pm
Yes you could scare them for lif
2016-02-16 8:54 pm
2016-02-16 8:38 pm
Yes, he'll turn out like Sam, all traumatized etc.
2016-02-16 8:38 pm
Yes! way to young
2016-02-16 8:18 pm
2016-02-16 8:08 pm
2016-02-16 7:54 pm
I really don't know, when I was that age I remember watching It, All of saw 1,2,3,4, and 5 I watched so many scary movies but I never got bad dreams.
2016-02-16 7:50 pm
Yes lol, that is way too young :/
2016-02-16 7:43 pm
If your kid can handle it, it's all good. Plus it can teach him/her about how some people are and about other things.
2016-02-16 7:17 pm
2016-02-16 6:31 pm
yes, there is sex, violence, and very naughty words. it might give them nightmares
2016-02-16 6:27 pm
2016-02-16 6:18 pm
Of course it is the child is only 5 too young to watch a movie like that at least wait until he/she's 10 or 12
2016-02-16 6:05 pm
No hunny bear, I think it is perfect suitable besides the fact that zombies eat the guts off the human and rip their heads off. Your child will be fine, they will be a champ!
2016-02-16 5:57 pm
yes. this is too young
2016-02-16 5:51 pm
2016-02-16 5:51 pm
2016-02-16 5:13 pm
yes common sense media rates it 16 and up
2016-02-16 5:13 pm
2016-02-16 5:12 pm
2016-02-16 4:54 pm
yes he will be afraid at night and will iimagine ghosts coming near him
2016-02-16 4:46 pm
Morons let him watch the movie it's not good for the boy
2016-02-16 4:44 pm
Only if you want to give them nightmares
2016-02-16 4:38 pm
2016-02-16 4:37 pm
2016-02-16 4:17 pm
I think u made the wrong decision. This is an addicting show and he might not get off of it.
2016-02-16 3:34 pm
YES!!!!!!! The series gets more and more violent and gory as the story progresses. One shouldn't be inured to such things until one has developed a moral compass.
2016-02-16 3:23 pm
That is a young age to watch walking dead but personally i believe if you know how to teach your child and let him know in which they would not be affected any negatively i give it go because i personally believe it gives them high tolerance and more brave. Brave and courageous when they grow up. If a zombie apocalypse were to able occur they would be prepared unlike the other kids
2016-02-16 3:05 pm
If you have to ask this question, then I would say the answer is YES
2016-02-16 2:26 pm

I know kids love things like zombies etc, but there may be some scenes that the 5 year old may not understand is fake etc, as some of the scenes as you know are quite gory. Of course kids should be out playing etc, but if it is time to watch a bit of telly maybe Adventure Time would be a good show, and I am sure the kid will be able to tell you what TV shows they like.
2016-02-16 2:11 pm
It depends on the child, because some children can handle certain movies, other children get scared more easily.
2016-02-16 2:04 pm
If you have to ask a question about a movie or something on the television,
you should know the answer a resounding NO.
2016-02-16 1:39 pm
Yes. But, I wouldn't be surprised if some other parent lets their child play Call of Duty, or something like that with the way where society is going.
2016-02-16 1:26 pm
Heck yes!
2016-02-16 1:24 pm
2016-02-16 1:07 pm
well yes, kids don't always understand things like zombies and dead, and psychological changes. And it could give him nightmares
2016-02-16 12:56 pm
No as long as they can take it. I loved watching chuckey at 5 and there is nothing wrong with me. (I hope)
2016-02-16 12:52 pm
2016-02-16 12:51 pm
Yes, keep them away from the window
2016-02-16 12:39 pm
No, but if he's scared easily, it could get annoying because he may ask you to check his closet or the bathroom, etc for zombies. Just tell him that zombies aren't real
2016-02-16 12:12 pm
2016-02-16 11:59 am
2016-02-16 11:11 am
Uh.... Yeah
2016-02-16 11:09 am
2016-02-16 10:53 am
Yes and if you have to ask you need to update your parenting skills. Five year olds are not interested in the shows we watch, they like cartoons etc.
2016-02-16 10:24 am
No it's not to young
2016-02-16 9:47 am
2016-02-16 9:29 am
I'm 17 and I get scard of that programme so a 5 year old well they will be very young, I'm sure it's rated adults only anyway
2016-02-16 9:14 am
2016-02-16 9:13 am
Nope 5 is old enough. even old enough to watch porn
2016-02-16 8:50 am
2016-02-16 8:08 am
2016-02-16 7:50 am
yes rather let him watch it at 15 lol otherwise he will be very screwed in the head and will be very voilent when hes older
2016-02-16 7:50 am
2016-02-16 7:38 am
2016-02-16 7:30 am
Way too young, wait until he's at least a teenager.
2016-02-16 7:10 am
No... Just be around him when he watches it so u can control what he sees and doesn't see.
2016-02-16 7:07 am
Yes. There's too much violence. It's frightening and he/she could have nightmares.
2016-02-16 7:04 am
yes, I won't allow my daughter watch
2016-02-16 7:04 am
Yes, I would have been freaked out at five.
2016-02-16 6:42 am
Yes nightmares for the young one
2016-02-16 6:18 am
i was scared watching resident evil growing up - got nightmares until i was like 11
2016-02-16 6:09 am
2016-02-16 6:07 am
Yes. 5 is way to young. Especially if he gets scared easily. He might stay up at night thinking about the zombies. The walking dead is very graphic and it's not good to expose those types of things to kids of a young age.
2016-02-16 5:58 am
I played many horrible games at that age and watched Japanese scary movies. I am alright lol
2016-02-16 5:42 am
If you don't mind wet beds, screams from nightmares, multiple phobias of dark, cemetaries and people. The Horta from Star Trek gave me the fear of the basement and the dark when I saw it as a kid.
2016-02-16 5:24 am
2016-02-16 5:17 am
I feel like anyone who is saying it is fine for a 5 year old has either never seen the show or is a teenager/pre teen who isn't even close to having children.
2016-02-16 5:14 am
Not at all, why don't you let him watch the Saw movies next? *eye roll*

If you truly had to ask that question, then you already knew the answer
2016-02-16 5:06 am
2016-02-16 4:55 am
2016-02-16 4:53 am
Nah it's cool brotha
2016-02-16 4:49 am
As much as I love that show, there is some bad language and very graphic scenes not meant for an innocent 5 yr old.
2016-02-16 4:48 am
2016-02-16 4:12 am
I think so. That is way too you.
2016-02-16 3:28 am
Most definitely!
There are many graphic scenes in the Walking Dead and these can have serious to moderate repercussions in the development of a yound child.
2016-02-16 3:24 am
young for me
2016-02-16 3:22 am
I would not have allowed any of my children to watch walking dead before high school.
2016-02-16 3:20 am
2016-02-16 3:17 am
Yes that is an adult show
I'm 16 and don"t watch it
2016-02-16 3:13 am
The kid wouldn't understand what the hell is happening
2016-02-16 3:05 am
Definitely it is. As we all know,Walking Dead is a TV series which is full of horror, violence and bloodshed. It is inappropriate for children to watch, especially for a child who is so young.
2016-02-16 3:04 am
2016-02-16 2:59 am
I think. If you plant a seed it can grow. Walking dead is a story with EVERYONE involved. The movie Saw is a demented minds wa craving for emotional breakdown in there victim. Even writers of demented minded people got that seed somewhere from someone. You create your childrens potential.Don't twist their minds. Zombies are cool. Unless so obsessed w them they create a mind virus ,and a worldful of z's.
2016-02-16 2:43 am
Well tbh... im 13 and when i was 2 i was watching Major Paine ... i think that's way worse
2016-02-16 2:40 am
well it could give them nightmares .. Think any age that can't understand the difference between real and not real is to young.
2016-02-16 2:36 am
I can't believe you are actually a parent
2016-02-16 2:35 am
2016-02-16 2:30 am
no i dont think so there kids watching worst things ??
2016-02-16 2:21 am
I believe that 5 is extremely too young! I'm 19 and I still get grossed out by some of the gore and violence!
2016-02-16 2:18 am
If you watch it with them no
2016-02-16 2:14 am
Yes. Absolutely too young.
2016-02-16 2:02 am
No is too young
2016-02-16 1:53 am
2016-02-16 1:31 am
Pray on it
2016-02-16 1:26 am
No if six year old play GTA and stuff like that then no plus parents don't want their little kids to watch stuff like that because it's too violent and inappropriate but like if ur kid had enough common sense and stuff like that and learn that it's bad like if u teach them it's bad they probably won't copy them like for example my baby cousin watches stuff with cuss words in it but he knows it's bad so he doesn't copy them
2016-02-16 1:15 am
Kids under 5 are doing it but do you want to see the repercussions
2016-02-16 1:03 am
It might be scary for kids that age, and plus it is a little violent (lots of death)
2016-02-16 1:01 am
Yes, it actually gave someone at my church nightmares that her son was being eaten by a walker, and she is in her 20's. I don't think it's appropriate for them to watch.
2016-02-16 12:50 am
2016-02-16 12:40 am
No it's not
2016-02-16 12:29 am
No. I've seen 5 years old at comic con waiting to meet the cast.
2016-02-16 12:16 am
2016-02-16 12:13 am
Yes that's much too young. Of course you could consider it training for when the real Zombie Apocalypse comes in about 10 to 15 years. Just kidding.
2016-02-15 11:56 pm
This isn't the place to be asking this. the only person you should ask is yourself. you are the one who knows your child best, and because every child is different, no one should be able to make that decision but you. if your child is not easily scared, then it is probably OK to let him try it. if not, then you should wait until he is older.
2016-02-15 11:54 pm
yes is too young
2016-02-15 11:28 pm
If you want your kid to grow up a drug dealer then let him watch it, otherwise I would recommend against the show for a 5 year old.
2016-02-15 11:18 pm
yes....too young
2016-02-15 10:15 pm
It depends. I watch it (I'm 12) and I get scared, or wanna gag at certain parts. It all depends on your child.
2016-02-15 10:12 pm
What a person eats will either bring good health or the same way what a person puts in their mind. Your sweet child should not put that show in his mind.....bless him or her with good educational material instead......all the best....cheers
2016-02-15 10:10 pm
TV-MA – This program is specifically designed to be viewed by adults and therefore may be UNSUITABLE for children under 17.
Programs rated TV-MA are usually designed to be viewed by adults. Some content may be unsuitable for children under 17. This rating is seldom used by broadcast networks or local television stations due to FCC restrictions on program content, although it is commonly applied to television programs featured on certain cable channels (especially premium services such as HBO and Showtime) for both mainstream and pornographic programs.
Some thematic elements, according to the FCC, "may call for parental guidance and/or the program may contain one or more of the following" sub-ratings, designated with an alphabetic letter:
D – Suggestive dialogue (Not usually used with TV-MA)
L – Coarse language
S – Sexual content
V – Violence
FV – Fantasy violence (exclusive to TV-Y7)
E/I – Educational & Informative (usually used for children's programs - Exclusive to TV-Y and TV-Y7)
Up to four content descriptors can be applied alongside an applied rating, depending on the kind of suggestive content featured in a program (with the exception of the "FV" sub-rating, due to its sole applicable use for children's programs). As the rating increases pertaining to the age, the content matters generally get more intensive. The 'suggestive dialogue' descriptor is used for TV-PG and TV-14 rated programs only, although certain networks may choose the rate their TV-MA programs with the descriptor, while the DLSV sub-ratings are only used with the TV-14 and TV-MA ratings. The violence descriptor was used for TV-Y7 programs until the creation of the 'FV' descriptor in 1997.
2016-02-15 10:10 pm
Yes, too young
2016-02-15 10:03 pm
2016-02-15 9:56 pm
When I was four my father fell asleep in front of the tv which led to me watching dawn of the my few phobies in life I zombies...even at 27 I'm literally petrified of there a connection between the two?u decide;)
2016-02-15 9:44 pm
Yes when u was 11 And watched it for the first time I had really bad night mares but if he's somehow use to hire and stuff like that I would say maybe but I would never let my kid that young watch it
2016-02-15 9:09 pm
2016-02-15 8:58 pm
if you think about it , art some point EVERYBODY is gona learn about swearing ande violence. so why not earlier
2016-02-15 8:53 pm
As long as Parental Guidance is there, i don't see any problem with that. Just be prepared because kids will ask so many questions for sure!
2016-02-15 8:47 pm
it's boring
2016-02-15 8:39 pm
Yes, if you want him/her to have nightmares. A definite no, no for children much older than that as Well. Totally unsuitable subject for children.
2016-02-15 8:31 pm
My opinion is no, u shouldn't let a five year old watch something like that
2016-02-15 8:24 pm
2016-02-15 8:24 pm
Of course. he will get that in his head too much & then he would want to do it in real life
2016-02-15 8:19 pm
2016-02-15 7:56 pm
yes, that's child abuse
2016-02-15 7:51 pm
Depending on the kid tbh.
2016-02-15 7:42 pm
oh my god yes I literally am confused as to why you're even asking this question. a five year old does not need to be watching stuff this violent and scary.
2016-02-15 7:32 pm
Yes it is too young. I guarantee she will have more nightmares too? I am a mature man and I have only watched one episode. I never liked silly zombie stories.
2016-02-15 7:31 pm
2016-02-15 7:09 pm
If they grow up on thrillers, what will it take to get the rush later on?
2016-02-15 7:00 pm
Yes Of course, five is too young for The Walking Dead. cause elder person also fear this horror movie
2016-02-15 6:53 pm
I think that's too young.
2016-02-15 6:51 pm
Depends on the kid. If it's scary then yes.
2016-02-15 6:50 pm
2016-02-15 6:50 pm
I say yes, but yeah some kids are not even going to remember at all. My mom used to watch horror movies and they scared me to death and I didn't like it. Have memories about that and if it was my choice I would not have watched them.
2016-02-15 6:46 pm
I think so. I am a grandmother. I raised my kids and kept them free from violence as much as I could. It was my job to protect them regardless of what was popular or easy.They are now grown men and can do what they want. One was in the military and one didn't.
I was that mom who cared what my boys did, where they went , who they hung around with and what they thought about.Both of them (and their wives) have thanked me for raising loving and good- hearted men.
Encourage what you want and ignore what you don't want. AS much as possible.
A five-year-old can't tell the difference between Santa and Dad, between killing a bug, a bird or a computer-generated robot. Encourage them to love animals, take care of animals, save animals, not kill anything that moves.
Teach them to know what the truth is. Teach them to use their OWN IMAGINATIONS, not violent movies and sexy trash. Listen to your kids. Talk to your kids. Read to your kids A LOT!!. Take them anywhere you can and insist that they behave. I took my kids to art shows, symphonies, ballets, drag races, baseball, and soccer. We learned martial arts together.
It wasn't the easy way out, but it was the right way. My sone are great honorable men, great loving fathers, great loyal husbands.
I am not old enough to play "Murder the zombies" and I am 66.
2016-02-15 6:40 pm
2016-02-15 6:34 pm
5 is too young. Also keeping up with the kardashiab is worse than porn.
2016-02-15 6:20 pm
No show your child the truth of tbis world
2016-02-15 5:58 pm
may be yes.
2016-02-15 5:50 pm
2016-02-15 5:47 pm
No cuz a 5 year old is not impressionable at all Give him a knife and gun to play with and tell him to run around with scissors in his hand
2016-02-15 5:44 pm
no that too scary for young one
2016-02-15 5:31 pm
2016-02-15 5:25 pm
14+, no.
2016-02-15 4:55 pm
2016-02-15 4:53 pm
The walking dead is a great show and as much I would like to say no yes maybe let him watch horror shows when he's a bit older
2016-02-15 4:39 pm
I think that it's a little much but you shouldn't ask this question to anyone but yourself you the parent only you can make the best choice
2016-02-15 4:32 pm
No not at all if you want to scare the sh*t out of them. What's wrong with you!
2016-02-15 4:29 pm
Please no. This is the reason our country's in the toilet. Kids are wasting their lives.
2016-02-15 4:20 pm
Yes it is
2016-02-15 4:16 pm
2016-02-15 3:48 pm
Well id say yes but id also say no that is because whether a parent lets their kid watch a show or not that is completely up to the parent to judge the show and say whether or not its not right.
2016-02-15 3:38 pm
2016-02-15 3:24 pm
No, as long as you explain to him that the zombies aren't real and he's completely safe.
2016-02-15 2:57 pm
2016-02-15 2:52 pm
Yes, the walking dead is very intense, gory, and disturbing. Even my parents have trouble watching it.
2016-02-15 2:49 pm
of course NO
2016-02-15 2:45 pm
Have respect and refer to as "Child" not "Kid" and watch or read something educational, arts and crafts, play games. You may have had bum Parents but don't let your child suffer. Get up off your azz and quit being lazy~!
2016-02-15 2:45 pm
Lol yes
2016-02-15 1:58 pm
yes. spend the next year preparing him by making the rounds of local funeral homes to attend wakes of strangers.
2016-02-15 1:51 pm
Definitely too young. Besides certainly being frightened by all the violence, they're too young to understand the plot. There's nothing for them to get from it.
2016-02-15 1:45 pm
Yes Absolutely...As a mother of three kids children start to internalize and fear what they finished viewing on t.v. They may not act like it at first, but it does instill fear to go to sleep, fear of something under the bed, fear of death, etc...things like that, so I would not do it. If you like to watch it then you should do it on your own, but they shouldn't. God Bless.
2016-02-15 1:40 pm
2016-02-15 1:23 pm
no applicable
2016-02-15 1:10 pm
at this age they should watch tom and jerry
2016-02-15 1:08 pm
Far too young. Way too gory and violent.
2016-02-15 12:57 pm
well not in this age of generation now childs are more advance and its not due to time and trends its the genetic progress your child is more intelligent then you and his children are more and more intelligent then him so i don't think that watching walking dead at the age of FIVE in this generation plays any harm to him .
2016-02-15 12:36 pm
2016-02-15 12:29 pm
yes cause it is
2016-02-15 12:29 pm
no, he needs to watch more bloody movies, so he wont be scared of bloody things in the future
2016-02-15 12:23 pm
i think yes...
2016-02-15 12:03 pm
Yes, it definitely is. It has an age certificate for a reason - it could give kids nightmares.
2016-02-15 11:32 am
2016-02-15 11:18 am
Come on!! What do you think?!!
2016-02-15 11:15 am
The zombies are more or less idiot proof, but I think you would have a harder time trying to explain to the kid what the humans are doing to one other.
2016-02-15 10:58 am
2016-02-15 9:59 am
If he knows its just play then I say yes. If it gives him nightmares its time to call it a wrap.
2016-02-15 9:42 am
Of course - why would you want to do such a thing?
2016-02-15 9:41 am
Here the recommendation is 15+ that would mean its totally inappropriate for a 5 year old. At 5 they are not old enough to understand that it is just a TV show - not reality. You could be causing your kid nightmares. Better not. Wait til the kid is in bed for shows like this.
2016-02-15 9:38 am
2016-02-15 9:30 am
You want to give the child something worth learning at that age, childrens minds are like sponges, the more you invest at their young age, the better they will be when they are old.

Jesus Christ bless you :)
2016-02-15 9:11 am
It truly depends on how much your kids can take
2016-02-15 9:11 am
2016-02-15 8:48 am
2016-02-15 8:22 am kind of is but then again kids watch this kind of stuff at an early age anyway
2016-02-15 7:55 am
Isn't it too cruel?
2016-02-15 7:41 am
Of your 5 year old us SCARED easily don't let him watch
If he doest her get SCARED easily
2016-02-15 7:37 am
I sure hope this is a joke and you don't actually have a young child....hmmm
2016-02-15 7:14 am
Yes it has blood and guts and gore
2016-02-15 6:59 am
Yeah, at that age children mimic what they see
2016-02-19 11:49 pm
Given that s/he will see a lot worse in school, and probably be sexually active by the age of 12, not really. When I was younger, the old "Night of the Living Dead" (1968) terrified many adults and most teens. Today, most teens would LAUGH at this movie as being too tame. Most teens, today, can watch a XXX porno and not learn a thing, where in the old days they would be uncomfortable.

By the time your child is an adult, 21, they will be using real bodies for TV shows, maybe even executing the actors to make it more authentic.
2016-02-18 1:28 pm
age 5. thats too too young to watch that movie . i guess 10 would be perfect. depends on child's mind. does he know abt what is movie, real, fantasy?
2016-02-18 10:01 am
Every parent has a different opinion on how kids should be raised. Heck people without kids have opinions too. Growing up my parents never censored what I watched unless it scared me or was filled with soft porn. If they enjoy it then why can't they? It's not up to anyone how you raise your child. Simple as that.
2016-02-17 11:06 pm
I don't think so. My daughter and I watch it together and she loves it! If your child starts complaining of having nightmares or being unable to sleep out of fear of an upcoming "zombie apocalypse", then I wouldn't allow him/her to watch it. Otherwise, enjoy it.
2016-02-17 10:10 pm
If s/he is relatively intelligent and not impulsive, then no. Its fine. If s/he's one of those dumb kids who repeats all the terrible stiff s/he sees in movies, then yes. Don't let him/her watch.
2016-02-17 10:10 pm
Depends on what kind of kid you have. Some kids don't get afraid of crap no matter how old they are and my little sister is one of them, and then there are more... normal kids. If your kid usually gets scared of that sorta thing then wait until he/she gets 8 or 9 years old.
2016-02-17 9:18 pm
2016-02-17 5:03 am
Completely up to the parent. My 4 yr old has a uncanny ability to figure out what's fake on TV and movies. Loves scary movies. My 8 and 3 yr Olds would freak out and have nightmares for a month. I wouldn't recommend it, but again, each child is different. If you feel they can handle it the do it. If not we'll that's your answer.
2016-02-15 1:34 pm
2016-02-15 10:47 am
I wouldn't see a problem with it, as long as he gets scared easily and it gives him nightmares.
2016-02-15 7:55 am
No. Not at all.

I was watching way worse when I was five.
2016-02-15 7:36 am
my foot is kinda itchy
2016-02-15 7:20 am
I shot a shotgun for the first time when i was five years old, almost knocked myself out. I think your kid will be okay. Worst thing that can happen is you have a girl and she miraculously grows a pair. :P
2016-02-17 7:10 am
I love The Walking Dead and always tell people to watch it. But maybe 5 is too young. I'd say it all depends on your child. My nephew is 6 and he watches the walking dead because he's like me, into zombies and horror. Its just the way he is, he learnt from the rest of us.
2016-02-16 5:03 am
Walking Dead is kind of violent so yes your child is too young for this.

If you're kid is used to this kind of horror TV/movies then Its up to you.

I watched Boyz N The Hood, Scream, and Child's Play as young as 4. I think I came out pretty fine...
2016-02-16 12:46 am
Yes. They can tell it's not real. But it might be a bit scary. I watched nightmare on elm street at that age I knew Freddy wasn't real but I still had nightmares. And to this day I'm a little scared of the dark. Let them be kids for as long as they can. Make believe and trust and innocence are much more fun than maturity and adulthood.
2016-02-15 11:57 pm
If the kid knows the difference between reality and fiction then I think it's completely fine
2016-02-15 10:39 pm
To tell you the truth, it is totally up to you.
If you feel your kid would like it and won't be scared or be grossed out, then it would be fine to let him watch it.
2016-02-15 9:59 pm
Today there is more violence on the news then it the walking dead. it really depends on the child and if they get scared easly then watch it when he is asleep. It's your choice but don't tell him he won't like it or it's only for adults then he will want to watch it and you don't want that.
2016-02-15 11:33 am
If you think your child is mature enough and isn't going to be scared while watching The Walking Dead then your 5 year old can watch.
2016-02-15 6:56 am
Kids love zombies, well most!
But they will probuly be sleeping in your bed tonight Lol.
2016-02-15 8:35 pm
Im 16 and I would say no. Kids love to be scared, I started watching horrors when I was 5 and there's nothing wrong with me! The only con of it is that I'm no longer scared by horrors or anything!
2016-02-15 6:26 am
It depends pal on the situation and how your kid is. 2 of my cousins are 6 yr old. one loves zombies, gore and shooting, while the other doesnt appreciate it as much.
2016-02-15 10:39 am
My nephew just turned 4 and he watches the walking dead, he likes to walk around acting like a zombie when watches it. He wants to be a zombie boy when he grows up. It all depends on what kind of person you are, 1. the kind of that bubble wraps their kid, make them wear knee pads, pretty much the over protective parents that like to go on facebook and be keyboard warriors talking about how everythings not safe for childen. I was literally 7 when I got my first rifle, I would walk around in the woods when I was 7 alone with my rifle. So I guess whatever you're taught. My nephew also says "its just pretend." I think parents that over protect are ridiculous,let kids be kids. But I mean back to my main point, my nephew also really likes Tim Burton movies, and "creepy" stuff as he says. But yet he runs around with kids, plays with toys, holds his baby brother and talks to him. Normal kid.
2016-02-15 6:14 am
In all honesty, the way I see it is that if he enjoys it and isn't disturbed by the violence, then no. When I was 5, I was watching my older brothers play Silent Hill and other games of the like. I turned out completely okay. Maybe if you're worried about something scarring him, you could tell him to cover his eyes when something especially gruesome is about to happen.

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