Can my dog be put down?

2016-02-14 2:16 pm
I live in the uk and have a 10 week old staffy X pitbull
His injections are on Tuesday and I'm scared they will try take him away

He is very calm obviously
Anyone been in this situation? Thank

回答 (6)

2016-02-14 3:21 pm
Read these

In the UK, it’s against the law to own certain types of dog. These are the:

- Pit Bull Terrier
- Japanese Tosa
- Dogo Argentino
- Fila Braziliero
It’s also against the law to:

- sell a banned dog
- abandon a banned dog
- give away a banned dog
- breed from a banned dog
Whether your dog is a banned type depends on what it looks like, rather than its breed or name.

If you have a banned dog
If you have a banned dog, the police or local council dog warden can take it away and keep it, even if:

- it isn’t acting dangerously
- there hasn’t been a complaint
The police may need permission from a court to do this.

If your dog is in:

- a public place, the police don’t need a warrant
- a private place, the police must get a warrant
- a private place and the police have a warrant for something else (like a drugs search), they can seize your dog
A police or council dog expert will judge what type of dog you have and whether it is (or could be) a danger to the public. Your dog will then either be:

- released
- kept in kennels while the police (or council) apply to a court
You’re not allowed to visit your dog while you wait for the court decision.

Going to court:
It’s your responsibility to prove your dog is not a banned type.
If you prove this, the court will order the dog to be returned to you. If you can’t prove it (or you plead guilty), you’ll be convicted of a crime.

You can get an unlimited fine or be sent to prison for up to 6 months (or both) for having a banned dog against the law. Your dog will also be destroyed.

Index of Exempted Dogs (IED)

If your dog is banned but the court thinks it’s not a danger to the public, it may put it on the IED and let you keep it.

You’ll be given a Certificate of Exemption. This is valid for the life of the dog.

Your dog must be:

kept on a lead and muzzled at all times when in public
kept in a secure place so it can’t escape
As the owner, you must:

take out insurance against your dog injuring other people
be aged over 16
show the Certificate of Exemption when asked by a police officer or council dog warden, either at the time or within 5 days
let the IED know if you change address, or your dog dies
2016-02-14 3:37 pm
I know that Pit's are banned in the UK, but I'm sure you love your puppy a lot. If you go to an animal feed store, you can buy the shots and do it yourself. Since there isn't Rabies in the UK, the regular shots are all you need.

Just remember that at some point, someone will see your dog and call the RSPCA, and yes. They will probably confiscate your dog. Your dog will need to go on long walks every day. Your dog will be high energy when he gets a little older. How do you plan to exercise your dog when he can't go outside?
You are right about the euthanizing your puppy if they find him. But that puppy deserves to live. I would never consider killing him.
I don't know about Ireland and other countries in your area, but maybe one of them allows Pits. If you find one, advertise in their news paper and hope someone will adopt him, or take him to a safe no kill shelter.
2016-02-14 4:59 pm
If you have a puppy that's a Pit Bull mix, why on earth did you buy it, knowing the Pit Bull is banned in the UK and there is every possibility it will be seized? And this is happening right now to any dog that looks remotely like a Pit Bull. This mixing with Staffies is the way BYBs get round the law. Your puppy should be returned to whoever bred it.

Simple fact is whoever bred this puppy/litter is breaking the law. And sadly it's the puppies he's producing who will suffer the consequences.
2016-02-14 2:22 pm
Why are you doing this..? >.< THE POOR DOG DESERVES TO LIVE! omg why would u kill him
2016-02-14 9:51 pm

You have a breed you know you cna't have and it can be sized with out your permission and destroyed
2016-02-14 2:36 pm
Need more information please. But why would u put your dog down. Are pit bulls banned in the UK?.

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