can i use a handgun for self defense in canada?

2016-02-14 12:11 pm

回答 (5)

2016-02-14 1:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you need to read the regulation an laws on restricted firearms use. you can not own a restricted firearm " handgun" solely for self-defence in Canada it is owned for target an compitition. there are cases where the victim used thier handgun for self-defence an lost an some have won. circumstances have to be clear for it's legal use. search handgun self-defence in canada. search restricted firearm rcmp. if a civilian uses any firearm for self-defence in Canada the rcmp will try to prove negligence anyway they can to try an remove your ability to own a firearm an confiscate all you have. read as much as you can find on the subject for your own benefit. i was told by several officers that if a mishap did happen the body has to remain on your property dead or alive to better your chances in court.
2016-02-14 12:39 pm
You have a God-given right to defend your life. You do not always get the opportunity to choose what you have to use. If you have a handgun at your disposal....THEN USE IT! Think about why you would or would not have a handgun in the first place.
2016-02-14 12:14 pm
Canada has strict laws on the ownership of hand guns.
Trying to take one across the border will get you arrested and charged. The gun will be destroyed.
2016-02-14 5:50 pm
I would.
2016-12-24 11:11 am
參考: Home Defence Course

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