What is a better decision loan on car or buying out right?

2016-02-14 4:31 am
Im getting my license God willingly soon
I also am saving for a car that is about six thousand.
So should I buy out right when I have the money or take out a loan?

回答 (9)

2016-02-14 5:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Always buy it outright if you can. Especially if you don't have credit, interest can be a big pain in the as*.

Only finance if you can benefit from low interest rates and a NEW car(or slightly used). Cheaper, older used cars are not worth paying interest on.
2016-02-14 4:36 am
Buy it but make sure you have surplus money. Loan only when you're desperate and don't have sufficient money.
2016-02-14 11:44 pm
Loans are for adults with years of good credit and full time jobs.

If you just got your license, you wont be getting a loan for a number of years at best.
2016-02-14 7:35 pm
pay cash == do not get into the signers and co-signers dilemma == your parents will hold the car over your head and it will become a part of your ''' probation ''' if that becomes a problem ..... CASH IT DUDE....
2016-02-14 10:43 am
if you get a loan on a car the bank will make you take out full coverage insurance where as if you own it you would have the option of taking out liability instead especially if you are a safe driver and cash will get you discounts at dealerships sticker price for a minivan i bought was 10,000 i got it for 5,000 because i had cash
2016-02-14 8:19 am
2016-02-14 5:54 am
2016-02-14 4:52 am
If in USA, smart informed educated kids buy a 5000$ cash car.
Here extra 1000$ goes to registration inspection taxes title and In$urance.
Given u just getting a license, u simply do Not qualify for any legal loans.

Uninformed uneducated kids make money for car dealers banks insurance companies tow truck company by getting a loan.
參考: Employer of uninformed kids
2016-02-14 4:43 am
Life is a lot simpler when you can buy things for cash. No loan applications, monthly payments etc.

But of course sometimes you NEED a car now, so you can get to work, to pay for the car. Chicken and Egg situation. In that case you need to get a loan, so you can buy a car now.

If you don't NEED a car, then save your money for a while. Even if you only get to $3,000, and find you do now need a car, it's much easier to borrow $3,000 for a $6,000 car.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:49:05
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