I pressed Erase iPhone on the Find iPhone app?

2016-02-14 12:36 am
I pressed Erase iPhone on the Find iPhone app and it deleted everything I had on my phone and I took it to T-Mobile and they said it can t be fixed. Is there any way to get my pictures, contacts and more back. I didn t have iCloud so that is an option

回答 (4)

2016-02-14 5:52 am
Well it clearly told you that EVERYTHING was going to be erased, so if you didn't pay attention to what you were doing, that's entirely on you.

No, it's not possible to get your pictures back. That's why I stress how important it is to make backups of your important info regularly.
2016-02-14 1:26 am
Well it did what it was designed to do. Unless you had a backup somewhere there is no coming back from that
2016-02-14 4:42 am
Get it from your backup. If you were to lazy to do a backup then you dont need them back because they werent important anyways.
2016-02-14 12:46 am
No iCloud, no backup means everything is gone forever.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:48:05
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