will doing clap push ups and normal pushups with planks stunt my growth? im 13 5 foot 10?

2016-02-13 3:37 pm

回答 (2)

2016-02-13 4:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案

But excessively repeating any powerful movement can distort the 'growth plates' in yiur bones.

So you should do a WIDE RANGE of different exercises. Marine pressups (the 'flying' type where you clap) can cause RSI-type injuries. Planks aren't a very effective core exercise. Ordinary pressups are less effective than Marine pressups.

Try adding Russians, Woodchops, Paloffs, Pullups, and dumbell exercises such as Standing Flyes ('laterals'), Rows and Overhead Levers.
2016-02-13 3:58 pm
You are still growing and putting excessive strain on the body can stunt your growth.You are too you for: Wrestling, Distance running, Gymnastics or putting excessive strain on your body.You can workout, just don't go too far too young.

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