Problems with my 9 year old Springer Spaniel?

2016-02-13 11:17 am
she has been very well trained, no accidents or destruction since she was a pup then over the last month she pee'd in the house a couple times, took her to the vet's, water infection, it's cleared up, but last night we went to bed and did our normal routine, she got let out I put biscuits and water down for her, gave her cuddles then said goodnight, she hs the full run of the house and has 2 beds, one in our room and one downstairs she usually sleeps downstairs and comes up the morning after, but we've gone down to find a huge chunk out of our 5 month old carpet, safe to say my partner is pretty pissed off, I on the other hand am worried, carpets can be replaced, my dog can't. Any reasons she may have done it? I can't afford a vet until maybe next week as my partner and I have £20 to live off until Tuesday, any help will be appreciated, thanks.

回答 (6)

2016-02-13 12:04 pm
Perhaps she has a tummy upset and needed to get at something to make her vomit - so in the absence of grass, whicha dog would normally go to for this, she got at the carpet. Perhaps despite being okay up to now, she can't have full run of the house any more?
2016-02-13 11:30 am
To be honest I have no idea why your dog would tear up the carpet.
I can only have a guess.
How much exercise does the dog get?
She may be bored.
Springers are very active dogs and maybe as she has got older you have not given her as much exercise or mental stimulation as she would like?
Or....something may be making her anxious at night.
Its almost impossible to generalise without even seeing the dog.
A good hands on behaviourist may be a able to help more.
參考: Gsd owner for 52 years.
2016-10-30 10:08 pm
Springer Spaniel Problems
2016-02-13 12:35 pm
She could have done this because she was distressed and needed a pee.

It is pointless just LETTING your dog out for her last pees and poos, or before you leave her. You must take her OUT and stay OUT with her until she performs, then go overboard with praise. If you fail to do this, your dog will either wake you up because they need to go out, or they will defecate in the house.

I have had dogs for several years that have been trained from a very early age. However I always TAKE my adult dogs out for their last pees and poos.

Even well trained dogs, don’t know when it’s their last change before bedtime to get a pee or a poo and they don’t know when you intend to go out.
2016-02-13 12:24 pm
Something in the home HAS to have changed = (work schedule, bed time change, exercise level dropped, death of another pet) or the dog is ill, and may have early onset dementia or extreme hunger, if on steroids for an allergy, for example.

What in the WORLD, is a "WATER INFECTION"? Do you mean she had a Urinary TRACT infection? How do you KNOW it is cured, btw?

Start crating the dog UPSTAIRS (at night) in your bedroom. No moreover night free roam - she CANNOT be trusted. The carpet ingestion, could cause an intestinal blockage, not to mention intense anger, on part of you partner. No need for any more of THAT.

My advice, UP her exercise, ASAP and get her back to the the vet, if you see any more weird behaviors, or signs of another UTI.
2016-02-13 12:06 pm
reduce the about of house she has when she sleeps. keep her in your bed room when you sleep for a month. if she does not chew anything the you can give her the house back but put up baby monitors or live cctv to watch her. She does it because she can and does not get in trouble. When you scold her a few times she may stop.

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