Is Birth control sin?

2016-02-12 9:17 pm
So I'm a roman catholic me and my husband have one child and we are at a stage where we dont really want a second one...not saying never but right now we both feel we dont have the mental capacity to give a second child the love and attention it if it would happen we would make it work but we would like to wait another year or so...i just wonder is it ok for us to use contraception like pulling out or even condoms?or should we leave it in the hands of God...also please refrain from calling me a fanatic or something like that😓

回答 (14)

2016-02-12 9:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Every sperm is sacred:
2016-02-12 9:19 pm
YES, birth control is a sin.
2016-02-12 9:24 pm
If you can't, or don't want to, support more children it is unethical for you to NOT use effective birth control.
2016-02-12 9:51 pm
Yes, the use of artificial birth control, to avoid pregnancy, is a mortal sin. Always.

However the Church does not teach that you must have a ton of kids. What the Church says is that you can work within God's procreative design to plan your family.

Each couple should prayerfully consider if they can accept a child. Licit reasons to avoid pregnancy are serious financial, emotional, psychological, etc. If you decide that you cannot accept a child at a particular time, you can abstain from sex on fertile days.

Natural Family Planning (NFP) works with your fertility and remains faithful to God in practice. It is 99% effective when followed correctly.

With NFP you get to know your body very well. You know the signs of fertility, and can abstain from sex at those times. This allows you to plan your family and the additional benefit is a healthier marriage, and closer relationship with God.

Sex is a holy act, a gift from God. It is both procreative and unitive, to remove either of these aspects is to sin. To block the procreative aspect and take just the pleasure says to God that you do not trust him, nor do you want him in your marriage or family. Birth control takes selfish approach to sex, which is contrary to the self-giving and life-giving divine purpose.

Here are some links:
2016-02-12 9:19 pm
It can be. But not always so.

The very best means of birth control is 100% effective, no side effects - and totally free


You could try the rhythm method but it requires extreme diligence.

You could opt for vasectomy or getting tubes tied.

NO method of birth control is 100% safe or effective aside from abstinence.
2016-02-13 10:26 pm
2016-02-13 12:04 am
Do you want the sane answer, the Biblical answer, or the position of the Roman Catholic church? The sane answer is of course to not have children you can't provide and care for. The Biblical answer is there's nothing about birth control in the Bible. The Roman Catholic answer is that it's a mortal sin.
2016-02-12 9:53 pm
It depends.

For medical reasons birth control is permitted by the Catholic Church many people don't realize that but of course this would have to be recommend by their doctor.

But let's say a woman is using birth control to prevent herself from becoming pregnant and there is no medical reason to take it in which she is sexual active that would be considered sinful by the Catholic Church. Now people think that God sanctified sexual act in truth He only sanctified sexual act within the confines of marriage as long as the man and woman are open to life (procreation) this doesn't mean you have to have children but it does mean when you have sexual intercourse there has to remain the possibility of pregnancy of course naturally some couples can not have children and eventually all women go through menopause in which they naturally can not have children anymore. This is what God meant to be "fruitful" what contraceptives do they remove the possibility of pregnancy from an otherwise fertile couple that can have children birth control being just one of those means. So what it comes down to is the sexual act itself in which St. Paul states that the husband should fulfill his duty to his wife and a wife her duty to her husband the word duty is also used in another place in Scripture when two brothers live together and one dies with no children the other brother who is not married is to marry his brother's widow and perform his duty to produce a son which would be the heir of his deceased brother. Now with the story on Onan and Tamar Onan married his brother Er's widow Tamar because he had no children but Onan whom had sexual relations with Tamar prevented her from getting pregnant being that he knew if he had a son it would be the heir of his deceased brother not his own this is what it meant by him spilling his seed upon the ground when they had sexual intercourse he pulled out of her during sex. In turn God was angered at him for not performing his duty the key word is duty in relation to being "fruitful" open to life (procreation). Of course the reason behind what Onan done because what belong to him now which was once his brother Er's would go to the heir of his brother if he made a child with his brother's widow.

Now here's the fact since the 1st century the early Church regarded contraceptives as being immoral and evil in fact many Church Fathers spoken about this matter which could be found in their writings. Even during the Protestant Reformation there were Reformers such as Martin Luther and John Calvin that spoken out against the use of contraceptives in all Christians regarded contraceptives in general as being immoral and evil. It was in 1933 the Anglicans were the first to permit contraceptives to be used by married couples in relation to the release of the birth control pill all other Protestants followed in behind them. Latter on because of the pressures of society in the late 1960's the Eastern Orthodox Churches permitted married couples to use of contraceptives despite what the Eastern Church Fathers taught about them. The only ones that haven't changed their position on the matter is the Catholic Church which is why we are the most hated Christians because we back the moral teachings of the Church which dates back to the 1st century. As Jesus stated we would be hated because of Him.

And think about this why would you listen to someone that says this is immoral and sinful than latter on changes their mind about it and states it's acceptable, there is no sin?
參考: Catholic
2016-02-12 10:32 pm
No. Moses did not include that in his list of sins. Moreover, sin has no meaning after 70 AD.
2016-02-12 10:31 pm
2016-02-12 9:55 pm
No, using birth control is not a sin. The RC church is opposed to it but most Catholics, at least in Europe, ignore this particular part of the Church's stance.
2016-02-12 9:34 pm
Artificial birth control is forbidden by the Roman Catholic Church. The Church teaches that sex is for procreation not just recreation, and children are desirable. This is in direct conflict with the current secular theology of "If it feels good do it." A cleric would advise you to abstain. Oh and mutual masturbation is out too.

Vasectomies and tubal ligation are also forbidden as unnatural. There might be exceptions if the procedures were considered medically necessary for other reasons. I can't imagine how that would work, but who knows? However there is a loophole. Birth control pills prescribed for reasons other than birth control are permitted. In that case the lack of ability to conceive is considered a side effect. Intent to circumvent the process is missing, so sex is OK.

If you want to confirm any of this, discuss it with a priest.
2016-02-12 9:52 pm
I believe that the Roman Catholic Church only allows the withdrawal method as birth control
2016-02-12 9:22 pm
It should be a sin to let strangers on the internet decide if you will have another baby. Can't you use your own sense? Also you know your church's stance, so why ask?

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