My mother thinks I have ASD but I don't agree?

2016-02-12 8:53 pm
I am going to tell you my story.
I am quite a smart girl, with above average levels in everything. I joke around a lot but recently my (Undiagnosed) Anxiety has made me housebound... Going to school on a normal day stresses me out! I have horrible sleeping habits because I can't switch my brain off in a night. I am petrified of my wardrobe! I keep thinking there is somebody inside it. Sometimes the fear isn't that bad but sometimes I panic! My teacher thinks have panic attacks. I think I do, too. What I don't think I have is ADHD, ASD or Asbergers. I know ADHD and Asbergers are on the Autistic Spectrum but whatever. I know I have bad anxiety problems. That's not really an uncertainty anymore...

Anyways, I looked on the NHS website for symptoms. I'm going to tell you why I think I don't have ASD in each point and then you tell me if you think I have ASD or not.

Preferring to avoid spoken language
This is SO wrong! I speak more than anybody I know! I can never keep my mouth shut!

Speech that sounds very monotonous or flat
Again, i'm always laughing and making jokes. My voice isn't flat at all! I can't keep the damn thing straight!

Speaking in pre-learned phrases
Everyone speaks in pre learned phrases from time to time, that's why phrases exist!

Seeming to talk at people, instead of a two way conversation
I crack jokes... that's kind of talking at people but I crack jokes to hear people's reaction. I like talking to people. It keeps me sane.

Being unable to understand sarcasm. That's SO wrong in so many levels Reacting negatively to being asked to do something I can't say no to people! It's a genuine problem which makes me kindly accept any requests made by people Not being aware or being overly aware of personal space. Again, I don't really think this applies to me. I do give a lot of hugs though... Little interest in interacting with other people *Obviously* that is wrong! Not understanding how people interact Wrong


I like to keep my questions on the long side as I like reading other people's problems (the longer the better) <'S WHAT SHE SAID! Sorry, i'm just an immature high school student

回答 (4)

2016-02-12 9:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Just to clarify ADHD is not on the autistic spectrum and it's Asperger's not Asberger's. Anyhow, ASDs appear differently in females and if that's what you read on an NHS site they need to seriously update their information. I have high functioning autism/Asperger's [they're not 100% sure which] that wasn't diagnosed until adulthood, mainly because I'm highly intelligent so I'm able to hide many of my symptoms and simply because I'm female.

Going through your list;

I am a chatterbox, some people with autism don't have an off switch and don't know when to be quiet and overshare with people.

I don't speak in a monotone and I use humour as a coping mechanism.

Speaking in prelearned phrases??? I'm with you on that one.

I tend talk too much and forget to ask the other person questions about what they're contributing to the conversation. If it's a subject I'm passionate about it's a lot worse. I'm working on this one.

I use a lot of sarcasm myself but sometimes don't pick up on other people using it but I can laugh at myself.

I cannot say 'no' to people. This is a major problem for me.

I am overly affectionate to people I know and hug everyone. I have stopped hugging acquitances.

I love the time I spend with my friends but I need time alone to recharge.

I thought for years that I 'got people' but it was only in my mid twenties I started to twig that I was guessing their thoughts and feelings incorrectly and I was causing myself undue anxiety. I now have an honestly policy with my friends and they tell me how they're feeling when I ask. I don't always get it wrong but I have low self esteem so I always think the worst anyway.

The symptoms in your list are for classic autism which is more severe than high functioning autism or Asperger's and involves some degree of learning disability. As you know, autistic disorders are on a spectrum so symptoms can be very mild all the way through to very severe.

For realistic information on ASDs check out the National Autistic Society website. This link takes you to their article 'What is Asperger's' They have a helpline you can call if you have any questions.

I am not saying that you do have an ASD as I don't know you, but if you did you're still you, nothing changes with a diagnosis. I went 38 years without a diagnosis but I'm glad that I now know why I suffer from anxiety, sleep problems and low self esteem.
2016-02-12 9:04 pm
My teacher accused me of having it as well about a week ago. Anxiety is technically on the Autism spectrum. You may be going through a hard time, but you can get through this!!
2016-02-12 9:36 pm
Asperger's Syndrome is normally diagnosed in children between the ages of two and six. Why not have your mother make an appointment with your family doctor for a checkup. You can give them a copy of what you have written here. Use that as a basis for a frank discussion on how you are doing. They can perform a full physical and neurological workout and then refer you to a mental health professional so they can evaluate your mental state. Once you have confirmation of your undiagnosed anxiety they can discuss treatment options and you can let your mother know if her diagnosis was correct or not.
2016-02-12 8:53 pm
Agree to disagree then

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