
2016-02-12 3:54 am
I just prepared lobster for the first time. We didn't like it all that much. Now I'm wondering if I didn't prepare them correctly. I grilled for the amount of time recommended by the butcher and served with garlic butter. It was succulent and not rubbery, but failed to impress us. Anyone else not crazy about lobster?

回答 (8)

2016-02-12 3:58 am
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I'm not wild about it. I've always wondered why some people like it so much. They act like it's the ultimate food, along with steak. I don't think it tastes like much unless dipped in garlic butter. I much prefer shrimp and crab. Did you know that in the early part of the 19th century, it was fed to prisoners? And called the "cockroach of the sea?" It wasn't regarded as a luxurious food till the last century.
2016-02-12 4:07 am
Lobster is best boiled or steamed. It's basically just a good excuse to eat butter.
2016-02-12 3:59 am
Not everyone likes lobster though I am one that does. It sounds as though you cooked the lobsters perfectly but it may be that you and your family or friends just did not care for the lobster texture of flavor. They can be a bit bland without the butter or other sauce and the butter can be quite greasy if your not used to it.
2016-02-12 4:38 am
cockroach of the sea. not a big fan.
2016-02-12 8:10 pm
Yeah.... it's not as good as say salmon or cod.
I used to be what the poor people ate, in fact there was a revolt among the indentured servants back in Colonial America, because they were tired to eating Lobster!
2016-02-12 5:37 am
I'm not crazy about it unless I have melted butter to dip it in
2016-02-12 5:05 am
It is bland. I don't know why people ooh and ahhh over it. I really prefer crab and shrimp.
2016-02-12 4:22 am
I'm from a major sea port on the PacNW coast. We eat LOTS o' seafood but not generally lobster. I've never actually had it, but I can totally relate to what you're saying. "Our" thing is dungeness crab but in 45 years I fail to see what all the hoopla is about. I like crab cakes and crab stuffed mushrooms, etc. but I don't go ga-ga for them. And fresh cracked crab? Meh....I agree...it's just a vehicle for melted butter and a big *** baguette.

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