I filed my taxes last week and I just found another w2 in my car what do I do now will I be penalized for not filing with my other W 2's?

2016-02-12 3:52 am

回答 (7)

2016-02-12 3:54 am
No, not if you amend by 4/15.
2016-02-12 10:28 am
No problem. You can file an amended return (1040x) and include that missing W2 without penalty or interest. Penalties and interest don't kick in until after April 15.
2016-02-12 3:55 am
No, just file an 'amended' tax form, but I don't know what you can do for the ones you already sent in, so consult with a tax place. I make copies of everything, just in case.
2016-02-12 4:23 pm
if you are due a refund, when you get it amend your tax return with a 1040X, you might end up owing some back so you pay it with the amendment
2016-02-12 12:04 pm
You have to amend.
2016-02-12 4:22 am
Not a problem. File an "Amended" tax return. Do it promptly.
參考: Knowledge.
2016-02-12 3:54 am
You won't be penalized, you just won't get your return taxes from the recently found W2

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:46:39
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