Is it possible to join the military at 17 without H.S diploma or GED?? Just wondering for school?

2016-02-12 1:05 am

回答 (5)

2016-02-12 1:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
-No. You can't go ANY-Where without a Diploma these days. -NOT even to get Yourself Killed. ;)
2016-02-12 1:08 am
Nope. One or the other (with other things) is required.
2016-02-13 4:46 am
2016-02-12 9:42 am
Only if you are currently a high school senior. Even then, you won't ship to training until after graduation and if you fail to graduate your contact is canceled.

The Army Reserves and the Army National Guard allow juniors that are at least 17 years old attend basic between their junior and senior year. If they fail to graduate then they are discharged.
2016-02-12 5:02 am
If you can't complete high school, it is doubtful l if you can complete your training .

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