How much weight did you lose before being diagnosed with diabetes and did you gain it back?

2016-02-11 3:33 pm
just been diagnosed myself

回答 (11)

2016-02-11 8:33 pm
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Yes, I lost about 20 lbs. before being diagnosed, and afterward I gained it back plus another 20! I was probably diabetic for at least a year before diagnosis, and I soon realized I couldn't eat the same way I did before. By reducing the carbs in my diet and adding more veggies, meat, cheese and nuts, I was able to gradually lose the extra weight and I've been really stable at a healthy weight for years.
2016-02-11 3:36 pm
I lost about 14lbs.

I recognised the other symptoms I had of untreated diabetes, so I managed to get diagnosed quite early.

I did gain it back, and more unfortunately.

That's insulin injections for ya...
參考: Diagnosed with type 1 at age 15 in 1998
2016-02-11 6:11 pm
When I was first diagnosed I'd lost 27 pounds in the space of 4.5 days (according to my doctor's scales). I was always 'underweight' prior to my diagnosis, but this was more than 35 years ago. I have since put on the weight I lost, as would almost every diabetic once their blood sugar (glucose) levels were back under control. Weight is lost due to improper fat metabolism. i.e. fat is used as a source of 'fuel' as, due to the lack of insulin, glucose can not be moved into the body's cells where it is used to create energy, thereby keeping us alive.
2016-02-11 3:39 pm
Fortunately in my case this does not apply but I do wish you well.
2016-02-11 3:36 pm
I did not lose weight until after I was diagnosed. I was only slightly overweight when I was diagnosed. I kept off most of the weight I lost until two and a half years ago when other health issues and a change in diabetes medication contributed to a large weight gain. I am trying HARD to lose that weight now. I've been diabetic since 1996.
2016-12-24 5:49 pm
參考: Help to Solve Diabete
2016-05-02 4:01 am
If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, it’s very important that you learn all you can about your disease and the treatment options available to you. Learn here
One way to approach diabetes is to use integrative holistic medicine, also known as alternative medicine, a medical specialty that focuses on caring for the whole person, treating and preventing disease, and empowering patients to create conditions for optimal health.
2016-02-12 8:45 pm
I GAINED weight.

Weight Loss is a symptom ONLY of the diabetes is long term and severe. In this case, since the sugar in your blood cannot get into your cells, YOU STARVE TO DEATH (no matter WHAT you eat), which is hat causes the weight loss.

If you are losing weight, then your diabetes is EXTREMELY SERIOUS, and you need a doctor NOW.
2016-02-11 9:59 pm
I lost around 75 pounds, and did not gain it back until a quack told me to take 30 units of insulin every morning! Then I ballooned to over 250 pounds in 3 months! The quack screamed that I was killing myself and I screamed back that SHE was killing me!!

Low carb food plan such as South Beach diet phase 2, triple your exercise regime and take the pills will work to greatly help you control the glucose levels.
2016-02-11 9:51 pm
Type 1 or type 2? I had gained weight and found it very hard to lose weight when I was diagnosed with type 2 but after sticking to healthy eating and exercise I have lost 28lbs and still slightly overweight.

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