Is my boyfriend unromantic or just not that into me?

2016-02-11 3:11 pm
Me and my friend s birthday falls on the same day, 4 days before Valentines Day. Me and my guy have been together for a year and a half and she s been with her guy for lesser time than that. It hurt me to see that my boyfriend got me a common gift (he made that clear to me because he spent quite a big amount on the gift) for my birthday and Valentine s Day (jewellery) but my friend got an elaborate surprise for Valentines Day (in advance) and her birthday. She got teddies flowers and chocolate. Now those are not my thing but it s the lack of intention and emotion on my boyfriend s part that hurt me.

回答 (9)

2016-02-13 9:11 pm
Ummmmmmmm Maybe he cheating on you....
2016-02-11 3:55 pm
Guys are not really into Valentine's Day ...we girls are but guys are just not
into it. The fact that he spent a lot on your birthday gift shows he really cares.
And you can't judge him by your friend's boyfriend. Perhaps their finances
are very different...and the other guy could afford to spend like that.
2016-02-14 8:33 pm
If it really bothers you, next year you should tell him how important these events are to you, so he can try and prepare more. That's the thing that will reflect if he loves you... if he tries hard when he knows it matters to you. But don't make a big deal about it this year. He did get you an expensive gift, after all. That's hours of his hard work that he's given you.

By the way, I hope you also get him good gifts!! Our men deserve it.
2016-02-14 12:37 am
You've been dating for a year... he probably just didn't know what to get you, so compensated by making it expensive. Some people are just bad at gifts or don't think gifts are very important, it isn't a reflection of love. Personally I think you're putting too much weight on the gift. Don't you want him as a boyfriend because you like HIM? Do you really need more than that?

If it really bothers you, next year you should tell him how important these events are to you, so he can try and prepare more. That's the thing that will reflect if he loves you... if he tries hard when he knows it matters to you. But don't make a big deal about it this year. He did get you an expensive gift, after all. That's hours of his hard work that he's given you.

By the way, I hope you also get him good gifts!! Our men deserve it.
2016-02-11 3:23 pm
He just sounds a little clueless. Guys don't always know what we want and we have to spell it out. I actually think birthdays are more important that Valentine's Day, which seems like more of a day to have dinner and actually spend time together. I'm curious if he's unromantic or shows lack of interest in other ways? For the most part, guys have no clue with romance though so I wouldn't take it personally.
2016-02-11 3:15 pm
If you don't want "common" gifts, you need to tell him so and cannot expect him to know it. To me, it sounds like your friend got a common gift too but is not saying it is one (since the V-day gift was in "advance).
參考: Have a kid with his birthday close to the Christmas. He hates that too.
2016-02-11 3:14 pm
Honey, thats guys for you, some go overboard and others dont think valentines day is worth the bother but as long as he still loves you that is more important than gifts - I have been with my bf for 14 years and never got a valentines card and reuctantly get a birthday card.
2016-02-11 3:14 pm
Maybe he's not the best at gifting things. If it really bothers you, you can ask him, but I think it'd be petty to do that.
2016-02-11 3:14 pm
Um, I think he's not that interested

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