online dating-does this girl sound rude/selfish or am i overreacting?

2016-02-11 8:23 am
she is a bartender working two jobs. i think it unlikely that even a bartender is busy every single night. She also suggest i come to her location. Still she sound li don t know if i should even continue with this. she is hot. i think i should push for a 230 am date if at all.


Thats cool, I d like to learn more about you. Let s meet for coffee?

my name
Sent Monday

her 3days later

Sure. I m pretty busy this month with work, but luckily I work nights so afternoon coffees are easy to schedule. Do you make it to Cap Hill very much?

(no name left but one on user name)

回答 (2)

2016-02-11 8:26 am
What's there to react to
2016-02-11 8:37 am
She sounds like a woman who works nights and is busy and would be free to meet for coffee or a late lunch before she gets ready for her next shift. That she thinks it's be nice to meet you. I can't imagine how that labels her rude or selfish. Perhaps you should just pass if you think a working woman is unworthy or something.

She's never even met you before. You can't legitimately expect her to move mountains for the opportunity. Come on.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:45:48
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