I am getting paranoid?

2016-02-11 5:45 am
I just turned 19 and I'm a female, lately I have been feeling this pulsing tingiling vibration in my right breast only and on the nipple, I don't feel any lumps that I know of, it doesn't hurt but it just feels weird the feeling comes and go, but I'm still really scared because I looked online and it's one of the symptoms of breast cancer, from what I know nobody in my mom's side of the family has had breast cancer but if it's not that then what else could it be?

回答 (5)

2016-02-13 11:53 am
All your symptoms cited--------------maybe not more than blocked energy in your nipple[s].
2. Breast related acupressure point is located in the middle of your palm on dorsal side, where you can see nails on that side.
3. An acupressure massage, freely available online can render you total relief in a week.
4. Acupressure* Techniques—NO MEDICATION. NO SIDE EFFECTS. NO HOSPITALIZATION. NO COSTS. IT IS SAFE ALSO. The best remedy for hormonal imbalance. It acts as a ‘pacemaker’ to activate and support a weak heart also. Since, it enhances your metabolism,& it helps to grow vertically also.
With ur thumb, press ur/his/her palms and soles, wrists and ankles on both sides. Suppose pain is felt while pressing a particular point in the palm/sole, u have to press the surrounding area—just like u r pumping out air from that painful point. The blocked energy in any internal organ, be it lungs, heart, stomach, kidneys, pancreas, liver, etc., shall be released along with toxins if any. As a last point you must press middle part of each palm/sole; so that toxins, if any, shall be excreted through urine without affecting the kidneys. Any barber in your vicinity for adults and a lady barber for the females and children or a massager can massage the entire body with olive oil can help. In body massage, more than 1000 acupressure remote control points are activated to regulate functions of all the internal organs. It is the best remedy for a lot of problems connected to brain, spinal cord, neuro-muscular disorders, displaced solar plexus, sciatica and lumbar pains, etc.
It should be done in an empty stomach or 2 hours after meals. With this, all the endocrine glands and their hormonal secretions shall be regulated. All internal organs shall function up to optimal levels. Ur entire immune system gets invigorated to produce antibodies.
Remote control Acupressure points given by the God. For Treatment, hard-pressure is to be applied on & around these points with Ur thumb and middle finger daily three times. +
. You can have the best remedy with the aid of Massager* machine [made in India/China] available all over USA, China & India. It is available ‘online’ also.
2. Just apply the machine on both sides of your palms and soles, wrists and ankles. The vibrations created by the massager activate your thyroid gland vis-a-vis all internal organs. It also ensures hormonal balancing. Every organ gets well metabolized with optimum relief/benefits. It enables hormonal balancing as an additional benefit.

Hormonal Balancing*: Human traits –KAMA, KRODHA, LOBHA, MOHA, MADA MATSARYALU are regulated by endocrine glands producing hormones. As long as all the traits are well balanced, so long shall be the intact immunity power.
1. Hormonal* Imbalance. It is the root cause of all human sufferings involving several health issues. Feeling bloated, irritable, or just not your best? A hormone imbalance could be to blame. Hormones are chemical “messengers” that impact the way your cells and organs function. It’s normal for your levels to shift at different times of your life, such as before and during your period or a pregnancy, or during menopause. But some medications and health issues can cause them to go up or down, too.

Give the following combination of biochemic powder/pills: Calc. Phos 30 x 1 oz Kali Phos 30 x 1 oz Kali Muir 30 x 1 oz Ferrum Phos 30 x 1 oz Kali iodide 30 x 1 oz
(If Kali Iodide is not available in powder/pills, add its tincture to other pills/powder) Give 2 grains powder or 6 pills, 3 times a day. After taking this medicine, do not take anything for 10/15 minutes.
Dosage*: 2 grains/4 pills t.d.s.
• All these biochemic salts/homeo medicines available @ local Homoeo shops, are safe and with side benefits. Don’t swallow medicine. The medicine to be dissolved on/under the tongue. Don’t take any thing 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after medication. You can take water.
2016-02-11 10:34 am
Sounds completely hormonal. Speak to your gynecologist next time you see him. No biggie.
2016-02-11 8:03 am
This is rarely a symptom of breast cancer.
See a dr and get it checked.
Sounds like a hormonal sensitivity.
The risk of breast cancer at your age is 1 in 1.3 million.
Average age at diagnosis is 62 and 80% of those diagnosed are over 50.
參考: Classed as young when diagnosed with breast cancer at age 46.
2016-02-11 6:00 am
Usually, women don’t get breast cancer until their late 20’s. I learned personally that the worst thing to do is to look online for symptoms. I have anxiety and it doesn’t help to look on webmd because it basically just takes your symptoms and gives you the worst possible answer. First off, ask your mom, aunt, cousins or any other female close to you. I’m 22 and I notice that my breast sometimes tingles when I’m either about to start my period or after I finish it. I also sometimes get it because I have GERD, which is harmless, it just burns and tickles your esophagus because of too much stomach acid. I still get the tingle from time to time. If you don’t feel any lumps, then don’t worry about it. Just keep a record of when the tingling started and if it goes away and comes back.
2016-02-11 5:46 am
just brothers

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