can a dealership take the car back!?!?!?

2016-02-11 2:50 am
I purchased a vehicle today. When I was speaking to the car sales man he asked me if i was full time. I told him yes. I signed all document put down my 5,500 deposit and they sent me on my way. I received a call from the finance manager stating that they needed a copy of my check stub. I faxed one over to him. He called back stating that he needed a check stub stating i am full time and work at least 40/hrs per week. only problem is i do not!!!!!! i work 32/hrs per week. I am considered full time i receive all benefits i didnt realize that meant i had to work 40/hrs!!!!!! I am nervous is it possible for them to ask me to return the vehicle after signing all documents??? can they change the contract?? i feel like this is their fault they should have asked for that info before selling me the car.

回答 (6)

2016-02-11 2:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Some states allow you to revoke the sales contract within 72 hours or so. They call it a "buyer's remorse law" Some dealers also allow this even if the state does not require it. The contract you signed should have a section about it.

You need to call the finance person and tell him that you sent him what you have, and expect them to stick to the contract.

Don't fall for anything they say about revising the contract if it is going to cost you a restocking fee or finance charges that are more than you initially agreed to.

Tell them that If they cannot make it work, you will return the car but expect every penny of your money back, because it is they and not you who wish to terminate the contract..

Trust me. They will do everything they can to make it work since they do not really want you to return the car. If they can't, I'm sure you can find another dealer who can sell you the exact same type of car at the price you contracted for. Stick to your guns and don't let them wheedle you out of more money.
2016-02-11 2:53 am
Look at the contract. Does it specifically say you have to work a 40-hour work week in order to get financing? If not, no, they cannot.
2016-02-11 3:21 am
Read your paperwork.

You may not have qualified if you were short of 40 hours per week. They can nullify everything if they allege you intentionally defrauded them.

"Full time" work normally means 40 hours per week. The dealership is concerned about your income, not which benefits you qualify for.
2016-02-11 4:38 am
It is not their fault. It is your fault. You misrepresented your job. Misrepresentation is fraud. Working 32 hours is part-time, NOT full time. An employer always has the option to give you benefits offered to full time staff. Obviously, your employer is a great employer and they like you. However, it does not mean you are automatically considered a full time employee. The number of hours you work on a regular basis is what decides. If they want to cancel the contract, they have the right. A court would likely rule it void, because it was signed under false pretenses.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience, with Contract law experience.
2016-02-11 3:28 am
The dealer is going to do everything he can to get you in that car. The problem is if the interest rate goes up you then can back out of the deal and guess what the price or rate will come back down.
2016-02-11 2:51 am

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