Guy i love said this to me jealousy is a horrible thing meaning :( ..what did he mean?

2016-02-10 9:02 pm
I brought up a girl he was talking to, he asked what girl i said i don't know who ever that girl was you were talking to, and he said jealousy is a horrible thing :( what do you think he meant by that? I know this guy likes me so i just want to know what he meant by what he said.

回答 (2)

2016-02-10 9:08 pm
He was calling you jealous, and he was being very upfront about how it made him feel. Was it called for? Who knows? It depends on how/what you were asking about. If he's that sensitive to you even asking about another girl, he probably doesn't have any plans to be with you exclusively.
2016-02-10 9:03 pm
He meant to say you're jealous of "that girl".

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:45:17
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