Married 19yrs. We celabrate v-day with sexual favors. We have been together so long I'm out of ideas. Men, shoot me with ur favorites...?

2016-02-10 3:43 pm

回答 (6)

2016-02-10 4:13 pm
The coolest thing a girl did for me, liked it.......I went to her apt.. She came to the door in an OMG little red dress. Leaned up and gave me a really nice hug and little kiss. Grabbed me by the hand, slapped a Beer in the other. Lead me to the couch, and sat me down. Then she climbed up on my lap facing me. Nice bare girl legs on each side for arm rest so we could talk. I loved it.
* you know a kid with less experience may have ran screaming out the door in fear.
I guess she liked it also, had to go clean herself up. I think that was about the coolest " welcome to my place " EVER. The rest of the evening, well it would be bad form to speak of.....ect. :-)

OH and you have to do it with that " deadly look " in your eyes.

** no I would NOT say this to any of the kids here. Proper ONLY for adults
2016-02-10 4:56 pm
One person's fave may be a turn-off to someone else. The internet has TONS of ideas to offer and you can decide what you think might or might not be something your sweetie would be open to doing or trying. Not knowing what you've already done, it's hard to make suggestions anyway (of things you haven't already tried).
2016-02-10 7:23 pm
Pour your hearts out on/with/to each other, avoiding the known erogenous zones for as long as possible. It will heighten your experience and make it a day to remember.
2016-02-10 3:47 pm
Favourite sex? None in particular. If it was me i would re-create the first date kind of thing, make it really romantic but instead of dropping her off st home at the end make love
2016-02-10 10:49 pm
let me guess, you expect these sexual favors right? you are a pig. actually most married couples don't celebrate the holiday at all and that includes sex. it is more a holiday for kids. some spouses will give away chocolates or teddy bears but usually that is it
2016-02-10 5:28 pm

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