what is the bill of rights, and how does it strengthen our democracy?

2016-02-10 9:11 am

回答 (3)

2016-02-11 7:20 am
It is collectively the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. There was a distrust of strong, central government when the country first started out in 1776. This was reflected in the weak central government created under the Articles of Confederation. This was found to be too weak, so the Constitution, with a stronger Federal government was created. Although, it has checks and balances to help protect against a government power-grab, Anti-Federalists like Madison and others thought this wasn't enough. They wanted some Rights explicitly included in the Constitution so they would be protected.

The Wisdom of Madison in explicit protections of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to bare arms, rights against unwarranted government search and seizure, Constitutionally limited federal government power and others have proved their worth over and over again. The US would be a vastly different place without them.
2016-02-10 9:20 am
Cir UK sj
2016-02-10 9:12 am
A piece of paper, which according to the game rock-papers-scissors, can "beat" a rock.

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