Do people like cucumber?

2016-02-10 7:59 am

回答 (10)

2016-02-10 8:05 am
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It's a devil plant but I'll eat it in salads I suppose
2016-02-10 11:26 am
nope, all people hate them, thats why they are sold in stores, so people who hate them can spend money on them and then just throw them away.
2016-02-10 11:05 am
People love cucumber in any form, on its own, in salads and pickled.
2016-02-12 1:49 am
Yes off course
2016-02-11 4:18 am
I love cucumber. One of my favorite veggies.
2016-02-10 1:30 pm
I love them. In a salad, in a sandwich, used in a smoothie, to flavor water, pickled, or even cut into thick sticks/discs to be dipped into hummus. There's a lot you can do with cucumber.
2016-02-10 11:22 am
I do.
2016-02-10 8:18 am
2016-02-10 8:02 am
i don't mind it, i usually eat it with fish, clear noodles, fish sauce, herbs and peanuts. :)

asian food <3
2016-02-14 11:19 am
Some people do

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