is deja vu actually having the same experience 2 times or more?

2016-02-10 6:38 am
is the experience happening twice or more? or is it a dream that happens once or more and then happens in life?

回答 (3)

2016-02-10 7:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Deja vu is the feeling, not the experience. We aren't prescient. There is no evidence that the future can be seen by anything but careful analysis or guess work. Our brains are hugely, wonderfully complicated machines. Sometimes they misfire a little.
2016-02-10 7:37 am
Not exactly the way you described it. Deja vu is just having a feeling you have been someplace before when you haven't or a feeling you've heard the story before when you haven't. etc.
2016-02-10 6:39 am
It's the feeling that you're reliving something that's happened already, or that something is familiar but you have no idea why.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:44:50
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