Why would my husband of 19years start crying after sex?? He s never done this!! We are stressed and have much going on but he s not a cryer.?

2016-02-10 4:20 am

回答 (8)

2016-02-10 4:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Don't know. Try quietly holding him.
2016-02-10 3:21 pm
Ask him. Only he knows. Something is causing him to be more emotional than usual. COMMUNICATE. It can be disturbing to see someone who rarely ever cries. to break down for no apparent reason. Something is on his mind.
2016-02-10 4:31 am
probably because the sex should not be happening. sex never lasts beyond a few years for most married couples so this is not at all normal.
2016-02-10 3:26 pm
Perhaps you should ask him.
2016-02-10 9:18 am
19 years of marriage and you can't talk to him?
2016-02-10 5:49 am
Maybe it's guilt. He feels like he has done something wrong and he realizes it after having sex with you.
I'am not sure. You should ask him.
2016-02-10 5:16 am
ask him, talk to him about it
2016-02-10 5:03 am
Stress or guilt could be making him cry

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