WIC in Michigan?

2016-02-09 5:38 pm
I am a 14 and pregnant, living in Michigan. Please no hate. I was wondering about WIC, my parents aren't below income and have alot of money, but they aren't willing to pay for anything for my baby. Is there a way I can submit a form as an individual to get WIC help for my baby while I'm still under their roof? Thanks.

回答 (6)

2016-02-09 6:07 pm
Your parents are required to support you. I'm sure they aren't going to starve you just because you are pregnant. You will not be eligible for WIC.

WIC aside, how do you plan on supporting a child? WIC doesn't provide diapers and clothes and cribs. WIC won't pay for your health care OR your baby's. WIC won't pay for daycare while you go to school. And WIC is a 'supplemental' food program. They don't pay for all your food or all your baby's food.(I assume that you'll be breastfeeding, so you wont' need formula anyway. But how will you feed your baby once he's on solids?)

Did you not consider any of this BEFORE you decided that 14 was the perfect age to start your own family?
2016-02-09 5:57 pm
You can file, but THEIR income will count. If their income puts you over the limit, you won't get it. When they said they weren't willing to pay for anything, that was a clue to look for WORK, not look for government benefits.

I think Chick-Fil-A hires 14-year-olds.

I will give you a clue here. Your parents want you and your boyfriend to get JOBS and stop thinking your parents should pay for the kids you create.
2016-02-09 7:13 pm
You need to abort. You're a baby yourself.
2016-02-11 1:51 am
You and the baby do not qualify for services. The household is over income. Even when the baby is born, household income determines eligibility.

Your parents are required to feed you, so you do not need extra food supplements. As for the baby --- you will have to take the baby's dad to court to pay child support.
Just who do you think will pay for diapers? WIC does not provide diapers and you do not qualify for help. What about a crib? Clothes? Car seat? Stroller? Those are not the responsibility of your parents to provide, and no charity helps with these basic items.
2016-02-09 5:51 pm
I'm not sure about Michigan, but in my state, you'd be ineligible because they go by your parent's income because you are under 18. However, after the baby is born, the baby would not be counted under your parents income and would be eligible.
2016-02-09 6:17 pm
What is WIC

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