i don't know what job to get?

2016-02-09 8:04 am
i am in highschool and pretty soon i have to get a job. i am interested in music, art, and writing especially. i don't want to get a job like fast food or walmart because i want to try and have a job that will actually be applicable to what i enjoy. I am not sure where to start.

回答 (4)

2016-02-15 12:42 am
Very few jobs in the music, art and writing fields without special training and talent. You will probably have to take one of the retail or fast food jobs until you can get training in a better field. Good Luck
2016-02-09 8:30 am
U take any minimum wage jobs u can find.
U don't qualify for any thing else.
2016-02-09 8:13 am
Be a writer, musician, or artist, and do your another job as part time job.

Or, work in a fast food or walmart, and do your interests as hobbies.
2016-02-09 8:08 am
Guitar Center, Hot topic, Crafts Stores are the main ones that come to mind

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