Was Beyonce wright?

2016-02-09 2:54 am
For u know the whole police and white brutality thing on Black's at the sb

回答 (3)

2016-02-09 3:06 am
If that means she has large thighs then I would agree.
2016-02-09 2:56 am
No, she's a hypocrite, can you imagine how much she spends each year on her family's protection. Let's see her walk around a hood, see how long until she's begging the police to save her from the kind of people on whose behalf she was protesting.
2016-02-09 3:33 am
Funny, I heard a lot of talk about the Super Bowl today. I didn't hear anything about any alleged brutality, on or off the field.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:43:42
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