My 14 year old brother punched me?

2016-02-09 2:42 am
My little brother is a violent person, and although he has a good heart, he loves animals and sticks up for kids in his class who get bullied, but my mom caters to him and he doesn't have any rules given to him. She makes his food, doesn't make him go to school if he doesn't want to, and cleans up after him while he plays video games.
If something doesn't go his way, or you tell him what to do or anything, he is extremely rude, will get in your face, he swears constantly and calls me names, and my sister and mom. It makes me SO angry, and the worst is that my mom will always take his side. I actually makes me sick.
Today I told him to pick up socks he blatantly threw on the floor for someone else to pick up after him, and i argued with him to move them and it ended in him punching me in the head multiple times and I had a nose bleed and I have a bump on my head now. I am 20, but he is a lot stronger than me.

Anyways, when it comes to me, I can handle myself, it breaks my heart, but I know I don't want to have any relationship with someone who wants to assert dominance over me and belittle me. But there are other things that disgust me and concern me. Like when he grows up, how it will only get worse, and towards other people. My dad was a shitty person, and we don't keep in contact with him, but I fear my brother will be worse than him, as he expects to always get his way and has learn throwing a fit, breaking things, hurting people, yelling, ect, will get him his way

I feel like he will be abusive to whoever he is with in the future. That is my main concern, or towards my mom. He literally disgusts me. Even though I love him. I also feel, because my mother takes absolutely no responsibility to make him change or show him who is boss, that I have to take on responsibility, because who else will? It makes me so mad. Even today, she told me that all that wouldn't of happened if I wasn't being 'bossy' . I refuse to feel I am walking on glass with my own brothr


What should I do? Should I involve the police? Will that make it worse?? I have no idea what to do. He literally gets away with anything, he has gotten mad with me and punched holes in the walls and I have gotten in trouble for apparently initiating the acts...

回答 (2)

2016-02-09 2:52 am
You need to do something about it right now. Your mom is letting him get away with murder and in the future, he could end up killing.
2016-02-09 2:48 am
Get him a counsler

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