Penis sore after masturbation?

2016-02-09 1:42 am
I tried to masturbate for the first time in the shower but it kinda sucked. I had to stop because my penis felt sore and my knees felt weak. I have never ejaculated unless I was sleeping. How can I masturbate without having a sore penis. Or how could I make myself come faster.

回答 (6)

2016-02-09 1:46 am
try sticking your penis in the hoover works a treat x
2016-02-10 12:15 am
Go slow and easy and lay in bed on your back to masturbate until you are able to do it. Avoid creating friction, that makes the shaft sore.
2016-02-09 1:15 pm
use lube not soap
2016-02-09 4:54 am
Circumcision was introduced in Victorian times to unforeskin the penis and make it impossible to masturbate. It failed to stop masturbation but it made it harder to do and perhaps less enjoyable. Guys found that they could still do it if they used lubrication.

How one does it depends on whether one has an internally lubricated movable foreskin that glides up and down the shaft or whether you have been unforeskinned.

If you are foreskinned, then all you need to do is glide your foreskin back and forth. It is not necessary to retract the foreskin. The outer foreskin glides over the inner foreskin. The foreskin is internally lubricated with lymphatic fluid and glides without friction. The numerous nerves inside the foreskin are stimulated by the motion and generate pleasurable sensations. Foreskinned males must be careful not to tear the frenulum.

Long and vigorous masturbation can cause the foreskin to become edematous and swollen, which is painless and not a cause for alarm. The edema usually goes down within about 24 hours. Pulling back too hard is apt to stretch the frenulum and may tear it.

If you are unforeskinned and the skin is taut and immovable, then you will need some lubrication and you need to slide your hand up and down the shaft. You will likely injure yourself without lubricant. Friction irritation is common when a male without foreskin masturbates without lubricant. Some lubricants are baby oil, vegetable oil, personal lubricant, soapy water, and saliva.

It is common for an unforeskinned male, who has been deprived of his internally lubricated foreskin, to have friction irritation if he does not apply external lubricant.
2016-02-09 1:43 am
read full below

check the 1st and 2nd green linkz>>>

dere for details
2016-02-09 2:11 am

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