Unprotected sex while on the pill?

2016-02-08 9:24 pm
I've been on the pill(tri-sprintec) consistently for about a year now, always taking it on time, and starting my next pack as soon as the sugar pills are used up, never starting late, never have i missed a pill. My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex Thursday, after I had started my next pill pack that last Sunday. It started out protected but the condom slipped off. I'm kind of worried just need some reassurance, am I protected against pregnancy?

Thank you

回答 (3)

2016-02-08 9:48 pm
You never had unprotected sex. What in the hell do you take the pill for every single day for an entire year unless it's for birth control?
2016-02-08 9:40 pm
if you are taking the pill, how is the sex unprotected?
2016-02-08 9:40 pm
Why the hell would you take dangerous hormones thrn wory about being pregnant anyway? Read the info that comes with every single pck of pills so you'll know how they work and how effective they are in preventing pregnancy.
參考: I weep for this world

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