My brother is violent, what should I do?

2016-02-08 8:48 pm
I just moved home, one day ago, to save money. I haven't lived here in like 5 years, and I have a brother, sister and mom. My mom is very passive, she doesn't make rules very much. If she does they aren't very enforced.

My brother has anger problems, and he thinks he can do anything he wants. He yells, curses, and does do whatever he wants. He is 14. My mom makes all his food, cleans his room, he goes to school when he wants to, and he plays video games all day.

I personally, do not put up with people being disrespectful to me. If he calls me a ***** or is having a temper tantrum, I am expected to ignore him. Instead, I tell him off. Today, I told him to pick up his socks which he blatently threw. He said no because he stepped on some of my kale. I threw them in his room and when he started throwing a fit, put them on his counter. Yes, that was immature, but I didn't think it was a big deal.

We bickered and eventually he pushed me when i got in his face when he started to swear at me and put me down. I pushed him back and next thing I knew my mom got between us and he was repetitively punching me in the head. I scratched his face in the process, and then went down to my room crying and in a fit of rage. My mom got punched too.

I honestly wanted to contact the police because I didn't know what he would do. I feel like he shouldn't be able to do that, especially over something like socks. My mom just leaves it alone and tells me to leave him alone. I can't stand the idea of the solution being to 'let him be'. What do I do?


Also, I am 20 years old, almost 21, and I am crying in my room with my head pounding, and he stormed out. I feel defeated and I feel betrayed that I am the one who gets a dirty look from my mom over this. I don't want to tear my family apart or something but if this is how he is now, under my moms rule, he will only get worse. I want him to be punished, but I dont know what the police will do. Over a break I visited and we got in an argument and he punched a hole in the wall, and I got introuble


my dad was a pretty big shithead and my parents got divorced, none of us have kept in contact with our dad for the last 6 years

回答 (3)

2017-01-12 4:55 pm
Violent Brother
2016-02-08 9:50 pm
talk to the police about it and they'll come over and pick him up
2016-02-08 8:50 pm
You had better start to look for your own place,, and it could be you! your mother will be no help and one day he is going to really hurt someone

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