Do you have bleach in your home? Do you even use bleach for anything?

2016-02-08 7:29 pm
Im 19 and have severe OCD. My fears are chemical contamination. Ive taken 3 showers in a row and still feel like bleach is on me, my clothes, and my things in my room. Is bleach safe to have in your home? My room is right across from the basement door. There is bleach down there and i freak out about even walking past the basement but cant avoid it. Is any bleach getting on me? We also have bleach wipes under the kitchen sink and freak out about walking past the sink. Is any bleach getting on my feet and am i in turn tracking it in my room? I cannot stand bleach. It cripples me.

回答 (17)

2016-02-08 11:15 pm
Are you being treated for your OCD? I don't mean to sound rude, but if "bleach is crippling" you, you need some help dealing with those unrealistic thoughts and fears. Maybe just a bump in your meds? Good luck.
2016-02-08 9:47 pm
I have bleach in the kitchen and laundry room. Bleach actually kills almost all bacteria and germs. I keep a diluted bleach solution on my kitchen and bathroom in a spray bottle as well as in the laundry room. In the news recently alot has been said about restaurants causing a Norovirus outbreak (stomach bug). The companies that are hired to come in and professionally clean for this virus actually use a bleach mist to do so. I don't buy lysol or any disinfectants. I spray surfaces with a weak bleach solution and wipe down door knobs, etc with a paper towel sprayed with bleach water. It is a cheap and very effective way to kill germs, viruses, and bacteria.
2016-02-08 9:22 pm
Your worries are all about your OCD and have nothing to do with reality. Bleach is perfectly safe to use and have in your home. The tiny amounts you are worried about would have no affect at all on you.

Bleach is basically chlorine. This is the same chemical that is put into swimming pools to kill bacteria and keep the pools safe for swimmers. It is a good thing.
2016-02-11 4:06 pm
Yes, I use to clean blood
2016-02-10 6:32 am
I keep a small bottle for laundry and comet with bleach for household cleaning. Open a window when you feel it coming on. And use masks for cleaning, when you use it for big jobs. Follow the directions of amount to dilute it with water. But look up if you can use industrial strength vinegar for certain jobs and instructions. Vinegar for cleaning most things as I hate the fumes from chemicals.
2016-02-09 6:18 pm
The odor might be a bit unpleasant, but chlorine bleach,
(sodium hypochlorite solution), is safe to be around and to handle,

It was safe enough to use as a topical disinfectant, [applied direct to skin and shallow wounds]., in medicine for quit a while.

It will make you ill if swallowed or introduced into the blood stream but
that doesn't happen through skin contact.

It's the first line of defense against toxic mold and a lot of nasty infections,
and used judiciously, rids laundry of bacteria that can endure 'gentle' treatment in the laundry .

I make it a point to keep some around.
參考: Doctor's Kid
2016-02-09 11:07 am
Yes much. This is the tropics we wear white or light collors most of the time. Bleach is a must. Also put some in the small swimming pool of a morning. Doing so makes the water last 3 days before changing. Small pool.
2016-02-09 7:11 am
Nirvana - Bleach
2016-02-09 12:52 am
It is not a dangerous chemical, when used properly; keep it capped when not in use. Do not mix it with other chemicals, like ammonia; very deadly combo. I use it sometimes in white laundry. It breaks down completely after it goes down the drain.
2016-02-08 10:03 pm
No, I hate the smell.
Relax, the bleach is not contaminating anything.
2016-02-08 10:52 pm
bleach is perfectly safe. you have none on you or your clothing or even in the air. it's not crawling on you or anything. bleach is perfectly safe to be around, provided you don't eat it or mix it with ammonia. you need to get on better medication for you mental disorder if you are freaking out this much over bleach being in the house. I use it on my kids clothes for crying out loud!
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2016-02-13 2:49 pm
It's not the best chemical in the world , the only thing I use it on is the dishes that have been sitting in my sink for the last month. It's greatest aspect is it kills bacteria and that is all it does. Whitening clothes is a myth it turns them yellow. If you do your dishes everyday you don't really need it for anything.
2016-02-12 5:28 pm
I keep probably 5-6 gallons of bleach in the house all the time. I use it for bleaching veterinary towels, our towels, and general cleaning of showers, disinfecting, etc. I can't be around a strong bleach-smell for long, but bleach isn't going to kill you.
2016-02-12 10:40 am
Yes, I use bleach on laundry and cleaning bathrooms and counter tops.
2016-02-11 6:09 pm
Bleach is NOT dangerous - it cleans and disinfects. If you have OCD then you should appreciate everything being clean.
2016-02-10 4:58 pm
My Mom has OCD too. Please seek some treatment. My Mom's OCD has kind of been worse some years and better other years.

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