Is California a bad place to live?

2016-02-08 7:18 pm
Can someone start there lives in california and make a middle class living?

回答 (13)

2016-02-08 7:56 pm
First off, let's make this specific. We're talking about SoCal, specifially the area around LA, not the whole state.
I consider myself middle class, and I'm making it. It's expensive, to be sure. The general consensus here is that you need to make around $40,000 per year to survive here. And that's not living in a Beverly Hills mansion or the Hollywood Hills, that's living month-to-month in Koreatown. On the down side, it's very expensive here, and the traffic is terrible. You'll have to get used to living in a smaller place, with higher crime than you're used to seeing, for the same amount of rent. Your dollar just doesn't go as far here. On the plus side, the weather totally rocks, and there are a million things to do here. Last night, after the Super Bowl was over and the dishes were all cleaned up, Mrs. Captain Obvious and I sat out on the patio, relaxing by the fountain. In SHORTS. It was February 7, and it was around 85 degrees during the day. No snow shovels needed here.
"Bad" is not a precise word... it's much to vague. Is sitting out on the patio in February "bad"? I don't think so.
2016-02-09 10:13 pm
I'm middle class.

I lived in SF and 29 Palms.

Some areas are rather nice.
Some areas are horrible.

The best place for jobs are LA and the Bay Area.

Housing costs tend to be higher.
Like in SF, Santa Monica, Sausalito, Malibu, and Beverly Hills.
Some of these place would require a high end salary.

I live in LA. LA appears to be affordable.
SF has gone out of control. But, you could likely find something in the Bay Area.

There are two steps:
Find a job.
Live near your job.

29 Palms is a desert town that supports the Marine Corps.
They pay LA wages because no one wants to work there.

So, I would suggest working for the DOD in the desert.
Like in 29 Palms, Lancaster, or Barstow.
And, move on from there.
2016-02-08 9:00 pm
Rent is expensive other than that I do fine for under $32K a month. I don't live in LA.
2016-02-19 11:16 pm
it's not a bad pace to live. it not about where you're raised it's about how you're raised. there are people raised in the valley that turn out to be nothing, then there are people that's raised in the ghetto that turned out to be something.

my cousin Brandon Jennings of Miami Heat was raised in Compton, Ca what they call the ghetto. just cause you raised in the ghetto don't mean you're gonna be nothing or killed.
2016-02-15 10:41 am
Of course not buddy, California is one of the most favorites state of mine and large number of visitors came here for having great time while the vacations, and i am also one of them and would love to be there again and again.
2016-02-11 10:39 pm
Bring lots of money and suntan oil.
2016-02-11 9:01 am
I don't think so.
2016-02-11 8:01 am
It will be when the US dollar collapses.
2016-02-11 4:05 am
No buddy, California is not a bad place to live in. Well according to me, It is better option to live rather than many other US States.
2016-02-10 4:13 am
Not at all California is not a bad place to live in. I think it is better option rather than many other US States becuase of its weather and daily life amenities. Moreover, there are high chances to get a reasonable job.
2016-02-09 9:28 pm
Yes, I live here. We know who we vote for before we go to the polls and would never decide delegates by an Iowa coin toss. Perhaps we are more advanced than New Hampshire esp when they had many months of being in the limelight and checking out candidates and issues.
2016-02-08 7:53 pm
There are many places in California which are suitable for middle class living. The main impediment is housing costs, which are high, especially in and round San Francisco. Of course, a lot will depend upon career choice.
2016-02-08 7:32 pm
not likely

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