At what point would you settle as far as selecting a mate?

2016-02-08 2:33 am

回答 (7)

2016-02-08 4:04 am
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I would rather be alone than settle for someone I don't truly love or desire as a mate.
2016-02-08 3:00 am
There's no such thing as settling if you love someone. What people call settling (when they clearly love the person) is actually more about realising what's important. Love is what matters, shopping lists for an ideal mate are complete BS.
2016-02-08 2:40 am
Did that once already (my 2nd marriage). It was a terrible mistake and unfair to both of us. Learned that lesson. I'd rather be single the rest of my life, than with someone and both of us not be totally happy about it, and deeply in love.
2016-02-08 2:41 am
When i see potential in a person I like I ask myself one question...Does this person make my happiness his priority? If the answer is YES then Im content to "settle" because I know THAT ONE thing will be the driving factor in building him up to all other things.
2016-02-08 2:37 am
It depends on what the flaws are. There are some flaws that one shouldn't tolerate.
2016-02-08 10:32 am
When I finish with all the slappers.
2016-02-08 6:42 am
i would never settle for anything

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