Do you think sweden needs vigilantes? Look whats happening to all the women getting raped by syrian refugees? People need to stand up.?

2016-02-08 1:39 am

回答 (6)

2016-02-08 1:39 am
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yes they do
2016-02-08 1:51 am
Hillary wants to bring tens of thousand of Muslim rapefugees here.

I guess she hasn't heard that the job of the government is to protect Americans, not foreigners.
2016-02-08 1:41 am
Didn't that girl end up proven to be lying?
2016-02-10 6:45 am
2016-02-08 11:58 am
"Look whats happening to all the women getting raped by syrian refugees"

And exactly what have happened to those two women? Still like 95 % of all rapes are conducted by someone close to the victim, and that is for sure not Syrian refugees...
2016-02-08 1:44 am
problem is that in EU nations whenever the people stand up their own government calls them fascists, and throws them into prison.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:42:52
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