If you could, would you go on a manned mars mission and why?

2016-02-07 9:03 pm

回答 (9)

2016-02-07 9:12 pm
I wouldn't turn it down but I want assurances that I was coming back.
2016-02-07 11:49 pm
I would not go. I would send an artificially intelligent android imprinted with my mind instead. Mars is deadly, worse than the moon. There are no sandstorms on the moon, The deadly radiation is the same on both. The gravity of Mars makes it much more difficult to launch a return vehicle from the surface. Chances of dying are extremely high.
2016-02-07 9:43 pm
No... Being gone for 9 months to two years... Too long for me.
2016-02-07 9:04 pm
No....I'll stay here where there is air to breathe.
2016-02-07 9:04 pm
No, because I don't want to experience globs of radiation.
2016-02-08 11:47 am
2016-02-08 4:37 am
yes because it would only take a few hours to get there. I wonder if its even stable or is it plasma, I guess we'll never know before they kill most of us
2016-02-07 9:33 pm
Because the seats on the manned moon mission were filled up.
2016-02-07 9:19 pm
I would go on a manned mars mission if I can be of help with obtaining the goal of the mission.

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