What do you prefer? headphones, earbuds, speakers?

2016-02-07 5:53 pm

回答 (7)

2016-02-08 4:58 am
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Depends... If the buds sound better than the headphones then im taking the buds. However over and on ear headphones tend to sound better and can be cheaper so most cases i wont take the earbuds.

I dont like speakers as it will wake up anybody sleeping and they are harder to hear some fine details. They also take more power and space than headphones. I would rather see everyone with beats than carrying around massive speakers. Wireless speakers are an exception.
參考: Audiophile
2016-02-07 5:56 pm
1 speakers
2 headphones
3 earbuds
2016-02-09 8:23 pm
Depends. If your like in class or something then earbuds because then it's not as distracting. At a public place headphones, at partys, of course Speakers
2016-02-08 6:29 am
Headphones always. Not only because I'm an audiophile, but also because of my very waxy ears.
2016-02-07 6:13 pm
Head phones of course
2016-02-07 6:09 pm
Head phones
2016-02-07 5:54 pm

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