Why is racism so offensive? Isn't it mostly based on truth?

2016-02-07 5:49 pm

回答 (15)

2016-02-07 5:51 pm
Racism is based on an irrational fear of the unknown, not on truth.
2016-02-07 5:53 pm
You mean the truth that all people of one color or another share all the same characteristics? No, but that is what your statement would mean. Now, you tell me, are all white people alike? Are all white people intelligent, rich, etc.? Are all blacks the same? Are they all subhuman, unintelligent, and lazy?

What is offensive about racism is that it is based on a lie I don't think you would be happy to be subjected to. It is also based on fear, which is totally unreasonable. Do you think no white person ever kills another person? Do you think all black people do?
2016-02-07 5:53 pm
It is used as a tool by Democrats for votes. Their accusations toward the right reflect what they themselves do. They never help anyone, just proclaim to their gullible base that they will move America Forward. Besides, when a black candidate for President gets 93% of the black vote is that an example of critical thinking? No. It is racism in its purist form.
2016-02-07 5:54 pm
Its part of the PC police being used to control your speech.

Just a way around first amendment protections. Only way the liberal agenda can be advanced is by silencing all opposing views. Fony racism is just another lib tool.
2016-02-07 5:54 pm
Because its offensive. Its pretty self-explanatory. Its being rude to someone just because of their skin color. Discriminating just because the way the look. It just needs to go away. We are all people. We are all equal. Acceptance should be common.
2016-02-07 5:56 pm
The name "Sierra" is derived from the Spanish mountain range of that name; http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/girl/sierra

Would it be "offensive" for folks to assume that (based on the fact that mountains are enormous) you are a fat girl? Or would that be wrong, since we have no evidence for it?

See how that works?
2016-02-07 5:52 pm
2016-02-07 5:54 pm
The truth is what you see and if I only show you certain things you will believe it. One race of man shows the truth, Jews and you never see them or hear of them, but they own everything. Cannot be touched by government.
2016-02-09 3:19 am
racism, just like anything, can be good or bad, depending on how it is used.
a racist may treat someone poorly, only because of their skin color. that isn't "truth", it's just cruel.
2016-02-07 6:51 pm
Racism is not offensive to any fair-minded or honest person. Is it 'offensive' to hate a certain race for the rape and murder they commit at overwhelmingly higher rates? Of course not! Down vote me all you like. IQ statistics and crime statistics prove that 'racism' is natural.

Come to think of it, there is a video on youtube of a young white girl being disgusted by a non-white doll, is that 'racism' or our innate natural reaction?
2016-02-07 6:29 pm
NO! Racism is a belief.... specifically a personal belief that one race is fundamentally superior to another.

Don't be confused when you see that word. These days 99% of the time it is being used when what they should be using is the word "bigot."
2016-02-07 6:13 pm
No, it´s based on ignorance of how other people behave, think, act and are.
2016-02-07 5:54 pm
2016-02-07 6:26 pm
No, it's not mostly based on truth. There are no facts that support the belief that one race is better than another, especially since "race" is not even recognized as a scientific concept.
2016-02-07 5:55 pm
Because people will get offended by anything now a days.
Even saying "The sky is yellow" will offend nerds/geeks (those words offended some people)

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