Boyfriend said I'm too clingy but he won't leave me he said he loves me too much?

2016-02-07 1:23 pm

回答 (3)

2016-02-07 1:29 pm
with him saying you're too clingy..obviously he can't 'breathe' on his own..or have any downtime with his friends/family or even on his own as you always seem to have to be right beside him* Time to work on that or one day he will have had Enough* and leave the relationship* Talk with him, ask him what he means by you being too clingy* and i'm sure he'll say he needs a bit of 'space' sometimes to do his own thing ~
2016-02-07 1:25 pm
Then get some clarification on what exactly he means and then focus on correcting that.
2016-02-07 1:25 pm
So, as he really likes you its a good time to have a discussion with him about what he mean's when he says you are clingy. Ask him and find out. Then try to be less needy, people like space to breathe and be themselves even if they love someone else, you still need to give him his own time and space.

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