She has a boyfriend but she wants me to fight for her??

2016-02-07 8:36 am
My best friend for two years recently told me she liked me. The feeling was mutual but she needed to get over her ex. This was happening ending of last year. Now she says she's entered a relationship with her friend who asked her out. Of course, this news turned my guts into mashed potato. She says I messed up by not asking out her out. She said things could change so I should fight for her. WTF does that mean? How can I fight for someone who is taken? Please help.

回答 (4)

2016-02-07 9:10 am
Don't do it. She is being very unfair to her boyfriend by asking you to do that. Do you want that kind of girlfriend?
2016-02-07 8:39 am
move on dont play games ----- if you liked her you would have asked her out and if she liked you she would not be going out with this other guy
2016-02-07 8:46 am
It sounds like she's a drama queen who likes the idea of two guys fighting over her. You should try to get over her and move on.
2016-02-07 8:39 am
She's a nut case, and even if you did ask her out and go out with her, it wouldn't last very long. She'd have sex with you a couple times, and then find someone else.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:42:27
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