How does one get a cab ride with Amtrak as a passenger?

2016-02-07 5:05 am

回答 (8)

2016-02-07 1:11 pm
It is all but impossible. Occasionally Amtrak will permit a journalist or videographer to ride in the cab, but that's about it. If you think you have a good justification, write to Amtrak in Washington asking.
2016-02-07 10:19 am
I doubt if it is actually impossible, but it would cost serious money. After all, documentary film crews manage it on a regular basis - I've seen plenty of instances of such footage shot here in the UK, USA, Europe and Japan, to name but a few. I imagine that - like the UK - the person(s) involved would have to undergo a basic track safety instruction, a Train Crew Standards Manager (or equivalent) would have to be present in the cab, and you would not be permitted to talk to the driver/engineer whilst they were driving.
參考: Retired UK Train Driver
2016-02-07 9:24 am
Because of security would be impossible
2016-02-07 9:07 pm
Generally no one other than crew is allowed on the Cab. As a passenger being granted permission is near ZERO.
Permission can be granted in some situations. For example a documentary Maker. A travel Journalist. To get permission you would need to contrat AMTRAK giving your reasons and they will decide.

Just for the view sorry just one the things being the Engineer gets you.I assume you are aware changing times have made this a security issue for obvious reasons.
2016-02-07 7:51 pm
You don't. Due to liability issues they can't allow passengers to ride in the cab.
參考: UPRR engineer
2016-03-16 2:37 pm
Sneak in.
2016-03-10 10:05 pm
Today I would say it is next to impossible. Years ago it was common to have family members riding in the locomotive or the caboose. Both my daughter who were around 13 years old have ridden in both Steam and Diesels and in the caboose. As a head end Brakeman we often had State Police Officers or Firemen come along for the ride,. The Engineer was the man who allowed this to happen. In order to sort of protect ourselves we used to get a permit from the dispatcher claiming that the person was in training. We used to call it a "Trial Permit" , should a Train Master see the permit he would only smile and leave us alone. Railroaders looked after Railroaders.
2016-02-08 1:26 pm
You don't. The driver would lose his job in a heartbeat if he allowed any unauthorised person in the cab.

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