Do you speak Mexico?

2016-02-07 2:42 am
I don t know how to speak Mexico. I only speak France. If you speak Mexico, could you translate this, and tell me what it means please?
Here it is: "esto es una broma, no soy ignorante. México no es un lenguaje"

回答 (12)

2016-02-07 2:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes I know Spanish, so I get it. But I thought this was probably a put on the second I read "speak Mexico". I got a nice little laugh out of it.
2016-02-07 2:44 am
Hhahaha, I spean Mexican. JK
The line says. "This is a joke,I am not ignorant. "México" is not a language"
Of course, Mexico is an island. JK again
Mexico is a country
2016-02-07 2:44 am
Hahaha: this is a joke , I'm not ignorant. Mexico is not a language
2016-02-07 7:12 am
XD i actually thought you were stupid for a second, my apologies.
2016-02-07 2:46 am
Mexican is not a language it is a people. They speak Spanish in Mexico.
2016-02-07 2:45 am
It is translated to "this is a joke"
2016-02-07 2:48 am
First of all, "Mexico"?? You can't speak Mexico. It's spanish. Just type that into google translate and it'll tell you what that says.
2016-02-07 10:09 pm
It's mexican
2016-02-07 8:20 am
No I speak englishico
2016-02-07 5:32 am
2016-02-07 2:46 am
So you only speak French and English but were unable to translate that? Really? I speak some French and no Spanish and I was able to interpret that just by looking at it.
2016-02-07 3:04 am
It is calling you an ignoramus for asking this question.

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