Why doesn't the earth fall down?

2016-02-07 1:42 am

回答 (6)

2016-02-07 1:56 am
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Because the earth is falling down to planet X. It's falling down toward planet X at 9.8m/s I'm pretty sure. Get you tin hat ready becuase the government is about to rape your mind with tiny reptiles that will control your mind ;)
I ate my reptilian mind controller lmao
2016-02-07 2:46 am
It is supported on the back of a giant turtle.
2016-02-07 1:58 am
Think about what "down" means to you. It means toward the center of the Earth, right? The Earth is not going to fall toward the center of itself

"Down" is NOT toward the South Pole.

However, the Earth IS falling toward something - the Sun. In its orbit, it is continually falling toward the Aun, but at the same time it is moving along its orbit, so it stays roughly the same distance from the Sun all the way around.
2016-02-12 10:41 pm
But it IS falling down all the time, towards the sun, but so slowly we don't notice any difference. Scientists reckon that at some distant time in the future, our moon will hit the earth too.
2016-02-07 1:52 am
It is in orbit around the sun...
2016-02-07 1:46 am
Which way is down?

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