I was running 200's in football the other day and I've been on creatine for maybe a little over s week and I think it slowed me down?

2016-02-06 5:12 pm
And made my legs feel heavy is this the creatine, what should I do and I'm not getting off of it cause it has helped me get stronger

回答 (1)

2016-02-06 6:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It could be the creatine, but it is more likely to be the type of training you use the creatine for.

Getting stronger usually makes a muscle slower; the muscle 'learns' to wait for a large number of muscle fibres to be recruited, during each contraction.

Power training reduces this effect, by working against inertia, so that resistance can only increase if the muscle increases its contraction speed.

Speed training completely avoids slowing you down, by working at the fastest speed (lowest resistance) that the muscle can handle under full control.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:40:46
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