Do you eat using your right or left hand?

2016-02-06 6:55 am

回答 (13)

2016-02-07 7:47 am
right hand
2016-02-07 1:13 am
Right hand most of the time
2016-02-06 8:51 am
2016-02-06 8:20 am
always right hand
2016-02-06 7:45 am
2016-02-06 7:39 am
Right hand
2016-02-06 7:35 am
right is always right
2016-02-06 7:31 am
2016-02-06 7:11 am
I am left handed so I eat with my left hand.
2016-02-06 7:07 am
I'm right handed.
2016-02-06 7:01 am
I use my right foot to eat. Don't laugh because it's not funny..
2016-02-06 6:57 am
2016-02-06 6:57 am
I use both. Obviously not at the same time.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:43:23
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