What... Republicans Colin Powell And Condi Rice Had Classified Info On Personal Emails?

2016-02-04 9:13 pm
Should the FBI investigate?

Only Hillary matters, right?


Looking at the answers show only Hillary matters when classified materials are handled, period.

回答 (11)

2016-02-04 9:15 pm
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If they want. I don't care if the guy who helped lie America into the war in Iraq or the woman who served as secretary of say whatever the neocon jews tell me to say go down with fellow warmonger and Israeli shill Hillary.
2016-02-04 9:14 pm
If there is wrong doing suspected then yes.
2016-02-04 9:14 pm
Source? Also, what was the law at the time if true? What security was on the servers? These are all relevant questions.
2016-02-04 9:17 pm
Gittin' kinda desperate, aren't we, liberal?

You do know it's like totally and irrevocably too late to run that head-fake, right?

"But, mommmm-eeeeeeeeeee, Jonnie did-itt, toooooooooooooooo!!!!!" Bwaaaaah-haaaaa-haaaaa!!!!!
2016-02-04 9:15 pm
that would be up to the Justice Department
2016-02-04 9:21 pm
For government business you must use the government servers and have the sending of classified materials even on government servers approved on a need to know basis
You can of course have a email account at home , but you can not take classified material home scan it and send it to anyone you like THIS IS WHAT HILLARY DID SHE REMOVED TOP SECRETE DOCUMENTS
or need to know , then these persons paid Bill a million dollar speaking fee to the Clinton foundation
see the difference now or still too dumb to get it ?
Hillary is going to jail she violated the espionage act and the government records act
2016-02-04 9:15 pm
You're trying to inject context into a political talking points fest?
Good luck with that.
2016-02-04 9:22 pm
The FBI is running a wide reaching investigation into whether the private email servers that were installed by Hillary Clinton and her predecessors Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice were more secure than the official email server at the State Department. This requires examining the servers in question, which is why all three Secretaries of State were asked to provide their servers for testing. Thus far only Clinton has obliged. If any charges were to be filed, they would be against hackers. In such case Clinton would be classified as the victim of a crime. In other words, the FBI is running an investigation on her behalf, not an investigation into her. And that’s not merely my view.

For its part, the FBI confirmed to the New York Times back in August that Hillary Clinton “is not a target of the investigation.” Republicans in congress tacitly confirmed this today by not trying to play up the angle of the FBI supposedly charging with Clinton with some kind of imagined crime, because they know that no such thing is on the table.

2016-02-04 9:28 pm
Naw, they are Republicans who were protecting that info from the Chinese and Russian hackers who have hacked the State Dept. and the Pentagon on a regular basis since 2000.
2016-02-04 9:53 pm
legitimate sources please, certainly not CNN!
2016-02-04 9:34 pm
Powell denies it! He says the 2 emails that are supposedly classified are nothing of the sort.

"Powell said he has read the two messages in question, having been made aware of the letter. The messages originated with ambassadors -- one in the Philippines, the other in Europe. He said they were first circulated on unclassified State Department systems, and sent to his personal account by his assistant. "

"They were unclassified at the time, and they are, in my judgment, still unclassified," he said.

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