My bf still hasn't gotten me a Christmas present. Should I be mad?

2016-02-04 7:39 pm
It's february and I still haven't gotten a Christmas present. I'm not materialistic but I spent a pretty good amount of money and put a lot of thought into his gift. He said a week before Christmas to wait to get him a gift because he couldn't afford one for me of anyone yet which I understood but was a little annoyed that he waited till a week before when I had already bought his and when I gave it to him on Christmas I didnt get a card or flower of anything. He said he'd get me a new phone sometime after Christmas for my gift but its almost valentines day and I haven't gotten it yet. Also on my birthday he told me he'd maybe pay for me to get a massage but didn't give me a gift certificate or anything which is kinda awkward and annoying. He ended up offering to pay for some leggings when we were at vjctorias secret instead of the massage a few weeks after my birthday. He's a great bf and is always thoughtful in other ways and always takes me out and were planning on moving in together. So idk should I be mad? He's taking me to dinner on valentines day but I don't know if I should get him anything cause I'm scared ill be the only one who did again. Should i bring any of this up? I just don't wanna sound petty

回答 (12)

2016-02-05 4:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
As long as he treats you well on every day of the year (including Christmas and Valentines) everything sounds fine to me. You said he couldn't afford to get you a Christmas gift at the time and maybe he's still short on funds, you should respect that. The fact that he didn't give you a Christmas gift doesn't necessarily mean he loves you any less (although I don't know your relationship personally so I couldn't say for certain). The fact that he bought you a pair of leggings tells me that he probably feels bad for not getting you a Christmas present and he wants to make up for it. I wouldn't shame him for it if I were you.
2016-02-04 7:54 pm
" I'm not materialistic "


He should dump you.
2016-02-05 12:07 am
Gift giving has many meanings, and clearly , it is so for you. Sometimes, especially for guys, it isn't as important and they're not tuned in to thoughtful gift giving. Having said that,you implied that he couldn't afford to get you a gift, at the time, or at least, one that he thought you might appreciate. (only guessing).

You said you weren't materialistic, but everything else you said suggested that this is not the case, and that you place great value on the exchange of material gifts.

I would suggest that either you try to accept that your boyfriend isn't into gift giving the same as you are, and take him as he is; or, if you find this difficult to do, you probably ought to consider going your separate ways, as you will be bound to continue feeling deprived if he continues in this same pattern.

I'm guessing that for you, to not give you a gift, especially when you have given him a special one, suggests to you that he cares less about you than you do about him. Not necessarily the case.

The true meaning of gifts lies more with the giving than the receiving, they say, so perhaps you should focus more on the gratification you get from giving, and less on whether someone reciprocates. Good luck,
2016-02-04 7:45 pm
Wow girl...this is a deeper problem than you're letting on. This isn't about gifts, this is about respect. You want presents. These are important to you. For him, giving presents is no big deal. So he doesn't see the problem. So, first you gotta communicate! You gotta tell him what's important to you and what isn't. Then one of two things is gonna happen...One - he's gonna step up and solve the problem. or Two - He isn't gonna change and you're gonna have to lower your standards. Good's probably gonna be the second. Guys don't generally change.
參考: Just another brotha dolling out the advice on Yahoo Answers.
2016-02-06 6:04 am
The joy should be in the giving and you should give from the heart; You shouldn't give gifts just to receive gifts
2016-02-05 3:33 pm
maybe he forgot.
2016-02-05 1:12 pm
Talk to him about it!! If you have a "need" to have some sort of token appreciation gift on holidays...he needs to meet that "need". Explain that it doesn't have to cost much but something to let you know he cares.
2016-02-05 10:07 am
He would rather buy more video games, beer to drink and drugs too use while playing video games, drinking beer and using drugs~!
2016-02-05 7:13 am
If he said he'll buy you one he probably will.
2016-02-04 7:59 pm
Sorry, you aren't dating my son are you? Sounds like him, full of ideas, plans, good intentions. Then, for reasons that I know that he will deny, he finds himself running short on money, time, resources, energy. You get the picture. Until finally, it is either forgotten about or he loses another friend and such. I sometimes think his girlfriend should just get knocked up, maybe that will force him to grow up. Is that a terrible thing to think or what? She's a good kid to, I have no idea why she loves him like she does. She is probably the only thing keeping him close to normal though.
2016-02-04 8:16 pm
I am not a criminal
2016-02-04 7:42 pm
It's the 4th of February! I'm pretty sure you aren't getting one.

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